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This is not the first time that the topic of a different, cool life has arisen! From teenagers. I react. It also happens with adults - I react the same way, but with an admixture of sadness. The time has already passed when it was already desirable to decide on this issue. But it’s better to be late!) What is the best life?) This is when you can only play, not do homework - don’t worry and do only what you like and want! Just as the psychologist L. recommends)).At the ages of 8 to 17 years, it is normal to solve this issue. My opinion. Maybe there are others - they have the right. She conducted trainings for high school students - grades 9-11. On this very topic: “What will happen if you don’t pass exams, don’t go on to study and work... don’t worry?” The topic of the training was announced in advance, it was interesting (seemingly) to the students themselves, but when I came to school to conduct training - about 20 people gathered in a circle then and many of them immediately warned that they would leave in 30 minutes (explanation - there is a delivery service at the school - exactly in tsigel-tsigel-ay-lyu-lyu - buses will go through the valleys and hills - to deliver home!). Agreed. And they started talking. It was a heart-to-heart talk. The teenagers defiantly stated that “you are unlikely to want to talk to us, because: we don’t want to study, we don’t want to work... etc., etc.” Rarely did you communicate with a psychologist! )The psychologist will agree! "Come on!") - Let's dream about how we will live a new, happy life - as we have outlined - so as not to worry. The psychologist honestly plays a game with the students - he selects options when the children reach a dead end... With each new step - after dropping out of school and starting a new life - it becomes more and more difficult to see this new life as happy and alluring. Moreover, it is not a psychologist or any adults who lead to this conclusion - the teenagers themselves come! By the way, when 30 minutes have passed ( tsigel-tsigel and all that) - the children did not remember themselves! I had to remind myself. However, it turned out that there are alternative ways to get home. "We're staying." It was nice! Well, honestly, it’s very nice! What result did we achieve at the training? The guys realized that they needed to work hard and pass exams - then enter universities. It was just in the spring. Although there was little time, there was still time! The teenagers had their own motivation! They lived their playful, carefree life in their imagination. That was enough. Then we worked on our fear of exams with them - at another training. But the result was excellent! I’m not saying that everyone got straight A’s. There were different grades, of course. But the psychological climate during the exams was different. Good! Subscribe to my publications so as not to miss interesting things! Psychological counseling Kurakina Tamara Nikolaevna https://www.b17.ru/kurakina_tn/ Sign up for a consultation on WhatsApp 8 917 950 91 62
