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From the author: This is an article about psychosomatics. About one of the possible causes of the disease... I do not call for treatment only with words, but often clients want to understand what their illness is about.. To draw conclusions and make the necessary amendments to their life Life is a changeable thing. This is its beauty. This is its difficulty. The beauty is that the difficulties will not be constant. The difficulty is that happiness is also precarious. Being flexible, ready for change and preserving your values ​​is perhaps a skill so necessary for everyone. This is not taught in school. Life itself teaches this. Often through illness and troubles. Some requests for consultations sound like “what is this situation (illness) teaching me, what is this trouble bringing me?” This note is about flexibility and unusual consultation without a request. During a break at a business conference, I passed the time with a cup of coffee. My interlocutor asked a question about psychosomatics. An ordinary conversation between two people taking a break from the general hustle and bustle. I talked about my work with little desire. -Appendicitis. What is this about? - the man asked with disbelief. “Everything is individual,” I avoided answering so as not to play the game “prove to me that psychosomatics exists.” “Don’t want to answer?” – my interlocutor continued to insist. “No.” I just don’t want everything to come down to a stupid list of emotions and illnesses. These are human lives, stories, intertwinings. Everything is subtler here, you know? -I understand. But I agree with the stupid list for now. Just to try... -Appendicitis is a lot of stress. More like resistance. Not wanting to admit a fact. Resistance to certain changes. The desire to hold on to what is gone. It's like an argument with death. My interlocutor's face changed a lot. - Yes. Very similar. The man silently thought. “For a long time I did not admit that my wife would not return.” He put pressure on her. Threatened. I was stressed myself and stressed everyone around me. Then - the hospital. Appendicitis. And then he resigned himself. Everything somehow came to naught... as if unrealistic hopes were cut out with appendicitis. We were silent for a little longer. Afterwards the man thanked me for the consultation and left, immersed in his thoughts. And I was left to finish my coffee, thinking about flexibility, psychoomatics and life.
