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Continuation about the importance of perception in overcoming obstacles. “A wise person paints events in his own color.. And turns what happens to his own benefit.” Seneca. So, how perception can help us overcome events that are unpleasant at first glance, below are recommendations from the Stoics: - try to see the good sides in the situation. Personally, I often ask myself the question: what opportunities are opening up for me now? “There is good in everything, you just have to look for it.” "The fight against obstacles inevitably takes a person to a new level. Strong resistance means great growth. An obstacle is not a disaster, but a blessing. The enemy is any perception that prevents you from seeing it." “Everything can be turned over, we ignore the packaging, we look at the gift.” - ignore what upsets and limits others. This will help you follow your line and not burden yourself with “not your own.” - return to the present moment. Our mind is accustomed to wandering either in the past or in the future. It is important to bring him back to what is happening here and now. Work with what you have. Work under existing conditions. And not to think about why everything happens this way and not otherwise, why it’s all for me and what it all means. All these thoughts only postpone the action to solve specific problems here and now, motivation and mood drop, it seems to us that we are solving the problem, but in fact, we are only uselessly draining our strength. Therefore, it is important to accept what is happening as it is. "We cannot spend a day explaining" Emerson. Focus on what you can do today, instead of being afraid of possible horrors in the future that may not happen at all! - focus on what you can control. And this is very important! So as not to waste our energy on fruitless attempts to influence what is not in our power. This will save a ton of energy! The Stoics said: “some things are in our control, some are not.” What do they think is in our power? - our emotions - our judgments - our ingenuity - our attitude - our point of view - our desires - our determination. That’s the only thing that makes sense to focus on. Because everything else is beyond our control. Of course, this in no way changes the fact that we can and should take action to solve problems. But understanding that the results of these actions are not within our control. In a word - do what you must and be what will be. To be continued. In the next post I’ll tell you about the importance of action in overcoming obstacles. PS at the end a little silence, tranquility and contemplation of winter beauty)
