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Now all those whose lives do not depend on themselves, and whose circumstances are such that they have to sacrifice themselves for the good of others, and there is no gratitude from others, will unsubscribe from me. All in ok. You can unsubscribe 🙌🏻We all sometimes find ourselves in this state - it’s inevitable. One person stays in this state for a long time and is not going to leave. LIVE IN PLEASURE, DEVOTE TO YOURSELF A COUPLE OF HOURS, DEVOTE 30 MINUTES TO A HOBBY, HUSBAND, PARENTS - no, we haven’t heard! How outrageous! Everywhere you see only restrictions and not a single opportunity. But what about work, children, lessons, home (wash, clean, clean, cook), repairs, etc.???? NO TIME! THIS IS GOOD FOR YOU, THERE IS SOMEONE TO HELP, WE HAVE NOBODY TO HELP. And if you suddenly have free time to communicate with yourself/partner/child/parents, then this is a disaster, you need to allow yourself to have fun, hear yourself, think about yourself and about life, talk about something with loved ones, discuss. Therefore, more often such people have nowhere to put work, children, homework, cleaning, etc., so that all this does not happen. Otherwise, then who to say: “I put my whole life on you!” , “Yes, I do so much for you and at home!”, “Do you see how much I earn?!”. That is, options: postpone the cleaning on some weekend and go alone for 2 hours to where you would like, having fun / go away with the children (or husband) to communicate, spend time; find relatives/girlfriend/boyfriend/nanny for the child and relax alone (or arrange a 2-hour date with your husband); do not sit down for homework with the children, but give them freedom in their own responsible work; create and organize a schedule of 1 day a month, where there will be 2 hours of time for a significant person. NO! Sorry, but I doubt that there is not a single option. There is a question about priorities and secondary benefits. And how did it happen that besides work/husband/cleaning/child there is no one else or anything in life. I’m actually sad that the most significant person in life YOU is not really significant, but something or someone is significant.
