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From the author: I continue to post excerpts from my book “How to overcome insomnia. 10 steps to good sleep.” Step 3 - “Alarm clock”. The first part of the article. Step 1 - “And there is or insomnia": part 1, part 22 step - "Sleep Diary" step 3 - "Alarm Clock" The saying of the ancient Roman philosopher Lucius Annaeus Seneca “per aspera ad astra” - “through thorns to the stars” is widely known. We have already decided on the “star” - this is a “good dream”. But are you ready to go through the “thorns”? Are you ready to overcome the difficulties along your path? I assure you, there will be difficulties, and if you are not determined and responsible enough, then a good dream will remain just an unattainable dream. If you are serious about restoring good sleep, be prepared to work on yourself and go through difficulties. And now about how and at what time it is better to wake up. - Doctor, I have insomnia. - Can’t sleep for a long time or do you wake up early? - I wake up well. But it really takes a long time to fall asleep. I'm trying to get myself into a sleep routine. I always go to bed at 22:00. But I fall asleep only after midnight, and sometimes at 2 am. Well, then, you have to sleep during the day. It’s good that I work the second shift. - How many hours do you sleep per day? - By the hour it turns out normal, about 9. But this is only due to the fact that I make up for it in the morning. Now, if I could fall asleep on time in the evening, then I would get up earlier in the morning. - On the contrary. If you got up earlier in the morning, you would be able to fall asleep on time in the evening.- ??? I don’t even remember how many times I had to have similar conversations. The situation is very common. Many of my clients seem to be bargaining with nature. At first they want to get everything they need, for example, a good sleep, and only then they agree to do something for this. But nature does not make concessions. To normalize sleep, you first need to learn to wake up on time! Do you have any doubts? I will try to substantiate this statement. Only three stimuli can induce sleep: the need to rest, a conditioned reflex, and a formed sleep-wake pattern. We will talk about the need to rest and the conditioned reflex in the chapters “Three Types of Activity” and “Preparing for Sleep.” For now, let's focus on restoring the sleep-wake regime. If the regime is formed, then at a certain time a person will want to sleep and if you do not resist, then sleep will come on its own. And in the morning at the same time, regardless of the weekend, we will wake up with a feeling of vigor. This is a natural physiological mechanism that worked properly even in our primitive ancestors. But then people largely depended on natural light. People rose with the sun and fell asleep shortly after it set. In a world of artificial lighting and evening entertainment, the natural sleep-wake pattern is very easy to break. But restoring it is much more difficult. It is difficult to fall asleep in the evening if a person is not used to falling asleep at this time and has not been tired enough in a short period of activity. If sleep has come, it is unlikely to be deep enough and of high quality. It is much more effective, although not very pleasant, to begin restoring the sleep-wake pattern by waking up in the morning at the same time. You need to choose a specific time to wake up, which will remain the same, regardless of whether you need to go to work, when you fall asleep and other circumstances. Continuation: https://www.b17.ru/article/budilnik2/ If you liked the article, click “say thank you” If you want more, click “subscribe to the author”" :)
