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A family is a union of two people. The ability to negotiate with each other, be a support for each other and, most importantly, trust each other are valuable qualities that make a family union strong and happy. But not everyone can do this. Well, it happens. How to live on if the union of two people has not worked out, and there are already children? Often the reason for not divorce is “to live for the sake of the children.” Let's see if this is really correct. I think that many people know that the most important qualities and skills are developed from childhood: independence, confidence, attentiveness, courage, honesty, etc. Everything that children see and hear remains in their heads forever. And of course, they then apply this knowledge in life, because that’s how they were taught - they can’t do it any other way, they don’t know. You’ve probably noticed that children treat each person differently: they go to some people in their arms, but to others they don’t even want to approach anyone else. How do they behave with their aunt, uncle, grandmother, dad and mom? – you must agree, it’s not the same! With some people they are capricious a lot, and with others they listen unquestioningly, with others they are obedient like a “golden child,” and with others they are “just a tomboy.” Children have very well developed senses. They feel the mood. They feel false. What can parents teach their children if their marriage is based on “for the sake of the children.” Only what they themselves do: be unhappy! Parents sacrifice themselves for the happiness of their children - what kind of absurdity is this? How can you teach a child to live happily through your misfortune? No way! “It’s better with such a father than without a father!” - what is better? Who is better? – this smacks of parental selfishness. Having the status of “divorced” or “single” is much worse than any future of the child. This is the future, maybe everything will work out well. Let's hope. But perhaps the most dangerous thing in this situation is that parents say one thing and demonstrate another. They talk about honesty, but demonstrate lies; they talk about family happiness, but demonstrate distrust and coldness; they talk about courage, but at the same time demonstrate weakness, etc. It is adults who can conduct mental analysis; children do not have this opportunity. They simply don’t have that kind of life experience yet. So it turns out to be a mess in the head, hysterics, whims, disobedience... I am against divorces! But I am for the happiness of children. And sometimes this happiness is possible only with one parent. It’s a little sad, but it’s better than being doubly unhappy knowing that your parents are suffering precisely because of you!
