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He turned out to be just a mo***, and then there are many other no less vivid epithets. Quite often I hear something like this at receptions. There was a handsome prince and suddenly hop and turned into a nasty toad. How does such a metamorphosis occur? Evlampia was an educated girl, loved to travel often and strived for the most comfortable life, but it so happened that she was lonely for a long time and Zakhar met on her way. He set up her first date in an extremely dubious bar, where Evlampia did not dare to go and suggested another option. Zakhar arrived in a broken-down old car and wearing Chinese beach flip-flops; his first sentences contained criminal jargon. Then he enthusiastically talked about his business, about the successes that awaited him, the house with a fireplace that he was going to build and the islands to which he would go as soon as the business began to generate income. At the same time, he gently held Evlampia by the hand and looked trustingly into her eyes. Evlampia, who had forgotten what male attention was, listened to his every word, and when Zakhar said that he had forgotten the money at home, she paid for everything without hesitation. She only saw in front of her a courageous, handsome man, without wives or former children, who was about to experience success, which he would certainly share with her. That is, in fact, she ignored all the calls (choosing a place, a car, slates, speech and lack of money) and continues the relationship with the one she wants to see, but not who the person really is. So, the first thing you need to do at the beginning of communication with a man, so that later you don’t have to sigh sadly about the destroyed castle in the air, is to be attentive, notice all the inconsistencies, and not pretend that they don’t exist, correlate words and reality, otherwise the further it goes, the more painful it becomes, and girls sometimes want a relationship so much that they literally put an armor-piercing helmet on their head. If you feel that you don’t like something in a man’s behavior, immediately fix it in your mind, even if you don’t immediately understand what’s going on, then after a while you’ll definitely figure it out. Observe his behavior, see if the words match reality. The hero doesn’t turn into an asshole, it’s just that sometimes you really don’t want to hear the ringing of warning bells until the bell rings deafeningly. And only then do we ask ourselves the question - how can this be? And don’t rush to let him into your life, introduce him to your friends and parents, first take a closer look and understand whether he is worthy of becoming a part of your life. This will save you from unnecessary questions from the series - “Where did the handsome prince go?” Every time you answer, you will get upset again. Talk a lot and often. Find out what he likes, what he doesn't like, and what he doesn't like at all, what political views he holds, how he feels about his grandmother and whether he loves animals, find out about everything that is important to you. Don't be afraid to ask questions; the more you know about a person, the more accurately you will understand whether you are right for each other. A man who is interested in you will also definitely ask you questions to get to know you better. But if he prefers to remain silent and not ask you anything, this is a reason to think about whether he is really interested in you? Don’t build sand castles, they tend to quickly disappear, just like the invented image of a person. All names are fictitious and have no relation to real people. Below are links to my social networks, where useful and interesting information is posted: https://vk.com/psiholog.zelinaINSTGR_LINK
