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Being well aware that for a psychologist having an expressed political position is as meaningless as for a doctor, I allow myself the luxury of not having a political position. Even my new book, “Metapsychology of Socialism,” which is preparing for publication this year (a fiction book, and not philosophical) is far from politics, despite the name, because socialism in it is presented not as a political or ideological phenomenon, but as a human choice. Why neither a doctor nor a psychologist commits himself to a political position is understandable. He will still provide help to a suffering person, regardless of which side he chose to play on: for the whites or for the blacks. The handsome Doctor Livesey in Treasure Island, as you remember, came to the pirate camp every day to provide medical assistance, just in the intervals between the mutual attempts of these pirates to kill his comrades, and their own attempts to kill the pirates. It looks like nonsense, but in fact it is a professional duty. Therefore... Therefore, today I am carefully peering into the anatomy of the growing mass psychosis, not in an attempt to support anyone’s side, but in a professional attempt to analyze through what mechanisms this psychosis arose in the first place, and why it is growing. I share my conclusions with people, in the hope that understanding these mechanisms will provide them - perhaps also you - with a decrease in the intensity of this psychosis, or complete relief from it. Earlier I already named the main circumstance “thanks to” which such psychosis generally becomes possible. This circumstance is the habit of the vast majority of people to react to signals, instead of delving into the meanings. As I said earlier, words most often become such signals for people. And not just words, but words that evoke specific associations. And sometimes also pictures. The simplest example of such a word in connection with the current situation is the word “war.” “War” For anyone who wants to understand the meaning of what “war” is, I recommend reviewing newsreel footage from the Second World War. However, the First World War would also be suitable. War is when a warring army turns cities into ruins, much like the Germans did with Coventry or the British with Dresden: despite the fact that the destruction of none of these cities was not dictated by any military tactical necessity, in unlike, say, the destruction of Stalingrad or Berlin. Coventry and Dresden were wiped off the face of the earth simply “because.” Because they wanted it that way. Because there is war. That is, if there was a war in Ukraine now, it would most likely end in those same 96 hours that American analysts called in mid-February. They were right in predicting “war”. So, it’s not war going on there, but something else?.. I’m not saying that. I'm asking. I want you to answer...Or here’s another signal word: “bombing.” “Bombing” Lately, I regularly watch both Russian news (which I must admit, I haven’t done for many recent years), and Ukrainian, as well as media news, positioning themselves in the Russian Federation as opposition. And so I watch a twenty-minute video, where in the first minute the journalist shows footage of a shell falling on the central square of Kharkov. I emphasize: one shell. The journalist goes on to say that the hit was probably accidental: if there had been a target for the bombing of Kharkov, then after the first shell, obviously, a couple of dozen more would have arrived. For the remaining nineteen minutes, the journalist, without showing anything else, speaks emotionally about how Russian troops are not ashamed to shell peaceful Kharkov. The first minute of the video is a fact that allows you to understand the meaning. The remaining nineteen minutes are an emotional signal that drives you into psychosis. After that, I watch another news story, in which in the first minute a shell destroys a TV tower in the center of Kiev. After that within fifteen minutes they show me the people of Kiev who regularly, almost two or three times a day, at the signal of a siren, go down to the bomb shelter and sit there. Despite the fact that there are no…
