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I often hear arguments and even complaints from people that the services of a psychologist, trainings, webinars are not cheap, and despite all the desire, it is impossible to pay for everything and go everywhere. Yes, and it’s scary to pay when you don’t know the person you’re turning to for help, whose program you want to enroll in... Yes, I agree, life becomes more expensive every year, and more and more resources need to be invested in yourself, in your psychological and physical health... But, it seems to me, these are costs that should not be avoided and certainly not feared. Rather, you should be afraid of specialists who charge little money for their work! Why? Because consultation is a deep process of drinks and energy exchange. The psychologist invests his energy in the client, lends his own shoulder and shares his resources so that the person can get stronger, get out and “connect” to his own resources, having previously restored them. This is a process of learning and healing, this is a journey into the past, its correction and return to a “new” life. A psychologist is a guide, a mother, a father, a teacher, and a source of energy and love, you just need to choose a specialist who is suitable for you personally and changes for the better will not keep you waiting. How to choose a specialist? 1. Look at the photo and listen to yourself, your internal reaction. Do you develop trust when you look at a person, is there an internal response, an impulse? If “Yes” - this specialist is right for you, if “No” or “Something is wrong” - continue the search.2. The next thing you need to pay attention to is what issues and problems this specialist is working with. Not all psychologists work with childhood traumas, helping to process and heal painful situations of the past; some work only with the present time, helping to develop the skills necessary for life. And some are mainly with the future - coaches. In addition, by calling a specialist, you can voice your request over the phone and ask whether the psychologist can help you in this matter.3. Be sure to pay attention to the cost. The services of a good specialist cannot cost less than 2,000 rubles for 1 hour, and, accordingly, 3,000 rubles for 1.5 hours. Can not! The more experienced and qualified the specialist, the more valuable his time is. But you shouldn’t choose the most expensive specialists either. The price of 8,000-10,000 rubles for a consultation and higher is already payment for a well-known name, brand, or some well-known specialists limit the excess flow of clients.4. Well, the duration of the consultation. Based on my many years of experience, I can say with confidence that 1 hour is not enough, at least for the first 3-4 months. 2 hours is too much. Optimal - 1.5 hours. You have time to talk about your life and tell about everything that happened during the week, and there is time left to carry out the necessary techniques, practices and exercises.5. Many specialists post their videos, hold promotions, post audio recordings of their programs, etc. Take advantage of this. This will help you get acquainted with a specialist in absentia and receive some useful knowledge ABSOLUTELY FREE. To confirm this, I offer you several free audio recordings of myself and my colleague: 1. Women's fears: http://portal_online.justclick.ru/straxi_free?a1601402. Where does my energy flow and why is it so difficult to fill up: http://portal_online.justclick.ru/podarok_istochnik?a1601403. Practical magic: http://portal_online.justclick.ru/magiya_free?a160140 In order to get the recording, simply follow the selected link and follow the instructions. As soon as your application is received, within 24 hours you will receive an audio recording by email. Enjoy! And all the best to you.
