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From the author: Published on the author's websiteAlzheimer's disease. Psychiatrists and clinical psychologists classify Alzheimer's disease as a group of presenile dementias. This pathology is a hereditary disease with an autosomal dominant phenotype. It begins relatively early, in pre-senile age, sometimes at a later, senile age. Dementia in Alzheimer's disease differs from senile dementia in the significant focality of psychopathological disorders. Already at the very beginning of the disease, personality changes of the senile type are noted, and memory loss progresses. Criticism of one’s condition may persist for a long time, accompanied by a painful feeling of one’s own inadequacy. At first, focal disorders of speech, counting, writing, recognition and practical skills are observed. The dynamics of aphasia are characteristic: first, amnestic and the patient cannot remember the names of objects, then sensory aphasia, now it is not possible to recognize the object, later motor aphasia joins, here it is not possible to perform this or that action according to instructions, to pick up and give, for example, a named object . Scattered neurological symptoms complement the clinical picture later. In the initial stage of Alzheimer's disease, which completes the stage of increasing total dementia, the patient's condition is complicated by increasing physical insanity, exhaustion (cachexia of patients), and severe mental insanity. Pathologically, an autopsy reveals diffuse atrophy of the cerebral cortex, especially pronounced in the temporal and frontal lobes. Histologically, microscopy reveals atrophy of cortical cells, a large number of senile plaques, and Alzheimer's degeneration of neurofibrils. Full version of the article Evgeniy Ugushev
