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Conversation is an important technique for the development of coherent speech in preschool children. The tool is regular classes, the purpose of which is to deepen, clarify and systematize. The conversation reveals the child’s need to express his thoughts if the topic matches his interests and level of development. It finds its application in the question-and-answer method of teaching, with the goal of enhancing the child’s mental activity in the process of acquiring new knowledge. Conversation is considered one of the most effective methods of pedagogical work with preschoolers; it is distinguished as reproductive and heuristic. However, in modern preschool education, the use of this method for the development of communication is not common. And the participation of preschoolers in it leaves much to be desired, since they are not active and do not take initiative in it. Very often, in a kindergarten format, conversations are presented as a verbal delivery of knowledge. A conversation cannot be called a simple method of teaching coherent speech, since an important condition is the level of development of independence and activity of children. During a conversation, preschoolers are required to pay attention in order to constantly monitor its progress and listen to their interlocutors without being distracted. With the help of a conversation, you can find out how ready the child is to express his thoughts, how language develops, and when the topic matches his interests. Conversation is a particularly striking manifestation of the communicative function of language. An elementary and classical form of verbal communication. The main feature of a conversation is the alternation of speech from one interlocutor to another. At the same time, an important condition must be observed: both interlocutors must have an idea of ​​the subject of the conversation. As a rule, an oral conversation takes place in a specific situation, accompanied by non-verbal manifestations. It should also be noted that for a conversation it will be typical to use templates, stereotypes, stable communication formulas, familiar and frequently used, which simplify its conduct. Thanks to questions, the child’s thought process rushes in a certain direction, thus pushing him to his own judgments, inferences and conclusions. The value of the conversation lies in learning to think logically and reason. Gradually, the child’s consciousness moves to a higher level of thinking, which is very important when preparing for school. The development of thinking is closely intertwined with the development of coherent speech, since in a conversation you can learn to put your thoughts into words and listen to your interlocutor. Of course, you should talk with children about things, events or phenomena that are familiar and understandable to him. The lived experience, which is supported by the words of an adult, forms a concrete knowledge of reality. However, before concretizing this knowledge, we must remember that the usual statement of facts does not help in the development of thinking. That is, there is no point in making the subject of conversation something that is already familiar. Thanks to conversation, you can influence not only the activity of the thought process, but also the formation of an independent opinion.
