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From the author: About the experiences of introverts from personal experience A person becomes isolated on himself, his inner world. Concentrates so much that he doesn’t notice anything around him. Perceives a distorted picture of the world. Why does this happen? Can we say that life is more difficult for introverts than for extroverts? In terms of events, of course not. But in terms of internal emotional experiences and fluctuations, of course, yes. This takes a lot of vitality and time. Afraid to approach, talk to a person, call, discuss, express himself, etc., the introvert waits until the last minute, painfully worrying about how everything will go and what they will think about him. Having gathered his strength and done the job, he feels incredible relief. However, many do not complete the task at all, putting decisions and actions on the back burner until life itself or another person decides for them. From the outside, the actions of introverts often seem not entirely adequate and are outside the norm. He didn’t say hello back, pretending that he didn’t notice, remained silent during the meeting, didn’t provide important information, etc. So, one of my friends (it seems to me that she’s very worried about her appearance) walks down the street with her eyes downcast. ground and with headphones in ears. Thus, she cuts off all attempts to greet her. Do not come close to her and do not violate her personal space. But she fenced herself off from the whole world, blocking the visual and auditory channels of perception. What is this? Introversion or deep self-doubt? Numerous studies and articles come to the conclusion about the connection between introversion and self-doubt. Although sometimes this is not the case. The more an introvert comes into contact with other people, the more eventful his life is, the more confident and comfortable he feels in society. But as soon as you move away for a while, isolate yourself, stop communicating, very soon everything becomes very scary and incomprehensible. It’s better not to have contact with others at all, so that later it won’t be excruciatingly painful. After all, in personal contact with a person you don’t know well, fear paralyzes and squeezes in a vice. I want to become invisible, to slip through, not to be seen. Otherwise, your heart jumps out of your chest, your hands tremble, your voice disappears, and your thoughts become confused. All this provokes the desire to “hide in a hole”, in your shell. And getting out of there is getting more and more difficult every time. The worries accumulate, how much effort goes into all this torment and tossing! Despite the fact that there is no result. It’s good if you manage to overcome yourself, otherwise it’s a broken trough, as sad as it may be. There is only one way out - to overcome fear, leave the house, communicate, and then the introvert is completely socialized. After all, living in human society, one cannot ignore its laws.
