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The month, like the previous one, began on the 18th lunar day. Read about its meaning in the forecast for September. On October 6, the Sun and Pluto will square. This is an aspect of the crisis of power. There is a high probability of using violence due to an aggravation of the inferiority complex, the desire to find confirmation of one’s greatness and power in the eyes of subjects scared half to death. The desire to measure strength can lead to armed conflicts, massacres and stabbings. This aspect is quite difficult to use in a positive way, as it gives too powerful an energy surge, similar to a volcanic eruption. But it is quite possible, with self-discipline and choosing a worthy goal to race towards, rather than just walk. The aspect includes the crowd effect, activates mass movements, but controlled by someone (not spontaneous - unlike the tense aspect of the Moon and Pluto). October 7 – opposition of Mars and Neptune. Here, the impulsiveness of Mars collides with the illusory nature of Neptune, which leads to inappropriate actions, exacerbation of mental disorders, abuse of alcoholic beverages, fraught with a visit to a furry animal with its not always harmless manifestations. Any operations are contraindicated. It is advisable not to come into contact with sharp piercing or cutting objects at all. It is important to remember that Mars aspects begin to take effect 2-3 days before the exact aspect, and another 2-3 days after the divergence begins. The aspect itself lasts 2-3 days. That is, we have from 6 to 9 days of revelry in illusions, fantasies, the search for the truth - and, as usual, it is different for everyone and therefore this process cannot be crowned with success. Any proceedings and clarification of relations can only further confuse and aggravate relations. October 11 – square of Venus and Saturn. Saturn either limits, disciplines, or structures. In any case, he strives to give shape to what he interacts with. In this case, we have feelings, beauty, art, relationships, money. The square “puts the question squarely”, provoking conflicts and misunderstandings in all of these areas, which can lead to the loss of relationships, money, taste, awaken jealousy, emphasize dissatisfaction with oneself, life, partner and expose our dislike for ourselves, rejection of the world and all our fears . Fortunately, Venus is a fast traveler and all aspects with it are of short duration (no more than 3-5 days). But a couple of days before and after the aspect and on the day of the exact aspect, you should not make far-reaching decisions, make financial investments, make large purchases, enter into agreements and contracts. October 12 is the 29th lunar day, which will also “bless” us with the opposition of the Sun and Uranus. On this day and a few days (up to 7) before the exact aspect, we feel with our “spinal cord” that the situation around is heating up, passions are boiling, rising our nervousness and reactivity. This is a period when any little thing can “irritate”, provoke a conflict and a break in relationships. But the good news is that on this day the aspect of millionaires is “turned on” - Trine Jupiter and Pluto. Especially if you have any aspect of Jupiter and Pluto in your chart or the transit affects important points in your horoscope, you can dare (but not on the 29th lunar day) and start large projects designed to receive large dividends in the future. On October 16, the trine of Mars and Pluto (valid until October 18) makes it possible to positively use energy and strength to solve global issues in your life - start a new project, reach a new level in your development, accomplish a feat, etc. October 17 - the opposition of Venus and Neptune, as well as the conjunction of Mercury and Lilith in Libra, fill this day with illusions and deception, push us towards temptations and temptations, make us overly sentimental and naive, especially in the field of partnerships and material investments and acquisitions. On October 18, Jupiter joins the company of Mars and Pluto. This is perhaps the most favorable day of the month for any endeavors. October 23rd is a busy day. WITH]
