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When mom is at zero. Mom’s work is the most energy-consuming work in the world. They don’t pay much for it, it takes place 24/7 without holidays, weekends and vacations. And the boss, I must say, is very demanding! Worse than what the annual report requires. Families often don’t notice that the mother is tired, she doesn’t work, she sits at home. But what about the child, he’s sleeping and playing on his own, so why does she get tired? And the mother gets tired! And how tired he is! And he has the right to rest! Every mother is in a state of emergency response, since a small child requires constant attention and you never know where he will climb and what he will do. Every mother is in ambiguity mode. When you need to prepare a meal at the same time, check your elder’s homework, put the younger one to bed, or clean the apartment. And many tasks require simultaneous solutions while being inconsistent in execution. Every mother is in a “Groundhog Day” situation, doing the same actions in the same space. Every mother felt fear for the health of her child when he had a high fever. Every mother also encountered an assessment of her “goodness” from society and loved ones. Every mother loves her child as best she can, as allowed in the family, to take care of him as best she can . She is faced with many conflicting feelings towards herself as a mother and towards her child. When he loves and gets angry. When it’s scary and it’s time to send the child to kindergarten, school, big life. Mothers have reasons for emotional burnout, this is not weakness or a whim, this is a natural phenomenon in the psyche of every person. So you can get tired of work, life, family, children, husbands...Moms tend to burn out emotionally, and burnout occurs in 4 stages, as psychologist Lyudmila Petranovskaya writes in her book “Mom at Zero.” Stages of emotional burnout1. Mobilization stage When we start something new, we feel inspired. There is a lot of energy, we want to do and do. This is a wonderful state, but euphoria cannot last forever. Young parents, if the birth went well, the child is healthy, they are in a state of happiness, but lack of sleep and fatigue accumulates and the second stage begins.2. Stage of endurance: When a person works a lot, but he is held: a sense of duty, necessity, desire for results. If nothing stressful happens, a person can exist in this state for years. Difficult periods give way to simple ones, some problems are solved, new ones arise. At this stage, a person wants to relax, change the environment. Energy saving mode is turned on. For parents, this stage goes about the same way. Caring for a child is no longer so inspiring, but, in general, it is tolerable.3. Stage of inability to withstand But if the load is not reduced in time or a stressful situation occurs, then the feeling “I’m at zero” appears. The third, asthenic stage is nervous exhaustion. Fatigue is replaced by irritation. This is where parents feel: “everything is falling out of hand, I can’t do it anymore.” , I don’t want to, get rid of me.” Problems with sleep begin: you’re incredibly tired, but you can’t sleep, and after lights out you sit on your phone for another 2-3 hours to disconnect, and all this worsens the condition even more.4. Stage of deformation It would seem that a person is already at the bottom of emotional burnout, where to go next? But there is another stage, when a person becomes as cynical as possible, he no longer “hurts.” He can abuse alcohol, is fixated on money and status. But no matter how complacent he may be looked, inside he is suffering: there is no more joy in life and interest. The stage of deformation for a parent is when he no longer wants to see his child, begins to act harshly and does not even notice it. Mothers need help and support in time so that they do not take it out on their children . In our center “Happiness Is”, every mother can get help from a psychologist, support from other mothers, or just be with herself in silence in a sensory room with music. But the main thing is to notice the stages of emotional burnout in yourself, admit them without blaming yourself for what you are bad mom, seek help from a psychologist without feeling
