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Changing the field of activity, place of work. This is a step that cannot be taken in one hour or evening. This is a path on which you face your anxieties, uncertainty, but at the same time with a clear understanding that you can’t do this anymore. Perhaps you are not satisfied with the working conditions, the team, or in general everything related to this field of activity. Maybe the type of activity itself is completely unsuitable. You want to leave, change something, and you come up with rational options, but emotions stop you. It’s as if they are shouting at you: “Think again, are you sure? Maybe you'll change your mind? But here everything is familiar, stable...” And this cools you down, calms you down, but only for a while, only until the moment when a new working day begins. You look around and see these successful people who talk about how one day they quit all their work and went to live to the sea, and you think: “I can’t do this, I don’t have such an opportunity,” “I have a family, and I need to pay rent.” And this again comes back to leaving reality unchanged. To ensure that Groundhog Day does not continue to unloved work. Or this is my favorite: “this is what adult life is like,” “if you endure it, you fall in love,” “it will become easier after the vacation.” And life turns into a waiting room for a train of rest from an unloved job. The first thing I want to say if something now reminds me of your story is: “Everything you are experiencing is normal.” It's normal to be angry, offended, hate, and fear change. And it's normal to want to fix it. And such an opportunity really exists. You are now just at this point of choice - to go towards your aspirations, or to agree to the conditions that exist and continue to strengthen your negative attitude towards this. You already have an understanding of WHAT doesn’t suit you, and this is something from which you need to learn to gain strength for change, and not something to which you need to continue to devote time and resources. After all, time passes, but life according to your true desires does not come.
