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A psychoanalytic group is a long-term community of people united by one or more goals. These goals, as a rule, relate to issues that group members consider difficult to resolve in everyday life, preventing them from establishing relationships, achieving intended results in their personal lives, work, career, etc. A psychoanalytic group is always a dynamic and creative process filled with emotions , feelings, often very intense interactions. A psychoanalytic group is a kind of “small life” during which a person can see himself through the eyes of other participants, but the most important thing in the group is the opportunity to live the “unlivable in life.” And all this happens in the safe conditions of a psychoanalytic office, under the protection of an attentive and sensitive psychoanalyst, who helps each group member to be in a state of, I would say, “strategic security,” i.e. to be able to say something that a person could not say in real life, for fear of receiving an answer that does not suit him. Or show his feelings, which he, again, cannot show in real life. Why did I make a clarification, calling it “strategic security”? This is a very important point. The fact is that the reactions (words, feelings) of group members to this or that you say, of course, will not always contribute to what is called “safety” and “comfort”. They react to your words and feelings the way they want and consider it possible for themselves. And this, in turn, may (as in life) not always suit you. And yet, these conditions, the conditions in which the analytical group works, are safe for you, since an indispensable condition for the work of a real analytical group is the analysis and full understanding of what happened a few minutes ago. Understanding that each participant has the opportunity to freely express their feelings, feel what has been forbidden for a long time, love, hate, take and give warmth, understand and be understood. If this does not happen immediately, all group members have the feeling that sooner or later it will happen. The members of the group have the feeling that everything they say will never be used against them, and if “intra-group conflicts” do occur - and what would we do without them, boredom, gentlemen! - then in this case, there is always a prospect of resolution for everyone , which makes it possible to feel in that state that I called “strategic security.” Gradually, as the group “maturing”, each participant begins to develop the feeling that in real life he has hitherto unknown opportunities, he begins to be capable achieve what I previously considered fantastic. A person begins to understand himself and consider himself worthy not (sorry for the harshness) of a miserable existence in the ocean of mental torment, but of a full life, in which there is a place for all the feelings inherent in a person. A life in which external events, no matter how negative they may be, are surmountable and not fatal for him. Of course, this does not mean that as a result of the group’s work, a person can become insensitive - no, on the contrary, the fullness of perception of the world and events in it will not only remain, but will become brighter, more powerful, more dynamic. A person will gain the opportunity to overcome, while maintaining his personal integrity, those negative events that previously seemed destructive and insurmountable to him, such as: “meet a girl (boyfriend), “earn a million,” “get a job,” “start a family,” “ develop creativity”, “gain freedom from the bottle”, “get rid of anxiety”, etc. Everything that happens in the group stays in the group - the group confidentiality policy is always strictly observed. Gradually, people learn to understand each other, while maintaining the uniqueness of each participant’s perception of the world. This is guaranteed to prevent the psychoanalytic group from “sliding” into.
