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It is known that happiness is a by-product of a well-organized life. The maturity of a person is of great importance here. An immature person, even if he has knowledge, does not know how to use it, while a mature person has knowledge and knows how to put it into practice to achieve his goals. Therefore, immature people often criticize others, while mature people act in the right direction. If you are trying to prove something to someone, then you are living for that person, not for yourself. You just have to accept and not feel rejected if someone is moving forward and you are falling behind and being left behind. Dream and fantasize about something that is more in line with your abilities, and your dreams will come true in the best possible way. Accept that just because you are proud of yourself and love yourself, it does not mean that other people will feel the same about you. Try to become successful and your relationships with other people will magically improve. Don't ask for permission if you want what will make you happy. The shortest path to happiness leads through your personal development and self-knowledge. Just act in the right and best direction for you, and happiness will find you on its own, because it is within you. Communicate, have interesting conversations and conversations, and not only with friends, which is of course nice, but also with enemies, because conversations with them can be very useful for you. Don’t be afraid of depression, because it makes you think about your life, helps you change your behavior for the better, which can be very useful. If it is difficult, then seek help from a psychologist. If your romantic and business relationships do not support your personal growth and development, then this is a significant reason to end them. Don't be afraid of loneliness, you can cope with it. The ability to love and cope with loneliness is a sign of spiritual maturity. In fact, we often work and do our best work when we are alone. Don't be afraid to share your happiness. Happiness can be shared both with your friends and with your enemies too. At the same time, your friends will be happy for you, and your enemies will feel furious and show themselves not at their best. Take care of yourself! Sign up for a consultation: tel. +7 915 163 68 98 (call, SMS, WhatsApp)
