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A nice girl approached me, I’ll call her Sveta. Sveta got married two months ago, but she lost her appetite. It would seem like nothing, for many girls who “struggle” with excess weight, it’s just a gift. But our Sveta is already fragile, pale-faced, big-eyed, and her extra “slenderness” scares both her and her husband. I ask: “What image appears now, what is the loss of appetite associated with?” It turns out, “with a frog.” A little about the symbolism of the frog. The frog symbolizes fertility, fertility, eroticism. Her embryonic symbolism, her transformation from an egg and a tadpole into a walking creature with rudimentary human features helps to understand the Brothers Grimm fairy tale about the frog who turned into a princess. Frogs were funny symbols of "stupid" desires. Their love games prompted the Greeks to associate frogs with Aphrodite. - What does the frog want from Sveta? - To flounder in the swamp, in the mud. Further, along the chain of associations, you came to the conclusion that behind this there is a desire to experience all the joys of sex that are associated with Sveta with dirt, with prohibition. Having sex for her means swimming in a swamp, in the mud. Hence the problems with sex. In particular, she and her husband cannot find a position in which Sveta could experience an orgasm. When she is on top and can control the impact on the clitoris herself, this does not suit her husband. In other positions, she does not receive release and it is difficult for her to discuss this with her husband. “They don’t talk about this” Appetite (from the Latin appetitus - desire, desire) refers to interest in different areas of life. There may be an appetite for food, sex, reading, movement, etc., for life in general. If Sveta allows herself to realize her sexual appetite, this will help her feel an appetite for food, since when one of the needs, sex, was repressed, an adjacent need, food, was repressed. Sexual desire, according to psychoanalysts, is one of the two most important drives and needs. The second important drive is the need for food, that is, hunger. Z. Freud wrote that sexual desire is more important than hunger, because it is suppressed by our mind, we cannot think about it freely. But we can think and talk openly about food. When we transferred the metaphor of “frogs in a swamp” to Sveta’s real life, she had a need to talk with her husband about solving this problem, that it is possible to experimentally change the angle of insertion of the penis by placing pillows, changing posture, standing on the floor, and so on. . Allow yourself to tumble in the mud! Then Sveta practiced telling her husband her sexual desires. Talking to an imaginary partner is sometimes necessary in order to easily talk with a real one. Two weeks later, Sveta came with sparkling eyes and gained three kilograms. Her sex life has improved.
