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From the author: An excerpt from an article on scenario analysis of relationships “Playing Mantises”: Subscribe to the author of this article if you want to read new materials on the topic of analyzing life scenarios. An example of a scenario for relationships based on the type of praying mantis. Please consider any coincidences to be random — too many relationships are built according to the mantis relationship scenario. Recently, I once again received a middle-aged man for consultation who fell victim to this type of relationship. His wife is bright and active, lively. He is reliable and uncomplainingly fulfilling her desires. Passionate love at first to the point of losing his head turned into disappointment and a reduction of the relationship to “you must.” The denouement is also without a hitch - he must leave with a suitcase in his hands, leaving his wife everything he has acquired and his son - the result of this unhappy love. The wife spent all four years of the relationship actively flirting (and not only?) with other males. She accused her husband of being insipid and simple (a headless male). After the conception and birth of a child, there was at first little sex, and then no sex at all. The husband tried to save the relationship by fulfilling more and more whims of his wife, but in vain - the game was played - the head bitten off and the headless body was thrown away. The female went hunting again - this was the second man who was “beheaded” by love. Photo: mantis games Look at the photo of a pair of mantises - the male has already lost his head from love - in the literal and figurative sense. PHOTO: female The praying mantis bit off the head of the male. Pay attention - what a juicy, green relationship and how tenderly the female praying mantis holds the headless body of the male. Recently, cases of loss of the head from love have become more frequent in the practice of male clients contacting me. It’s time for the author of the article to hang this photo of mating mantises in his office .As a warning - beware - the female praying mantis goes hunting. Scenario analysis of the relationship according to the “mantis playground” type>>>Subscribe to new articles on scenario analysis and the psychology of fate by the author of this material.
