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I want to introduce everyone to a wonderful way to get an answer to a complex question using techniques from the new NLP code, the Alphabet game. I have used this game before to solve issues that require a non-standard approach and creative solutions. Now I have included it in one of my trainings, as an exercise for developing creative thinking, and decided to share it with you. This method is suitable for finding solutions in difficult situations, provided that you have enough information to resolve the issue, but in solving it You have reached a dead end or the solutions come standard, but you want a creative approach.1. Write down your question, try to do it as accurately as you can. You can even draw your own question.2. If there are options for answering your question, write them down as well.3. Find a place, stand there and read your question with all the answer options (if any), then leave that place.4. Now we need to take a break from solving the issue; this is exactly what the Alphabet game is for. You need to play it for 10 to 15 minutes, with complete immersion and pleasure in the process; during the game you can make mistakes, laugh and even dance.5. After the game, stand again in the same place and read your question, think about what answer you get, write it down. When you solve an issue in a resourceful state, your attitude towards it changes, ease and interest appear. Devote as much time to solving this issue as you maintain interest in it. A little later, during the day, more interesting ideas on this issue may come. Rules of the game itself: Attach a sheet of letters (size A 4) on the wall so that it is at eye level and the letters are easy to read. You read the letters out loud in the order in which they are located, and at the same time raise your right, left, or both hands, depending on which letter is under the pronounced letter. (If there is a letter P - right hand, if L - left hand, if B - both hands). Try to stick to the same rhythm. There may be mistakes, treat them with humor or just ignore them and continue playing. When you finish reading the sheet, you can read it in reverse order or start over. The game can be complicated by simultaneously raising the desired arm and the opposite leg, and when you raise both arms, you can jump or, conversely, sit down. The purpose of this game is to help our brain enter a resource state; this occurs due to the fact that during such actions both hemispheres of the brain are involved. Don't try to overload your brain with too much complexity. Make the game more difficult only when the task becomes uninteresting. When you feel lightness, interest, and freedom in your movements, it means you have reached a resourceful state. I wish you success and interesting decisions!
