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Freud, describing transference as a danger to therapeutic relationships, also discovered in it a healing property for the client. Enacting the transference in the specialist's office allows the client to confront repressed material from the past, which manifests itself in relation to the figure of the analyst, requiring his transformation in more favorable conditions than what was in his childhood and led to pathological choices. He requests from a specialist the formation of new decisions about his destiny, which would not contain excessive suffering and would make it possible to withstand reality and enjoy. To understand transference and its transformation, the formation of countertransference by a specialist is equally important. The concept of countertransference includes those feelings, fantasies and sensations that the specialist experiences towards the client. If countertransference is not analyzed by a specialist, then it penetrates into the specialist’s behavior, the effectiveness of the therapeutic alliance is reduced due to the fact that the specialist does not organize a space where the client should meet more understanding and objectivity than was in reality. The specialist begins to lose his professional position, which can lead to blurring of boundaries, acting out and loss of technical neutrality, which has a detrimental effect on the outcome of the work. Analysis of the specialist’s countertransference reactions helps resolve the client’s transference; it helps to grasp important parts of the overall picture, to detect the deficit that causes suffering to the client. It helps to create a new experience of reality and form stronger connections between the structures of the client’s psyche. In addition to his own reflections about the client, about his countertransference, about fantasies and therapy, it is important for the specialist to use the tool of supervision, where he reflects and analyzes his countertransference in the presence of the observant “I”, the space of objectivity and the continuation of the therapeutic alliance with the client. Where the “third” supervisor embodies the reality principle and helps the specialist to recognize and work with his countertransference. The supervisory space builds confidence in one’s professionalism, intuition and knowledge, frees the client from infection with unconscious material and builds professional stability. It makes it easier to experience the profession of a psychologist, which, it seems to me, is very complex and filled with a wide variety of shades of feelings..
