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I really liked it, what do you think, friends? Cool? Terrible? How?? Just don’t be silent! If you liked it, give it a like! Maybe this video will open the door to a new life for your friend! You can find out more about my webinars on the page: http://predestination.timepad.ru/ And here you can subscribe to Sergei’s newsletter Smile: http://sergeysmile.ru/ad/12670/ -Do you feel that you have a great idea, but somehow you can’t launch it? - Do people around you give advice, say that you won’t succeed?- Do you need motivational support?—Are you getting information, going to trainings, saving money, waiting for that very day when you have everything you need to start and lots and lots of strength?—Are you waiting for a magic kick?) ) You came to this page for a reason “Accidents are not accidental!” (cartoon “Kung Fu Panda”) Why languish and fool each other’s brains?! Sergey Smail Vasiliev believes that practical knowledge and only the top (the best) are valuable, and not that which the modern education system gives us. Therefore, he tries to constantly develop and improve himself, sharing his discoveries and knowledge with others, helping people improve themselves. At this webinar you you will receive answers to your most pressing questions, which you can directly ask at the very beginning of the webinar. You will also learn: How to achieve absolutely any goal you want! How to decide to take action if you: - are not confident in yourself - tried, but didn’t it turned out What really drives us? What to do when you give up and don’t want to continue moving towards your goal?” I believe that the quality of modern Russian education is poor, I give my preference to trainings, video courses and webinars, because here you get quick results and a feeling of support."Each of you will be convinced of this at the webinar, to which I personally invite you! BONUSES The most active participant will receive my multimedia book “Anti-laziness or work like hunting!?” What else will be interesting at the webinar? There will be meditation so that you increase your motivation and self-esteem. Your pressing questions will be answered. ​This webinar differs from the others in that: Special terminology is not used, it will be clear to EVERYONE from schoolchildren to pensioners How to take participation? You just need to fill out the registration form on this page. On the day of the event, you will receive a reminder about participation by email. And 1 hour before the start of the event, a link will be sent to your email address, by clicking on which you will find yourself in the virtual webinar room. Number of participants: limited (no more than 100 people contains a virtual room (so we advise you to hurry, registration is still open). Here are the reviews of those with whom Sergey worked: “It’s good to work with him. When it seems that there is no more strength, he charges you with energy and does not allow you to get blown away. It’s like an additional charge to the battery. It seems to you that the flashlight is about to go out and it will become dark. And then suddenly a new charge of energy, you see where to go." - Konstantin Galizin, TOP manager of the largest FMCG company in the world. “I like to “pull the cat by the tail,” unfortunately. And now, thanks to frequent 30-minute reports on the phone (now the phone is like a strict teacher for me☺), I’m ashamed to report that I didn’t do anything.... Therefore, I began to develop into the direction of my favorite work, this is cosmetology. I am studying information that I have long wanted to get acquainted with and learn. THANK YOU so much to Sergei for his support and in general for being there!!! feminists, men rule better in business (I am convinced every year)), and a man’s logical assessment from the outside is sometimes very necessary! THANK YOU!" -Anna FilippovaEntrepreneur, designer "Thank you for really influencing my life... your inexhaustible support, positivity and confidence that a complete stranger to you will succeed - greatly!))) And your attention and assessment of the situation from the outside inspiredI have great confidence that I will not only be able to achieve results, but also believe in it!" - Alena Tukalo, Millionaire's Wife "Sergey, this is not the ideal coach who knows the answers to all your questions in advance or after 5 minutes of communication with whom you will understand What is the meaning of life. No. It is for those who have a goal, but lack the tools. Even if he has no experience in your field, the result will be the same. Clarity of goal achievement and complete understanding of the process. But everything else will depend on you." - Evgeniy Danilov, Creative Director of TAG.CREATIVE "Seryozha, it is a great success to meet on your way a person like you, who is always ready to help, both in word and deed; I’m always ready to help you understand yourself, advise, guide and even control that a person does not lose track of achieving his goals. Seryozha, your firm belief that nothing is impossible, and your powerful psychological support are truly inspiring! You “make” you believe in yourself and your strengths J. Thank you for being you." -Elena GalitsynaDirectorate of Film Shows “Channel One" And here are the reviews of participants in previous webinars: Vladimir Babkin Hello everyone. I set myself a task for a week - to organize a group on VK and gather 300 participants there. I completed this task in a week - we put in a lot of effort and do not use paid promotion of groups. New clients have appeared. The feeling is great - I’m great, I’m handsome, I did everything I planned. I would like to recommend more development, more meetings and new goals... Tatyana VilkovaMy goal: Create a relationship with a man. Well, how can I say if I fulfilled it. At least I started to behave and communicate differently) It’s very nice to feel the attention of men) this means the changes are visible not only to me =) The main thing is to do, and not say what needs to be done. (how many times have I said these words to myself). The Anti-Drain project helped me a lot, if not for it, then I would have talked about it and that’s it. And even if I did, it wouldn’t be done all the time and the results would be almost invisible. Thank you very much! I will definitely need to introduce meetings with the team, it will be more fun) Olga Bykova hello to my like-minded people! I didn’t notice how the week flew by. my goal was to learn English. I achieved this goal)) little by little, 2 lessons a day helped me become one step closer to my dream. I made myself a poster reminding me of the task every evening. and I began to notice that I had become more disciplined. I am very grateful to our mentor. Sergey, thank you! I want to continue setting goals and achieving them step by step!!! this time I would set a goal for a slightly longer period. Tatyana Vilkova Friends, I’m very sorry that I didn’t unsubscribe yesterday. There was a good reason for this and I acted solely in the interests of my training)) Yesterday I had to hone my skills according to my assignment) There were massage lessons, so to speak) Please don’t ban me)) This project helps me a lot and I don’t want to be free floating the whole week. I just need support and this is where I get it! Thank you for your understanding)) PS The evening was a success;) Marina Mitichkina Hello, friends! So far I only know about one exercise, “alarm clock”, I’ve been doing it for the 2nd day. The progress I notice makes me very happy! I began to control myself: I began to feel better about time and value it, every 30 minutes I try to do something useful for myself and my loved ones. To do this, of course, you need to set goals and objectives for every day. Of course, I have had a goal for a long time, but I like to “pull the cat by the tail,” unfortunately. And now, thanks to frequent 30-minute reports on the phone (now the phone is like a strict teacher for me☺), I’m ashamed to report that I didn’t do anything.... Therefore, I began to develop in the direction of my favorite job, this is cosmetology. I’m studying the information with which I’ve been wanting to get acquainted and learn it for a long time. A huge THANK YOU to Sergei for his support and in general for being there!!!) Denis Ivanichenko Hello everyone! Completed 5 days of “Anti-drain” training. I understood a lot and realized my mistakes. Now I have set a goal for the month,.
