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From the author: More of my articles on How magnificent and generous the Russian language is! It is one of the richest languages ​​in the world. It contains about 500 thousand words. How many great works of art are written in Russian. They are known not only to our compatriots, but also abroad. And how often do they use it crazy! Do you speak simply, clearly and at the same time witty, bright, metaphorical? You are smart and a rare exception to the rule. Because they often use only a very small part of their vocabulary. The average citizen with a higher education uses approximately 10 thousand words, while erudites have a vocabulary of 50 thousand. What about filler words? They often roll off the tongue. Please note that unnecessary words are used regardless of status and intelligence. Let’s remember M. Gorbachev)) Does this happen to you too? Maybe you don’t attach much importance to it? But in vain! You need to understand the essence of what was said. Have you thought about the real (read psychological) meaning of your sayings and sayings? Since these are not just unnecessary words in speech, they indicate your internal problems. In this note I want to share with you my research on this issue. First, a real example. One of my friends used the words in everyday life: “Nightmare! Horror!" This was his favorite sentence. He no longer noticed how appropriately and inappropriately he inserted these words. Without noticing it, he brought bad events upon himself. At first on a small scale - such as loss of documents, then it got worse and worse. And when he went to prison, he realized what real horror and nightmare was. In such a harsh way, unfortunately, his life treated him and freed him from parasitic words. You never know such words! I propose to analyze the true meaning of some of them. The constantly used “as if” indicates that you perceive your life as a convention, a game , like a rehearsal, constantly comparing yourself and others. The often repeated particle “yes” speaks of your lack of self-confidence and the fact that you constantly need someone’s consent to do even something insignificant. “Simple” - you invite simple (stagnation) into your life, or you already have it. “And so on” - if you often say this, then you have nothing to say, or you have an impoverished vocabulary that does not give you the opportunity to describe this “and so on” in a language accessible and understandable to the interlocutor. “Wow.” Do you really think you can achieve something? And for whom, if nothing to yourself? “About nothing” - this magnificent trinity perhaps says that you unconsciously think about the meaninglessness of your stay in this world. This also includes delirium (fear of madness), dregs, stupidity, etc. What about “brain blowing”? I hope you don’t want your brains to be taken out on a plate? Now we are talking about trash words, broken records, and in no way about expressions that are appropriate and chosen with taste. Your personal benefit. This information offends you (you it became unpleasant, caused a storm of indignation, did you think that this was definitely not about you)? So the time has come for a total cleansing. You are not a pirate to speak “matchboxes”)) (trees, sticks, in short, etc.) I offer several simple exercises that will help you make your speech clear and beautiful. And at the same time you will influence the quality of your life, it will become rich, and you will be self-confident.Tasks.1. Get a small notebook that you can carry with you at all times. Divide the sheet in half and title these halves like this: Me and People. On the right, write down all the words that you persistently say. Also notice the trash words that you hear from your family, colleagues, and on the street. This simple exercise will help you take care of yourself and understand which words clog your speech and the speech of others. Here control is our everything!2. This exercise is for you if you do not notice anything like this in yourself, but those around you are annoyed by your speeches and do not understand you. Record yourself on a voice recorder during a simple conversation, or retelling a book or movie. awaits you!
