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We've all gone through the stage of unconditional self-love, but... Have you noticed how little children love and accept themselves? They like absolutely everything about themselves. If they are happy with their arms, legs, their reflection in the mirror, they can kiss him. It’s easy and simple to meet people and make friends. They know how to ask for what they need. They masterfully learn from their own mistakes. Spontaneous, open, sincere, confident, interested, trying.... After a few years, all this gift turns into a pumpkin. From kindergarten, day after day, children learn that they must be obedient, like that girl; polite, like that boy; beautiful, like a Barbie doll. Education is gently flavored with remarks about stupidity, stupidity, worthlessness, mediocrity, and arrogance. The child finds himself in a world of resentment, guilt, shame and perfectionism. By the end of high school, the fear of error and condemnation becomes an integral part of the personality, pushing out spontaneity and self-acceptance. To become the master of your life again and to love yourself, you need great courage. To be ourselves in a society where we are dictated how much we should weigh is a brave act. Those who risk voicing their ideas, who are not afraid to demonstrate themselves and their creativity, are attacked and criticized. Criticism always hurts: we are faced with a choice: to become again convenient for society and implement their demands or continue to move towards their goals, but become callous, insensitive to pain and, in any case, remain unhappy. It is vital for us to have trusting relationships in which everyone feels seen, heard, valued, not judged, accepted, not pretended, from such relationships we can draw vitality. For a happy life, it is important to crawl out of the matrix of other people's ideas about yourself, shake off script prescriptions and build a life focused on individual values. ~~~~The first responsibility is to make yourself happy. If you yourself are happy, then you will make others happy too. A happy person can only see happy people around him. L. Feuerbach If you know why to live, you can withstand any how. Nietzsche. I invite you on December 2, 3 and December 2023 to an online training in writing “Antidote to manipulation” Details in the “Trainings” section"
