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Basic SecurityBasic security is something that every person needs. This is a vital necessity that is important for everyone. This is the foundation on which everything else is built. How can we return to a feeling of security if for some reason it is lost? Through what is warm and pleasant to our soul, our pleasant memories from childhood, taste, smell and much more that left warmth, love and the most pleasant memories in our memory. Where does security come from? Pregnancy and childbirth are one of the most memorable moments in life of a woman and her family. And, of course, one of the important periods for someone who was carried for 9 months. The appearance of a baby is what enlivens our feelings, gives our life meaning. And who, if not parents, gives the child care, love and safety. Basic concept – security is something that begins to form in us even during the period when we are in the womb. What can disrupt this... Long-term stress of the mother. The mother’s reluctance to have a child throughout pregnancy. Smoking during pregnancy is one of serious danger to the child. Children of mothers who smoke constantly experience oxygen starvation. Moreover, there are studies confirming that it is enough for a mother to think about a cigarette, and the child begins to show signs of panic. Smoking slows down the growth of tissue in a child's body. According to recent data, children born to smoking mothers are smaller and physically weaker than children of non-smoking women. At the age of seven, children of smoking mothers have more problems learning to read and more psychological disorders than others. Injuries that occurred during childbirth. Drinking alcoholic beverages. Non-contact mother. The mother is indifferent to the baby, does not show love or care. All these factors are perceived by the child as a threat to life, and therefore his safety. What psychological problems can an adult experience who has a disturbed sense of security? Here are some of them: increased self-control and others; excessive planning; increased level of anxiety; fear of change; inability to build relationships; excessive caution or aggressiveness; lack of self-confidence. This is why it is important for couples preparing for parenthood already at the first stage of the birth of life to show love and care to to your baby. And here you can talk about the prenatal education of the baby (Sidorov P.I. Perinatal psychology). Since the child is influenced by the mother, today experts, not without reason, say that his prenatal education is possible, that is, “prenatal education of the baby.” Such upbringing should be based on the positive emotions that the pregnant woman experiences. Contemplation of beautiful things, walks in nature, needlework, drawing. It is also important to take into account not only the connection between mother and child, but also what sense organs develop in the child in order to influence them. In Holland there is a system of tactile interaction between mother and fetus - Haptonomy . It includes a conversation with the unborn baby, speaking affectionate words towards the baby, stroking and lightly patting the belly - and determining the answer by its kicks. In addition to the mother, the father can also play with the child. Children in the womb can hear their mother’s voice well; by the 22nd week, the auditory and vestibular apparatuses are formed. Therefore, it is very important that the mother talks to her child, sings songs, listens to various pieces of music, and reads fairy tales . But the child does not hear the voice of the father and those around him so well, since he is disturbed by the noise of the mother’s intestines, the vessels of the uterus, and the beating of the heart. In order for the child to hear the father, it is proposed to make a cardboard megaphone, place it on the stomach and speak or sing into it. The baby absorbs positive experiences through endorphins - joy hormones, which, with positive emotions, are produced by the hypothalamic structures of the mother’s brain, penetrating through the placenta. When desired
