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Let's see if everything is right here. How are we usually taught? Happiness must be sought in relationships, in the family. Women, or more precisely, girls, are especially actively taught this as they grow up and take a closer look at what is happening around them. Men, of course, are also taught this, but somehow less so. Of course, there are still comrades who tell their children that happiness should be sought in a career, money and expensive “toys,” but this is no longer adequate. And in principle, we don’t work with an inadequate person... But what to do with the version that we should look for our human happiness in equally human relationships? This assumption is quite life-affirming and is often considered almost the ultimate truth. But is it? Let's think about it. One of the fundamental features that characterizes any relationship is variability. Relationships always tend to change. Where there are people, there is a “human factor”, which is not always predictable. Sometimes a person behaves with dignity, and sometimes - completely unworthy, in other words, like a pig. Moreover, this often happens with the closest people. Work colleagues or good friends always appear before you in approximately the same light. They are almost always the same and the “waves” in their behavior, as a rule, are not very noticeable to you. Relatives are another matter. Dad, mom, brothers, sisters and, of course, husband and wife can’t resist taking us on the “emotion ride.” Sometimes it throws you up, and you are happy until a pig squeals, sometimes it suddenly throws you down, and you are ready to hate the offender. Remember how far away the feeling of happiness is from you in these moments... Therefore, making a relationship with someone a support in your feeling of happiness is an extremely unproductive idea. If you look globally, then you are driving yourself into the trap of external circumstances and your well-being begins to depend on factors that you cannot directly influence. Let's say you really, really want to find a man and build a good relationship with him. It would seem that everything is not bad, but then a very simple but strong pattern arises: “Relationships improve - I feel better. Relationships worsen or end - I feel worse.” And where do you get away from this? No way. As long as you prioritize finding or maintaining relationships. Moreover, for women the situation is aggravated by the fact that they, as a rule, “hang” a label on relationships with the inscription “Task of paramount importance.” Why? Because that's how they taught it. And they didn’t teach it very correctly (I’ll tell you why soon). Men have a much simpler time with this (they strive more to realize themselves in the world through receiving money, recognition and respect, but that’s another topic), but they also fall into the same trap. Based on this, you need to clearly understand that for a man one of the most serious tests in life is the ability to be happy without money (without the desired amount of money), respect and recognition. For women, the most serious test is the ability to be happy without a relationship (or in a relationship that does not completely suit her). And until such a life “exam” is passed, a man is not given money and recognition, and a woman is not given a relationship and a man. It is so arranged that a person is given only that which he does not overestimate the importance of. This may seem unfair and cruel, but it is not. This is a well-oiled mechanism, the task of which is to develop us, our soul and a correct understanding of the world. When a person correctly understands the meaning of his life and has the right attitude towards his “exams”, he is an exemplary member of society who sets an excellent example for others. But if a person’s values have the wrong direction, if he does not find the strength to be happy without being tied to material objects (relationships are also a type of “material objects”), then he becomes dangerous for society, since he introduces an imbalance into the system and undermines it. The system in this case, automatically gives feedback, and the person is “closed” access to certain benefits,on which he is counting. In fact, this is simply a protective mechanism that protects both other people from the activities of a given person, and himself. The task of this system (higher powers) is to warn us from the wrong path and give such life situations in which we could change our perception of the events happening (or not happening) to us. As soon as we do this, we become safe for ourselves, for other people, and we can get what we want without the risk of ruining someone’s life. Now, so as not to be misunderstood, I must clarify the following. I do not encourage you to give up such values ​​in your life as warm, trusting, harmonious relationships or the desire to have a wonderful family. No and no again. That’s not what I’m talking about. The point is that your “wants” should not turn into a fixed idea, into an obsessive desire, without the fulfillment of which you cannot feel like a truly happy person. That’s all. Want, wish, act, but don’t elevate something to the rank of a cult, don’t think in terms of “Sink or perish.” Thus, if the system gives you a “click on the nose,” stop and “sniff.” Try to feel inside yourself what exactly you are doing wrong (or did before). Try to see your life with its difficulties from a different perspective. To do this, be your own judge: take an impartial look at what you thought, how you acted, what life priorities you had, etc. Maybe your conscience persistently whispers to you that you behaved disgustingly? Or, on the contrary, is a healthy sense of self-esteem timidly, timidly trying to convey to you the idea that you have become a victim and suffered humiliation? One way or another, you will receive the necessary hint if you do not brush it aside. And when you think that you are out to “the same”, understood and felt what is the root of your problems, ask the higher powers to give you the correct knowledge and vision of the situation. Not just like that, but in order to start thinking and acting differently. In order to reconsider your values. In order to change your beliefs. In order to understand that there is truly a true way to live life. When you do this, then you will, figuratively speaking, “get the right” to a new life in which you can get what what are you missing now? Do you want to attract men, get their attention and build the right relationships? Easy. Do you want a strong family and trust in your relationship with your husband? No problem. The system doesn't care. She can give you anything. But on one condition. You are working on yourself so that you are not internally dependent on the objects of your desires. When you are “let go,” when you breathe out easily and you are not pressured by the lack of a relationship right now, then you will be ready. And this will definitely happen if you put the development of yourself, your soul, first. Relief and a clear feeling will come: “Now a new stage in my life has begun.” And then, at this stage, you will not need to make any extra efforts. You will be provided with male attention due to the fact that you are already allowed to receive it and you will not do the wrong thing. All you need to do is simply communicate with men and be noticeable to them. And your purified heart will already be able to give them energy. Your feminine, family energy, which attracts men. From you will come, if you like, “the energy of comfort,” which gives a man an incomparable feeling: “What a woman! She simply emanates warmth and kindness.” And for Men look after such women like crazy. So, a woman doesn’t need to do anything except be sweet, pleasant and accept what a man does. This is what awaits you, but you need to earn it by understanding the true meaning of life and happiness. Then you will have no problem idolizing men, putting them at the center of your world and then being endlessly disappointed. In simple words, this is a conviction from the series: I will be happy in any case - regardless of the events of my life. And when we “surrender to the mercy” of the higher ones
