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Many years ago, when we all lived in one friendly country, I attended a sobriety academy in Sevastopol. The huge temperance movement, created by Fyodor Grigorievich Uglov, gathered hundreds of people at its conferences. There I learned the whole truth about the problem of alcoholism and became acquainted with Gennady Andreevich Shichko’s method of getting rid of alcohol addiction. The essence of the Shichko method is to change the idea of ​​sobriety as the natural and best state of a person. The scientist argued that the basis for the emergence of addictions is a distorted perception of the surrounding reality, and if this perception is changed, then there is no need to take psychoactive substances. Now I use this quite successfully. The technique is simple; there are questions that a person must answer. Shichko’s original psychotherapeutic method allows an alcohol addict to realize how serious a problem he has acquired, to acknowledge its existence, and to understand the prospects for life without an insurmountable addiction to alcohol. Stages of getting rid of alcoholism using the Shichko method: Initial conversation with an alcoholic Finding out the reasons that prompted the addict to seek help. Creating a mindset for sobriety while working together Regularly keeping a diary in which the alcoholic should record all the changes that happen to him - relationships with others, worldview, state of health .Reading literature that provides additional motivation. When I took these courses myself, at every lesson the teacher gave us information about the dangers of alcohol. I don’t conduct such courses, but simply give questions and suggest reading the book by Fyodor Grigorievich Uglov “From the Captivity of Illusions” And the second book, which is very important, is Sergei Nikolaevich Zaitsev “My Alcoholism.” A person reads these books and his thinking changes under the influence of the information received . And in the evenings he answers questions in his diary, which are set out in the method. There is a strengthening of one’s self-esteem, as well as a change in psychological attitude that contributes to the complete eradication of the former alcoholic’s desire to return to drinking again. I, using my experience and knowledge, offer it to other people who can easily get rid of alcohol addiction using the Shichko method. Who has this? problem or is just beginning to appear, seek help. You can make an appointment for a consultation in person or online by calling:. + 375 29 229 85 32 Viber WhatsApp.
