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From the author: Published on the author’s website “For the sake of art, you can appear on stage naked, but you must return from there not only dressed, but also cleaner... But no matter what was, I want you to be the last person who will become a subject of the island of the naked." Charles Chaplin. This is a curious incident that occurred this summer in the capital of Austria. A local resident decided to take a sunbath and put her naked legs and buttocks on public display, sticking them out of the window. The piquant spectacle led to a traffic jam on a major highway near the house where the nudist lives, reports the Daily Mail. The police were called to the scene of the traffic jam, but when they arrived, the naked woman in the window, alas, was no longer there. Have you ever been horrified by the realization that the horse standing in front of you is naked? No? This means that you are still far from being morally the same as H. Clifford Prout, president of the Society for the Suppression of Indecent Behavior among Animals in the middle of the last century. Trying to call for decency and modesty among our smaller brothers, he wrote: “Naked animals are everywhere! On the streets and sidewalks! This is a public shame that our children see! A huge number of accidents on highways occur due to the fact that drivers are distracted from the road, wanting to look at a naked cow or bull! "Nudity is not always associated with shame, but with curious glances - often. How does a person feel in a situation of nudity? In the previous article we talked about the peculiarities of the phenomena of nudism and naturism, their historical aspect, and today we will dwell on the question of a site visitor about whether relaxing on a nudist beach can have any consequences for intimate life (see letter here). Nudity in the ordinary in the sense of the word, it represents a person in a “natural state”, without the social and hierarchical distinctive signs of clothing. Nudity seems to return a person to a natural state, taking him beyond the boundaries of the cultural and human. The Bible records that Adam and Eve were naked before they ate from the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, which connects nakedness with a state of original innocence. “And they were naked, Adam and his wife, and they were not ashamed” (Genesis 11:25). However, the times of ignorance of our ancestors have sunk into oblivion: Adam and Eve knew good and evil, saw themselves naked and knew the shame with which humanity began. In the view of naturists, nakedness is the natural state of a person in which he is born, so there is no reason be ashamed of her. The special philosophy and worldview of naturists is their symbolic clothing, that is, what creates boundaries of safety and doses of contact in relationships with others; this is a kind of alternative to the shame experienced by others in the same situation. The nudity of naturists is quite close to the phenomenon described by Freud in The Interpretation of Dreams: “In many children it can be observed, even at an older age, that undressing causes them a kind of rapture instead of a feeling of shame. They laugh, jump, slap their bodies... This childhood, devoid of a sense of shame, later seems to us to be a kind of paradise, but paradise itself is nothing more than a mass fantasy about human childhood. That’s why in heaven people walk naked and are not ashamed of each other until the moment when shame and fear awaken in them...thus, they have the opportunity to experience this childish exhibitionist pleasure that has not known shame.” It is possible that the Finnish traditions associated with being naked together - not only in the family, but also in the corporate sauna, at the dacha, in nature, the habit of bringing children, small and not so young, to public locker rooms, regardless of gender - however, already a dying habit - are caused by such an asexual natural attitude towards the body. No wonder they say: “Finn is a child of nature” (continued here).
