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ArchetypeSo what is it? Different psychological schools describe this phenomenon in their own way. Analysis of archetypes as subpersonalities of Self. Sometimes there are even some fantastic descriptions. In fact, there is no mysticism or magic here. These are just ways of interaction with the world. Why do problems often arise? Yes, because one method is used, and other paths have not been explored. Only by using all resources can an effective, optimal solution be found. It is similar to a meeting with the director. He gathered all the deputies, listened to all the proposals, analyzed and made a decision. I am close to the description given by Carl Gustav Jung: Yes, these are the primitive reactions of a person to the perception of reality and action taking into account these reactions. And it turns out that a person more often acts impulsively, under the influence your leading archetype. How can you make friends with them, learn to understand them, and use them consciously? Jung describes many Archetypes and this slightly hinders the practical application of this method. As I already wrote, or I think I wrote, that about ten years ago I worked with Irina Cheglova in her Theater of Archetypes. This work made an indelible impression on me. Just because through working with these five Archetypes, you can solve many different requests. After that, already on this site in closed groups, I continued to work on myself with using this method. Through visiting the houses of archetypes, conversations with them in a metaphorical form, namely when writing fairy tales, this “magical” world of our subconscious was revealed. I posted some fairy tales in the form of notes. Fairytale pathSearch for a message Why am I writing all this? Just sharing an excellent technique that I use in my work with some requests. For example, with requests for choice. Often they come with the problem that they cannot understand what to do, what to decide on, what to choose. This can be in relationships, and in choosing a profession... And so, entering the position of an observer, exploring your thoughts, emotions, being in one house or another, the choice is determined. Often this is facilitated by both MAC and writing a fairy tale during the study of houses. Very interesting and effective work. This is not only my opinion, but also the opinion of clients who agreed to such studies of their Archetypes. Previously, before work, more often thoughts and emotions, and therefore actions, came from one leading Archetype, but now there is an opportunity to use all of your internal resources. If you are interested in the method, and you have a request - sign up for a consultation. You can work in person, in private and via Skype.
