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Life is beautiful and amazing. And this is the absolute truth. This is especially felt (in my case) when in the morning there is an opportunity to wake up naturally. When you wake up and look out the window you smile, just like that. Without a reason. When you land from bed, you feel a pleasant pressure in your legs. And then you can move around the house at your own pace, paying attention to all the little things. Those who you don’t notice, trying to satisfy the needs of everyone involved in my life. After all, it’s in the morning with a large family that there’s a ton of things to do. And here you won’t listen to the mice walking in the walls, you won’t have a drink in the bathroom, you won’t look into the refrigerator with the question: What would I eat right now? Vanity, and that’s all. And most importantly, everyone wants attention. Everyone wants to be treated kindly by their mother and wife. And also the hostess). And you give to everyone and try to please. Yes, I want with all my heart for everyone to feel good. So that everyone leaves the house in a good mood, so that when they leave they want to leave and come back. Home. To me. But what do I want in return? Am I always ready to be expectedly kind? Good? CONVENIENT? Where does the tension from the constant desire to please go? What happens to repressed emotions? With a shadow? Want to know? So. If you have long felt the desire to become ideal, this requires a lot of effort from you every minute. After all, you need to constantly be alert to the desires of others. Always be ready to hear and do what is expected. At first it brings pleasure. Like, what am I! This is necessary. Everyone needs me. Everyone needs me. This is a temporary compensation for expended energy forces. Next comes devastation. After all, you don’t expect anything from anyone. And you don't want to. Your main goal is to be needed, useful, obsequious, convenient, and uplifting. Such a fire woman, you know. In everything. But our resources are not limitless. The body is exhausted. The psyche is exhausted. And a discharge occurs. The Shadow comes into its own, and the Evil Agony begins. For balance. After all, there was a lot of good - and now you will get the other side. There is no way without this. And why all? Yes, because you did not follow yourself, but the desire to be for everyone! Carry sacrificial love. And the shadow is like that. As soon as you go too far with the artificial, accept the real. This is the law. And that’s why, by showing only one of your, rather artificial, side, be prepared for the fact that the suppressed, reverse side will come out with enormous force at a moment when you don’t expect it at all. And then... everyone will see what you were hiding, including from yourself. The moral of this fable is simple: you need to behave adequately to the situation, people, incidents, and simply your desires and emotions. After all, in the desire to be good and comfortable for everyone, you lose the right to be yourself - the real one. And if you are not real, then the people who are drawn to you are not yours, but those artificially attracted by your deceiving mask!)
