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The methods of work of a psychologist, sometimes it seems, are no less than the requests that clients come to us with. A special place, due to its vibrant creative component, is occupied by art therapy methods. The most popular art therapy methods are: music therapy, drama therapy, dance and play therapy, as well as bibliotherapy. Let’s focus on bibliotherapy. This method allows you to contribute to the correction of a negative psychological state by reading specially selected literature (as an alternative, you can use watching films). The method gained popularity due to the emergence of lists of books that helped change the thoughts, feelings and behavior of readers, and the introduction of these lists into the counseling process. Identifying oneself with the hero of the book, empathy, liberation from strong emotions, expanding the repertoire of responses to life circumstances, allow readers to achieve improved emotional well-being. An important stage of bibliotherapy is a discussion of the books read, a description of the emotional component of reading, an analysis of the behavior of the characters and the flow of plot development. For more thorough work, it is suggested to keep a reading diary. Bibliotherapy promotes the formation of positive thinking, helps the client in analyzing his behavior and attitude towards life, helps get rid of the feeling of the uniqueness of his problem, and promotes the development of alternative solutions to problems. There are many book selections designed to ease the experiences, achieve emotional balance and overcome life’s difficulties. Collections may include fiction books, popular science literature, scientific historical or philosophical texts. The genres and plot components of the books proposed for reading are determined by the purpose of therapy. For example, fascinating and event-intensive plots of detective and adventure literature allow you to escape from the problems occurring in the real world and “switch” to another activity; science fiction literature stimulates the development of imagination, helps to decide on new activities, and get rid of procrastination; humorous literature shifts attention and stimulates the development of positive emotions. Empathy for characters takes on special significance in situations in which the client begins reading a book whose hero is in a similar life situation. Thus, there are lists of books in which the plot is devoted to the problems of parent-child relationships, accepting the death of a loved one, accepting the fact of an incurable disease, experiencing the consequences of violence, etc. The application of bibliotherapy consists of several stages: Identification. Identifying client needs. Selection. Selecting books that will suit the client and his life situation. Books are selected based on the client’s request, his age, individual characteristics and values ​​(it is important that the proposed stories arouse interest for the client). In addition, books recommended for reading must be read by the consultant himself. Presentation. At this stage, the client reads the books independently; during the session, the main aspects of the book are discussed. Follow-up activities. Identifying what the client gained from identifying with the character. Do you use bibliotherapy in your practice? What results have you achieved? Have you encountered resistance from the client when proposing this method of work??
