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It's trendy to have a mental illness these days. Few people attribute schizophrenia to themselves, but many flirt with depression, bipolar and obsessive-compulsive disorder. This seems to betray additional dramaturgy of the individual. To be honest, having a confirmed mental disorder is not at all romantic. Spend a few hours in the waiting room of a psycho-neurological dispensary, look at people who are really sick, and many questions will disappear by themselves. For those who suspect they have OCD, but do not dare to go to a psychiatrist, it will be useful to know the following. If your life similar to what will be described below, which means you need to take your hands to your feet and run to a psychotherapist. For real! With a psychiatrist diploma and work experience. Self-medicate, entrust your health to an astrologer or tarot reader - and there will be trouble.1. Anxious Thoughts You Can't Stop Thinking You have one disturbing thought that pervades your entire day. No matter what you do, this thought is always present in the background. You can compare this to the need to go to the toilet. If you want to, then it’s impossible to stop thinking about it; discharge only happens, excuse me, in the toilet. Something similar is happening to you. An obsessive thought is felt at the body level. She literally hurts. The image of such a thought can be completely different. Main! You are sure that if you do not fulfill the disturbing thought, something terrible will happen. Therefore, you are always on edge and stressed.2. To calm down, you need to repeat a specific action. Anxiety recedes a little when you fill your consciousness with an action that is routine for you. A repeated action is the compensation you need. For example, you are afraid of getting sick, and you are sure that this cannot be avoided. Washing your hands very often will calm you down a bit. At least for a few minutes you wash away all pathogenic bacteria. The action can be mental. In this case, you mentally repeat the same phrase that you need to remember what to say in a certain situation. The problem for you is that you cannot help but do these actions. If something interferes with their implementation, anxiety literally knocks you off your feet.3. You lose control over your thoughts and actions. Over time, you cannot live and communicate normally with people; anxious thoughts and obsessive actions take up all your time. You understand that this is not normal, you want to stop, but you can’t. This is no longer just a “bliss”, but a real mania.4. Your life is being destroyed. You cannot organize your day, anxiety can force you to leave your workplace, or not leave the house at all. It has become difficult for people to communicate with you. You are openly called an “abnormal person.” You cannot plan and carry out anything, an obsession destroys all plans. It is difficult to concentrate, it is impossible to switch to positive activities.5. You are disturbed by the content of your thoughts. The ideas in your head are immoral or destructive. You cannot admit them to anyone. Because of this, you began to feel like a “sick”, “spoiled” person, which inevitably leads to distance from other people. You do not see a favorable and safe resolution for the ideas that arise. The good news is that OCD is treatable in most cases. A person who turns to a psychologist in time can normalize his life, begin to follow a daily routine, work, and have a romantic relationship. Read more of my articles on the Yandex Zen channel “Trap for cockroaches”»
