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From the author: A book written by me in collaboration with Evgeny Naydenov and Andrey Isyomin, published in 2008 by the Bakhrakh-M publishing house, Samara. Part 2. (It is advisable to read from the beginning, from 1 th part)6. Working with images The next stage. Once we have sufficiently stimulated the imagination through free association, we can penetrate even deeper into the meaning of the images and into the deeper layers of the soul. To do this, we can enter into a dialogue with images. Working with dream images using dialogue with images is one of the main techniques of Gestalt therapy. It is quite effective in itself - Fritz Perls used it very skillfully, and some of his followers show extraordinary skill in applying this technique to dream images or to the subpersonalities of their patients. This is also a very important stage for our approach. But we use it after the technique of free association, when the imagination is already quite “warmed up”, and the road to archetypes is almost cleared. Gestalt therapists, as a rule, do not set goals to reach archetypal depths. They have another task - to complete, through this and other techniques, some unfinished gestalts, to express suppressed feelings, which in itself is a worthy task in psychotherapy. We want to penetrate the secret of the soul, so we use the technique of dialogue with images at the second stage of working with dreams. At this time, even for the most “difficult” Dreamers, images appear as living beings with whom they can communicate and from whom they can receive additional clues. Images can experience vivid and intimate feelings and conceal precious meanings. Beyond this stage it is already possible to begin to see the gods. There are several types of communication with images. In the first stages, it is advisable to use the technique of working with two chairs. It makes it easier to get used to a particular image. Advanced Dreamers can use a more complex version of this technique that does not require moving from chair to chair. If you are starting with the basics and have never worked with images before, we recommend not skipping this stage and using the two-chair technique for a while. Although sometimes even experienced Dreamers who master faster techniques for communicating with images are forced to use the two-chairs method if they are faced with “hard nuts to crack.” In such cases, it is useful for the leader to have the skills of Gestalt therapy in order to use other Gestalt techniques during a dialogue on two chairs, which help to get out of possible dead ends or situations when the Dreamer is faced with his defenses and fear of penetrating into the depths of the image. So, we present three techniques that we apply it in the second stage, immediately after free association. a) on 2 chairs The technique of communicating with images using two chairs is simple and, if the Dreamer does not have resistance or other defensive reactions, it does not require special skills from the Leader. The fact is that in the process of free associations we have already significantly undermined the resistance of the mind, its fears and defenses, and warmed up the imagination well. However, if the Leader is familiar with Gestalt therapy or, in the course of working with dreams, becomes familiar with it through books, videos, participation in Gestalt training, or special training, this will only be an additional advantage for more powerful and deep work. The very essence of the technique of communicating with images on two chairs is revealed in the description of work with dreams, where we specifically applied it. But for greater clarity, we will provide some details of this technique before moving directly to the description of a specific case - working with the dream of Sergei, a member of our group. The presenter asks to imagine an image from a dream on an empty chair that stands in front of the Dreamer. After free associations, this will not be difficult - the Dreamer already sees the image as a living being. The presenter asks to describe the image in detail: its size, color, details. If this is a person or an anthropomorphic image, then the Leader invites the Dreamer to describe the pose in whichsits the image, his clothes, facial expressions and other details. All this is done to make the image appear as vibrant and vibrant as possible. It doesn’t matter if the Dreamer’s imagination draws an image different from the one seen in the dream. This means that the imagination has already begun its creative work. Just get as much detail as possible. During the dialogue, the image can be transformed into another image - this should not be interfered with either. After the Dreamer describes the image located on the chair opposite in sufficient detail, the Presenter suggests asking him questions that reveal its essence. These could be questions about the meaning of the image in a given dream, about its relationship with other images, clarifying questions... The Presenter and the Dreamer at this stage can trust their imagination and ask the image questions that arise spontaneously. Further, when the question is formulated, the Dreamer asks it out loud, addressing an imaginary image located on a chair. Then the Dreamer takes a deep breath, stands up as he exhales, and then sits on the chair where the image is located. Here the imagination helps him to embody this image. Transformation occurs, as in the theater. And the Dreamer answers his own question, being in the image. Having answered the question, he again takes a deep breath and exhales and returns to his seat, continuing to hold in his imagination the image left on the empty chair. Then the next question arises out loud. Transplantation. Answer out loud. Thus, a dialogue occurs. It happens until both the Presenter and the Dreamer feel that the questions have been exhausted. Sometimes during such a dialogue, violent emotional reactions may occur that should not be restrained, but on the contrary, it is advisable to express them as clearly as possible (laughter, tears, sadness, resentment, anger, joy...). The presenter pushes the Dreamer to express feelings, empathizing with him. Sometimes the Leader can use a loud voice, even shout, to urge the Dreamer if he is embarrassed and afraid to express his feelings: “Come on! Well, tell him! Shout! Louder! Even louder! More!!! ..."When the dialogue is exhausted, the Dreamer, as a rule, has a deeper understanding of the meaning of the dream or the archetypes that stand behind it. Then the Leader suggests moving on to the next image. And so on until all the images have been worked out. As they gain experience working with dreams, the Leader and the Dreamer may feel that it is not necessary to work in detail with all the dream images and can limit themselves to one or a few key images. Or work in detail with one image, and ask the rest only one or two questions. This intuitive vision comes with experience. At first, try to work out each image in detail. The time you spend on this will not be in vain. By the way, if we are talking about time, we note that working with one dream can take from several minutes to two to three hours. The average duration of a complete procedure for working with a dream using all techniques is about an hour and a half. Sergei's dream. The dreamer is Sergei, a man aged 30, undergoing a probationary period at work. Feels like he is being examined in life. The probationary period is coming to an end. During this period he had a dream. Presenter: Tell me your dream. Sergey: A short dream about how I get a job in a military unit, it seems like an engineering and construction unit. The boss, the major, is an acquaintance of my mother. She also works in this military unit. In a dream, I am at a reception with this major. I stood, then sat down. At the same time, the thought comes to me, why did I sit down, he’s a major, and I’m a lieutenant. Those. I’m surprised at my own arrogance and lack of subordination. We're both in shape. We talk with him, I listen to him and, like nuts from his table, I take pieces of meat and throw them into my mouth and eat them. He says, turning to me, that I will work in the First Directorate, and explains that not with the tax authorities, but for the safety of the material and technical part at the facilities. Then he says, looking at me: “I see you are very tired, now go and rest.” At this moment in my sleep I really don’t feel very cheerful. This is the dreamends. Comment: The presenter intuitively identified several images that attracted his attention for work. Q: Okay. There are several images in this dream that I suggest working with. The first image is a “military unit”. Imagine it in the form of some kind of image that you can sit on this chair opposite you and describe it. S: The military unit is a civil engineering unit, maybe that’s why the image of a shovel immediately came to me. A fairly large bayonet shovel with clods of earth stuck to it. The handle is quite thick, the surface is uneven, knotty, sanded by hand. The handle is dark in color, although the texture of the wood is visible. This shovel stands vertically, as if stuck into the ground with a bayonet. Formation and expansion of images, the manifestation of new details important for awareness and work. Q: Good. Off the top of my head, do you have any questions about this shovel, which represents a military unit? S: Off the top of my head there is the topic of phallic symbols. The tool is waiting, ready to start digging, not in the closet. The bayonet is drawn. Q: So what is the question - “what are you doing here”? S: What are you ready for, what are you waiting for? “Revitalization” of the image. Awareness through entering and experiencing the image as a living being. Capable of communicating, feeling and expressing your desires. Q: Continuing to imagine this shovel on the chair in front of you, realizing that it is an animate subject and can answer, ask this question out loud. S: Shovel, why are you here, what are you waiting for? Q: This end of the replica? S: ... from me? Q: Inhale and exhale, change to a chair, enter the image, imagining yourself at the moment as this shovel, which is an engineering and construction military unit. And as soon as some words appear, no matter what, that come to mind to Sergei’s question, you answer. First of all, call yourself: “I am a shovel.” When entering into an image, the procedure of self-naming, that is, self-identification with this image, is very strong, sometimes fundamental. A revived image is capable of revealing a voluminous and complex layer of information about its essence, feelings and relationships in the dreamer’s inner space. S: I am the shovel from Sergei’s dream, and I am not what I seem to you. First of all, I'm not dark-colored. I have a shiny platinum or silver clean bayonet, like something out of a museum. And a very elegant, but strong, well-made handle. Secondly, all this is in bright light. And I am something brighter than you see, something more meaningful! That's the point. You need to remove the veil from your eyes to see reality, and not what you are used to seeing. Q: Please tell me, you symbolize a military unit - how do you feel about this? S: I feel indignation. Questions aimed at identifying the essence relationships in the dream space (actually inside the Dreamer). Q: Directed at whom? S: At Sergei. He pulled the image of a Soviet military unit towards me by the ears. Those. in his space I look like this. Q: What do you want to tell him? S: Firstly, to communicate your indignation, and secondly, about the veil, it’s time to remove it from your eyes, see reality in its true light. Q: Thank you. Inhale - exhale. The image remains here, on the chair, you again become Sergei, sit down in your place. How do you feel? S: I was surprised by the severity of the character opposite me. When I sat down there, my back appeared aligned and straight. This image is really very bright. I'm confused. For me, such a military unit, in fact a construction battalion, is from the bottom of the military hierarchy, but here instead are discussions about a different, bright reality that are not very clear to me. Q: In response to her remark, do you have a question or an answer? S: To me under his stern gaze , you want to stand up yourself or sit at attention. Q: Try to do this. S: Yes, you can sit down without lounging, but evenly in strict alignment. Q: What do you feel now when you sat down like this? S: Consciousness has passed from the everyday, everyday state into a more alert, expanded, ready to accept large volumes. Q: Any questions about this image? S: I have respect for it, although I still don’t understand what it’s about. The question may be the simplest: “Who are you?” B: Ask it. S: “Who are you? I don't understand you." Q:Inhale and exhale, change your seat, enter the image, answer the first thing that comes to mind. Answer on behalf of the image. Spontaneous access to the archetype that gives the image and awareness of the reasons for its appearance in the dream space. S: Mars. I am God. Q: Is there something you want to say to Sergei? S: I don’t feel like an interlocutor in him, I have no desire to condescend to him. Let's say, without noticing it, he is trampling on my territory, this is a blatant violation. Q: What does this mean for his life? What message have you come to deliver? Through the concept of a military unit... S: Let him get out of here, there’s no point trampling on my territory. Q: What does your territory mean? Where does he need to go? S: Hmm?.. Q: Your territory is a metaphorical military unit, where everyone is slender, fit, disciplined, on duty, etc. Right? S: Calling it a military unit is an insult to me. Q: But you came into the dream in the form of a military unit S: Perverts! I am presented as a military unit from Soviet times, where there is grayness. And I, speaking of military units, are brilliant Roman legions! With banners, flags, shining armor. Everything with dignity, pride, clearly, brightly! The winners are coming! Q: What does it mean that Sergei has entered your territory and must get out? What does this mean for his life? Where did he go wrong? S: I am now filled with a feeling of righteous anger. I don’t want to deal with Sergei. I don’t understand why I have to talk to him and answer any questions. Just knock him out and that's it! Why am I so kind?! Where did he go?! A small insect, a grasshopper! Q: What is he doing wrong in life? S: He does not meet my standards of invincibility, clear order, structure, movement! Q: And the fact that he poked his head, what does that mean? Is he claiming this? S: Yes! Without being this, he pretends. Q: And in what areas of life? S: Claims to be considered a man, although he is not one. The archetype has said its word, the information, as they say, “passed”, was heard. Q: Thank you. Inhale and exhale. Change to a chair, become Sergei. Has the image on the chair in front of you changed? S: Yes, there are Roman legions there now. Q: What do you feel after such a remark? Understanding what happened during the process, the information received. A short pause and respite during the journey. S: I am shocked by the brightness of the picture presented. There really is a feeling of an unstoppable organized flow, in pride and glory. Q: What are your feelings about the statement that you claim to be considered a man, although you are not? S: I hear him, in response there is a certain thoughtfulness, understanding. There is no protest. A feeling of concentration arises. Q: Is this information clear to you? S: Yes. A shaking effect occurs. Inner vigor and concentration appear. In general, there is an understanding of his words inside, although I may not be able to clearly formulate this. I accept this reproach somewhere. Further development of meanings and images. Q: Okay. Do you have any further questions for him or any words in response? S: Actually, I see that they are marching. I managed to jump away so that I wouldn’t be crushed by this phalanx, they have no time for me now. I stand on the side, watching them go row by row. Q: Can we say that with this image some information and experience was received, and it’s worth moving on to the next one? S: Perhaps. I was shaken, thrown back, thank God I managed to jump back, thanks to the warning. A technical moment necessary when full experience and awareness of the image has not yet been achieved. With full awareness, the image disappears and turns into a stream of simple pure light warm power, experienced differently by dreamers but in general always carrying greater fullness and integrity and comfort. Q: Please take a deep breath, simultaneously absorbing the image into yourself, so that there is nothing left on the chair. Just as you pulled it out of yourself, take it back, transformed from a shovel into a Roman legion. Q: Shall we move on to the next image? S: Yes. Became more cheerful! Q: Is the chair empty? S: Yes. Unfolding the next meaning from the dream space. Q: Yes. I suggest leaving the major for a snack. Now let's take the pieces of meat that youyou eat from his table. Imagine this image on the chair opposite. S: I imagine them in the form of a bag with contents similar to those in which they sell crackers. Q: What size, color? S: The size is the same as bags of crackers, the color of the meat itself is dark. A bag - bright light colors with a metallic sheen, yellow, orange, red, blue letters. Q: Do you have a question? S: I also don’t understand what it is yet? Q: Maybe I should ask? S: Who are you? Q: Inhale and exhale. You sit down, imagine yourself in this image and say a phrase on behalf of the image that comes to mind. S: I am your everyday, ordinary life events, what happens without any special shocks. Moderately filled with content and taste. I am your everyday life. Q: What do you feel? S: Calm, satisfactory, a little sleepy, a little lazy. Q: Do you have a need to say something to Sergei? S: Sergei? (yawns) Don't worry! Everything takes its course. Q: End of the remark? S: (yawns) well, yes. Q: Inhale and exhale, leave the image on the chair, move to your seat. What do you feel? To some extent, there is an acceptance of your everyday life, a relaxation associated with this. S: I have more affinity for this image. Compared to the previous one. Calm occurs. You can really relax (yawns). This is what is familiar, normal, natural. You don’t have to stress, relax, fall apart. Q: Are there any other questions about this image? Or is there a feeling that the communication is completed? S: I want to tell him about my warm feelings. B: Express. S: I want to express my acceptance to you. I'm glad you're with me. Thanks to you I feel comfortable. With you I have a feeling of home, comfort, peace, relaxation. And a certain natural, non-violent course of events. Q: Is there a feeling of completion with this image? S: (Yawns) I wish I could sit there just once. The creation of the dream space and its meaning by the Dreamer takes place, here the Dreamer himself decided to determine the course of the process. Q: Maybe any question? S: Yes. Question about the previous image. I would like to get some advice. We get two diametrically opposed messages. Q: What exactly do you want to ask? S: Now, I’m formulating the question... Here it’s just being in the flow, and there it’s active action. I am, I am Will. The question is, do you see how these two states can be combined? Or is the first one completely foreign to me? Q: Okay. Inhale and exhale, sit down on that chair, identify with the image and say what comes to mind. S: (yawns) Well, first of all, don’t be afraid of this Mars. I have no less strength than them. She presents herself differently, this strength. There is no need to be afraid of their arrogance. Of course, they are great, but the first commandment is don’t be afraid. Secondly, you need to make sure that they see your state of fearlessness, then they will accept you as someone with whom they can enter into dialogue. While you are in confusion, they do not notice you. I would also like to emphasize that there is very great value in ordinary everyday life without exploits and victories. Q: Thank you. Inhale and exhale, leave the image, sit down in your chair. How do you feel? S: I feel satisfied with the support. And indeed the feeling of strength and power behind this figure lounging on a chair has now become more vivid. There has already appeared an image of a human figure sitting in a relaxed state, but this is not laziness, this is a toned - relaxed state. This is a force organized differently than the first character. And she is close to me. Q: Can we finish with this image? S: Yes we can, but once again I want to emphasize the warm feeling of affinity that I have for him. Q: Deep breath, you draw this image into yourself. S: Sighs B : Is the chair empty? S: Yes. I would like to emphasize once again that this support is very important to me. This image intersects with my life situations. I often find myself in states of apparent inaction, but it is very important to me that they actually have a deep meaning. I saw this in him too. Living the next image, which, after working with the two previous ones, transformed and changed its appearance, becamemore transparent and understandable. This is what should happen after high-quality living of images from the same dream space. It is all figurative to varying degrees and essentially changes since part of the message contained in it has already been perceived, and to convey the rest of the message now either several or significantly different images are needed. B: Great. Now the major is a boss, familiar to the mother. Imagine him in some image on this chair. S: The performance now is very clearly influenced by the two previous images. It’s not exactly the same as in the dream, there he was simply in the uniform of a Soviet Army major in a cap. Now it acquires a grotesque quality, a healthy cap, healthy shoulder straps. This image is grotesque and comical. He introduces himself as a “peacock dressed up” in a general’s uniform. Q: Do you have any questions for him? S: More like surprise. Why did you transform into a comic figure? Q: Inhale and exhale, move to this chair, enter this image and say the first thing that comes to mind on behalf of the image C: The first thing that comes is I am the Joker, and I don’t care what I look like. The game started, I accepted it. This is a game of energies, a game of forces. And I can transform into such a character, because... I felt the colors and it’s cool for me to become like this. Q: Please tell me what meaning you have in Sergei’s dream. What do you want to tell him? S: I set an example for him, a standard of behavior. How can you stay within the framework of rigid structure while remaining flexible? A very important message that I send to him: “You look tired, go get some rest.” This is an example of an attitude towards yourself. Q: Moreover, loyalty, acceptance of a person, he sits in your presence, eats from your table. S: Yes, I don’t have His free behavior is puzzling B: Caring: tired, rest... S: Caring, but at the same time I clearly position him, tell him what he will do, in what structure within our organization. I show how you can remain a person while being within the framework of the structure. Q: What does it mean that he will be in the first directorate? S: The first directorate is associated with secrecy, secrecy, power. From a hierarchy point of view, this is a very strong position. Which sees everything, hears everything and essentially exercises secret and overt control. And it is very important that in this position there are people who are capable of being alive. And then they set the essence of the space, its parameters. Q: Do you set an example for him?! S: And I give him an example, including the possibility of not taking yourself seriously, of trying on a clown outfit. I'm such a brave marshal now with a bunch of trinkets. I know my worth, and it’s fun for me to laugh at myself. If Sergei can try on a clown outfit without being embarrassed, it will be an opportunity for him to combine the everyday life of events, and participate in a rigid structure, and at the same time spread his influence from very high positions of power. Q: Thank you. Is this the end of the line? S: Yes. It just makes me laugh. Q: Thank you. Inhale and exhale. You move to your chair. I am Sergey.S: Yes. I'm Sergei. I feel respect and gratitude for this image. He gives me perspective. This is no longer my current level, this is what I need to strive for. This is a different quality level, it is significant to achieve it, it gives me a feeling of concern. Q: Is that all with this image? S: Perhaps. Q: To understand the message of the dream, I propose to consider another image that is invisibly present, this is the “office”. Imagine it. S: Office? Suddenly. Perhaps it will be a massive desktop, let it symbolize the “office.” Q: Sit there, say: “I am the table from the office where Sergei’s dream takes place.” S: Yes, I am the table from the office where Andrey’s dream takes place. I am in a fairly alert, active state, I am interested in what is happening here, and it was I who created the space in which everything happens. Here the structures and forces intersected, and it was important for me that this happen. At this table, behind the office, there is a character leading Sergei. Something like a celestial curator, transpersonal level. Although for a celestial character, there is a lot hereearthiness, earthly concreteness in sensations. Q: Do you have specific wishes for Sergei, or information? S: I was now carefully watching what was happening. I rather have a sense of satisfaction and readiness if I need to act. There is no additional information. It was conveyed through dream images. Q: Thank you. Inhale and exhale. You absorb the “desk-office” into yourself. I am Sergey.S: I am SergeyQ: How do you feel after working with dream images?S: A fairly cheerful, energetic, versatile, multifaceted state. I have a feeling that I heard some message. Q: That is. does your body understand? S: Yes, yes! I feel different components in myself: structure, relaxation, and humor. Now it’s all overflowing inside me. Q: Wonderful. I suggest finishing the work with the dream at this point. S: Okay. Thank you. b) with getting used to the image After you have learned to work with images using the two-chairs technique, you can move on to faster techniques. Here the Dreamer no longer needs to change from chair to chair. His imagination is already so free that it is enough to simply call himself one way or another and, having already had experience of getting used to the image on an empty chair, get used to it without leaving his place. And then work according to the same scheme - with questions and answers, expression of feelings, transformation of images, etc. We give an example of this technique applied to the dream of the same group member. Sergei’s dream. Presenter: Please tell us about the dream. Sergei: Unfortunately, I only remember the end of the dream. I dreamed of a bomb encased in a metal frame. Somehow I know it's a bomb. Next, I open it, or it turns out to be opened, and I discover that inside, instead of the mechanism of the infernal machine, there are precious stones. They sparkle. Such a sketch. Q: Let's work with the images of this dream. Will we separate the bomb and its frame, as you wish? S: I saw it quite specifically in a certain shell. So the shell is something important. Q: That is. Is it worth considering the shell separately? S: Yes. Q: Then now incarnate into this shell, become it, feel like it. And say a few words about yourself. I am a shell of a bomb, I am so and so..., I am so... Comment: to immediately get used to the image well, you need to ask questions of this type: what are you like, how do you feel, what do you want, and not questions like: what do you mean or what he (the Dreamer) needs to do. An experienced Dreamer will be able to answer such a question immediately, and even then not always, but a beginner will certainly get confused and may slip into thinking up, rather than feeling, the answer. S: I am the bomb shell from Sergei’s dream, I am very strong, the surface of the metal is dark, rough. The image of the “Man in the Iron Mask” is associated with this shell. His mask was made from exactly the same material in the film. Roughly forged, it covers the person’s true face, leaving only slits for the eyes. The head is fastened into a case. Q: Please tell me, frame, what do you feel? S: I feel my own strength and reliability. I feel the artificiality of my origin. A certain master put a case on this head, on the contents and snapped the clasps. Q: Do you have something for Sergei that you wanted to tell him? S: I am protecting something very valuable for Sergei. By the way, after I uttered these words, I had an understanding that he, in fact, was the master who hid valuable contents in me. I have a corresponding attitude towards it, I am his product. Q: Is this the end of the replica? S: I feel like a very reliable product, the safety margin is very large, it was made to last. I'm hardly a living being. There is a limitation in the brightness of the perception of colors. Q: End of the line? S: Yes. Q: Take a deep breath and turn into the bomb itself in your imagination. When you're ready, start speaking on her behalf. S: Yes. I'm already ready. I am a bomb from Sergei’s dream and I am a continuation of an artificial creation. I was originally created as a dummy bomb. My mission is to scare off strangers, to create the appearance of danger. In fact, I am a well-made fake; I don’t know how to explode. My missionto camouflage treasures hidden in the case. Q: Please tell me, why did you, the bomb appeared in this dream? S: Like any bomb, I have a clock mechanism. It's time to. I proved myself. Q: Did I understand correctly that the time has come to reveal what’s inside you? S: Yes. Only not inside me, but inside the case. Q: Is there anything else to say to Sergei? S: I have a feeling of a duty honestly fulfilled. Q: Thank you. Inhale and exhale, and you become jewels. S: I am a treasure of precious stones enclosed in a bomb in Sergei’s dream. The first thing that arose was a relaxation reaction in the body. Q: What are you for Sergei? S: I am his important part. Q: Why are you especially important, that you are represented in the form of jewelry, so carefully protected. S: I am what can give meaning to his future life. Access to me is possible only after a certain period of preparation, a probationary period. If you have received a certificate of maturity, then you get access. Q: Did I understand correctly that now Sergei already has access? S: I now have the feeling that I am waking up after a long sleep. Something was in a collapsed state, now it opens up and the contents become accessible. Although this is a certain process, and not an instant reaction. Q: Now can you tell what meaning is hidden under your symbol or is it a matter of time? S: What is in me is significant for the world around me. Sergei has passed a certain milestone on the path of identifying and nurturing very amplitude and diverse contradictions in himself. They recognize the value of the contradictions contained within a person. Just today this phrase “The value of contradictions” was heard by Sergei! Having managed to retain these contradictions within himself, not to force them out, even without seeing a resolution, and only gradually move towards a convergence of positions, Sergei acquired a skill that he can pass on to people. This is very relevant now, because most people are either torn apart by contradictions, or displace the very fact of their own internal inconsistency from consciousness. So Sergei’s experience is unique, important, and can be in demand. Q: Thank you. Please take a deep breath. Now please see all these jewels. See some object that attracts your attention. Become im.S: Among the homogeneous mass, a rather large diamond caught my attention. Transparent, pure... I am a diamond from among the jewels from Sergei's dream. Q: Tell us about yourself, what are you like? S: I am quite complex. Despite my apparent transparency and purity, I contain a lot of different things. Although my appearance is really truthful and beautiful. Q: What do you symbolize in a dream? S: The words come: “Heart.” It responds in the chest. Let's just say that I am a very tight interweaving (not to be confused with entanglement) of very different energy threads and flows. They are swaddled into a very neat ball, so that a very large amount of content can be stored in a compact format. They are not confused and each thread can be explored and moved along it in any direction. Each thread contains certain information. A ball of various threads, purposefully coiled by a skillful hand. Q: Thank you. Is there anything else to say? An awareness occurred first through a sensation, which will then unfold in various streams of thoughts and feelings during independent work. S: It would be good for Sergei to carefully turn me around, study me, find entrances to information channels. You need to master this tool. Q: Did I understand correctly that he can do this in some independent, meditative work? S: Yes. Before working with me, you can formulate a certain request, and then follow my energy threads with your attention. Q: Okay. Is this the end of the message? S: Yes. B: Inhale and exhale. Introduce yourself. I am Sergey.S: I am Sergey.V - Can we finish now?S: We can.V: What do you feel?S: Businesslike, tempo state. I paid attention to the speed of disclosure of each image and the businesslike attitude to what was happening. Q: Has the dream become clearer on an intuitive level? S: Yes. Thank you. c) with an active imagination The technique of speaking on behalf of an image can be combined with the simplest option -asking a question to an image directly in the imagination. You simply ask the image a question and wait for an answer. Experienced Dreamers use this technique in combination with the previous one, seeing which image they can simply ask a question, and which image it is desirable to incarnate into and live it. Naturally, this simple technique works effectively already with a “warmed up” imagination and with some experience (two or more months of regular work once or twice a week in a group or pair) of working with the previous techniques. Alexey’s dream. Alexey: I have a short sleep . Special forces soldiers are working in the building to destroy bandits. They act very boldly. They work locally. There are people around, including me, watching what is happening. In the final decisive assault, they destroy the remaining bandits, but one of the fighters is wounded and falls. He is very similar to the actor Porechenkov, who plays “National Security Agent”. The soldier falls wounded at his feet. And for some reason I manage to be the first to react. Even though I'm a civilian, I run up and start putting him on a stretcher to take him to the aid station. Someone is helping me. He cheerfully and enthusiastically swears at us, we drag him, but for some reason to the toilet. The toilet has a cramped corridor. We try to lower the stretcher to the floor, but one side of it rests on something and becomes warped. It seems that the right side is becoming lower than the left. He again shouts obscenities at us to level the stretcher. We again raise the stretcher, level it, holding it suspended. This is where the dream ends. Host: Please choose three or four images that are most interesting to you, which you would like to turn to and reveal them deeper. A: “Bandits”, “wounded soldier”, “toilet”, “stretcher” .Q: Enter the dream and turn to the “bandits” with the question who they are, and what do they symbolize in your inner world? A: “Bandits”, who are you? - We are something alien in you, implanted. Q: Please ask, implanted by whom? A: Culture, upbringing. Q: That is. not by anyone in particular? A: Yes. Where did you grow up? Q: Okay. What do you want to tell Alexey in this dream? A: We tried, but we were defeated. Q: Ask the “wounded soldier” what he symbolizes in your dream? A: Internal security system. Like special cells in the blood designed to destroy foreign microorganisms. Q: Ask him why he was wounded? A: Wounded because he took a risk when he went on the assault. There is a lot of ambition, strength. Q: What does this wound mean for your inner world? A: Lack of support. The legs are broken. There is strength, there is enthusiasm, but there is nothing to rely on. Q: What does he recommend you do in connection with this? A: He says that it was not in vain that we went to the toilet. Q: That is. Should I move on to the next image? Ask the “toilet” what it symbolizes in your dream? A: “Toilet”?! A fairly traditional logical interpretation is the removal of digested waste, the dumping of unnecessary ballast. Q: How does this relate to the wound of a soldier, who symbolizes the internal security system? Ask the “toilet” how he is connected to this? A: “Toilet”, tell me. Well, if he gets relief, how will this help his legs? - This is the initial stage of rehabilitation. “Cutlets separately, flies separately.” Before you start getting him back on his feet, you need to separate from him everything unnecessary, everything alien. All processed products, so as not to waste extra energy on this ballast. Q: As they say, one of the first measures of medical aid is an enema! A: Something like giving an enema. Plus, an enema is a specially prescribed medicine for excessive arrogance, to lower the presumptuous attitude a little. Behind the toilet, it looks like there is a figure of the Joker, approaching the matter with humor. Q: That is. wounds are a consequence of excessive ambition. Is the “toilet” a symbol of what will help reduce this ambition a little? A: Yes. The fighter is healthy, in terms of size, energetic, but practically helpless, he can only lie on a stretcher. And it seems they prescribed him a bucket enema to match his size. As a result, he can only swear and accept the current situation. A feeling of strength, and at the same time powerlessness. Through this comes his acceptance that he is part of something larger, partsystems, and not a lone hero who can sort everything out, and in his place, in his own time, without showing off, do his job in such a way that it does without sacrifices and unnecessary shocks. No need to show off. By the way, he is the only wounded of the entire group of attackers. Q: Okay. Please turn to the “stretchers”, what do they symbolize in your inner world? A: Stretchers... Hmm, there is immediately some kind of reverent, tender response. I look at them and behind them in the background appears the image of palms folded into a handful. How mother's hands carefully pick up and carry. Some kind of compassionate Goddess is very much behind them... Q: Please ask the “stretchers”, in the context of sleep, what do they mean? A: A supporting, compensatory life structure, which, in the absence of the ability to stand on my own feet, still allows me to carry out my functions, live. Q: Okay. What do you feel now? A: I was touched by what seemed to me like a divine image standing behind the stretcher. And the combination of two different energies intertwined in a dream is interesting. On the one hand, a gently supporting stretcher, on the other, a vigorous enema... Overall, there was a feeling of a more personal, intimate space. Q: Thank you. d) working with a dream as a whole image. And finally, when you have accumulated significant experience in working with images, situations may arise when it is obvious to the Leader or the Dreamer himself that the dream itself can be presented as a separate image. Sometimes this can be very useful. For example, as in the case of the study of Stas's dream, which we present below. Stas's dream. Stas: I had a dream after the seminar. Three people are traveling on a train, like a commuter train: me, my friend and a homeless-looking guy who is sitting opposite us. It is clear that it is not so much dirty as worn out. My friend is in a bad mood, she is crying, moving away from me. For him, she evokes a vivid spiritual admiration, which he shows. She accepts this admiration, moves to him, leans on his shoulder and cries there. I sit by the window, see all this and understand that she apparently needs this now. There is a feeling of alienation between us. I leaned towards the window, accepting this situation quite calmly, although there is some tension. This sketch happened in a dream. Presenter: Okay. Tell me please, what does a train and train travel mean to you? Commuter train? Associations, as always, help to revive and fill the space of lucid dreaming. S: Yes, this is an electric train, i.e. some short journey. Now I have a theme of satellites, a train is a place where satellites gather, i.e. close people who are moving in the same direction. In principle, I have not often traveled by train in recent years, incl. and on trains... I also associate with the train a feeling of anticipation, a relatively passive state. It's as if I'm waiting for some outcome that will be important. What else? … There is a separate theme of comfort under the sound of wheels. The sound of wheels, rocking, lulling, flickering of the landscape outside the window, a certain contemplation, a special state. Actually, it happened to me in a dream. We can add that riding a train is a symbol of participation in a process in which tension is not required, but presence is required. It’s enough that you’re there. Q: What do you associate your friend with, maybe some context? S: This is the theme of intimacy, intimacy that is desired, but not always achievable. The theme of love, at the last seminar its image emerged quite clearly in the sacrament of deification. There was an intertwining of masculine and feminine energies, and they were personified. Waiting, patience, pain, greater or lesser, are also associated with her image. Patience in pain. Q: Does the guy remind you of anyone? Or maybe some kind of free associations. S: It doesn’t remind me, but the impression from his appearance remains that he is a homeless person. He is somehow so touchingly defenseless, but at the same time he feels quite well and surrenders to his feelings like a child. He admires her image and openly shows it. The theme of simplicity, for some reason the absence of any material and socialclaims. A person who lives by one emotion can only be an emotion. There is no calculation. At the same time, he is shabby, and there is also a theme of hopelessness and defenselessness associated with him. The insecurities of his stay in life. Q: What does it mean to you that she clung to his shoulder? S: That she sees in him some kind of similarity to herself, some kind of reflection of herself, closeness with his condition. It is important for her to do just that. And during this intimate, spiritual process, I am present in some tension. The tension is because such confidential communication takes place not with me, but with him. And at the same time, there is an understanding that compared to him, I am too complicated, and at the moment she needs simple admiration and acceptance. This is the totality of his acceptance, which I do not have in relation to her. Q: How does the dream end? S: In memories only with the fact that I am in my experiences. They are going through their own process, and I am sitting by the window, I understand that this is how it is now and I am mentally working to accept what is happening. I observe my tension, sympathy, and understanding. Q: Having spoken through the associative series with the characters in the dream, can you now, in a nutshell, in a draft version, say what you think this dream is about? S: You know, I have some small The insight happened when I talked about the topic of the character’s correspondence with what was happening inside her, what she found a similarity. Those. this is a dream that helps me see her better. Those. how it's going so far, this is a hint of what I'm dealing with in it now. This naturally becomes a reflection of some state of mine. Maybe. But here is a kind of discovery for me. And again, the essential thing was that we were divided. While this is happening in her, we are separated, I can only watch her from a distance. Which is exactly what happens in life. At least one such layer has now been revealed. The entire unique interweaving of images can sometimes be reduced to one, which deepens and at the same time simplifies and speeds up the work. This can be done if you have sufficient experience working in the space of dreams. Q: Come on, let’s use this technique: imagine your dream, this particular one, in the form of some kind of image, another image. S: I get the image of some kind of animal, or a cat or a dog. V: Look at it and describe it in more detail. What shape will he take? S: This is a sad character, he slowly walks on his four legs. But in the eyes one can see the consciousness of more than an animal. The eyes are sad... Rather, now the cat is still emerging. There is a Cheshire cat who smiles. And this one is the opposite, who is sad, who is tired. This is now more associated with my condition, some kind of subpersonality that comes out of me. An old, wise, tired cat. Q: Place him in the space in front of you so that it is convenient for you to talk with him. S: Positioned. Q: Do you have any questions for him? S: I don’t have questions with him, rather, but a kind of co-presence. We silently look at each other. Q: And how do you feel? S: I feel some closeness, affinity with him, that we have been acquaintances for a long time. That a lot of things have been decided between us and no questions actually arise. Q: It turns out that this dream is close and old, there were some analogues, it turns out there is a whole theme of dreams in which you have already experienced a lot? S: Probably, this is the theme of some subconscious material that manifests itself not only in dreams, but also in life. Q: Then try to translate the content of this material into logical language, if possible. The material expressed by these sad animals. S: So far, nothing comes out other than the words spoken earlier: wisdom, sadness and fatigue. A lot of wisdom - a lot of sadness. There is a feeling of antiquity behind this. Q: Then ask this image what he wanted to tell you when he appeared this time. S: I, perhaps, will become him... I am a wise, sad cat from a dream. Q: Please tell me this Once you appeared to Stas, what did you want to convey to him? What is the meaning of your current message. S: Well, the meaning is what is important for Stas. the message that is contained in me is still not accepted by him, not deciphered, not activated, despite the fact that we are oldacquaintances. Q: Can you tell me what this message is? S: Let's say, a message about a deep enough wound, by healing which you can find yourself. Q: This wound needs to be healed, lived through, or something else? S: It’s better to heal sounds. Q: How can you advise Stas to heal this wound? S: To be honest, I don’t yet have the information on how to do this. There is simply a statement of a current fact. Q: Maybe there is some kind of archetype behind you that sent you to Stas? S: Behind me there is a echo, a deep cave, blackness, i.e. absence of light. Q: Is there an owner or inhabitant of some kind in this cave? Recognition, exposure of an archetype, is a frequent occurrence with some work experience. S: Well, I see a figure of a demonic nature, perhaps it’s the Minotaur. Sits with the head of a bull. Q: Ask him if he sent a message to you, the cat? S: In response to the question, he raised his head, you can feel that he is bursting with anger. This provides some confirmation that he is the sender. For some reason, he is very angry towards Stas. Q: Is it possible to find out what caused his anger? S: To be honest, I’m a little afraid of him, but I’ll try to get to him. Q: Ask him, being a cat. S: Yes being a cat. The cat is afraid (deep sigh). “Mister (that’s how the cat addresses him), why are you angry with Stas?” - Stas does not repay some debt. The picture is such that Stas must be in the dungeon or labyrinth of the Minotaur, under his dominance. But instead, Stas is wandering around the hell. Q: What is Stas’s fault? Why should he be a prisoner of the Minotaur? S: At one time, either curiosity or something else led Stas to this dungeon, and he was admitted there. But there is such a system that if you enter there until you complete something, you cannot leave, and Stas somehow escaped and did not complete the job. Q: I see. Is the cat, the image of the dream, some kind of clue in this case for completing the action? S: A labyrinth appears there, and the cat quite confidently heads into this labyrinth, and invites Stas to follow him. Those. in fact, some kind of movement began in this sense. It may even be that the meaning is not that Stas escaped from there, but some part of him remained there, and since the attention left there, this part could not get out. And now the Minotaur stands with his hands on his hips, watching, and Stas moves behind the cat, his dark silhouette is visible. The cat is now quite alert, his tail is like a pipe, black. V: Become yourself. S: I’m Stas, I’m following the cat through the tunnel. There is no lighting, but I see the first few meters in front of me, it’s turning gray before my eyes... I’m following the cat... For some reason, at this moment everything ahead explodes with a very bright light. I also saw this light in the ritual of deification, sacraments with Baba Yaga at the seminar. The contrast is emphasized here - dark black, there - white light. I’m standing on the border, which is transparent, but I don’t see the cat there ahead. I'm standing on the border, there's light ahead, and I'm standing on the black side. I didn’t have time to do anything, the light approached me and swallowed me. Q: What do you feel? S: I became covered with this light like white enamel, it binds me, like a monument. I am somewhat confused, I don’t feel any internal transformations, at the same time, externally, something intense is happening. Q: Haven’t you completed the labyrinth yet? S: I followed the cat until I came to a flash of light. Now I’m inside the flash, a milky white, bright, blinding light. I’m standing, shackled at the hands and feet, covered in glaze, unable to move. Q: Is the Minotaur nowhere to be seen? S: Not visible, but I feel the darkness behind me with my back, and somewhere there he is present... Now the classic image of yin-yang has come to me , there are just sharp boundaries between black and white! And inside the black there is white. Just like here, I was in a dungeon, in the dark, and the white light turned on. There is reality in Navi. Q: Ask this light what it means, why did it appear while you were walking through the labyrinth? S: Light, what does it mean?... Unpredictability, waywardness. It means that they are not subject to my control; they do what they want. It does not evoke any spiritual or emotional religious experiences in me, only shock and misunderstanding. Somefact, something I can’t do anything about. Suddenly it fell. I wasn’t particularly active before, I was walking quietly through the tunnel, and then suddenly there was a flash of light... So what?! ... It begins to outrage me that in both cases I am either a victim or a passive novice in some action incomprehensible to me! By the way, the cat appeared. Now he is white in the light. He is now cheerful, happy. Q: Ask him what he is happy with. Sometimes, when ego tendencies, desires to mechanically control dream images like dolls, begin to dominate in the Dreamer, for various reasons, the images may completely disobey him and behave in such a way that tension and discomfort intensify and special measures have to be taken to move the Dreamer to the state necessary for work. This is also part of the process and is useful for its depth, its relationship with other internal spaces that are indirectly affected, and its volume. S: Cat! For some reason I feel furious towards him, I want to shake him by the scruff of the neck... I do just that, try to grab him, but he runs away. Q: Doesn’t answer? S: No. I scared him. But I discovered that, it turns out, I can move... Ha, this light is like rivers of milk in which you can swim. All that remains is to find the banks of jelly... B: Still, try to catch up with the cat and if you can talk to him. S: Kitty-kitty-kitty... I get down on all fours and crawl up to him. He stands proudly in front of me and doesn’t run away. “Cat!” Q: Try without irony. S: “What’s going on?” Well, in fact, I understand that I can stuff this irony into myself, but it’s kind of unfair, I don’t show it, but it’s there. “Okay, cat. Don't be offended by me, I really have it in me... I need your help. What is happening around me and to me? – The theme of changing the plot of life arises quite globally. The first part of my life was devoted to traveling through dark spaces, in the world of Navi, and now the transition to light spaces is taking place. I don’t know what kind of spaces these are... sometimes they say something about the reversal of the monad in such a situation... Q: Does this mean that you have gone through the labyrinth of the Minotaur, having entered the region of light? S: It seems like that... This is exactly the center of the labyrinth . By the way, some kind of ascension is possible from this center. Right-handed spiral. Along this spiral, I, rotating, rise upward and find myself on the surface of the earth. I'm still puzzled. I didn’t feel any bright transformations or changes inside myself. Everything happened purely externally. I walked where they led me, was surprised to meet the border, was surprised to find myself covered in this milk, listened to the cat’s explanations, and ascended to the surface. I feel the same, but something has changed outside of me. Q: Okay. Take a deep breath and transport yourself to the “here and now”, to this room. And now let’s review your little dream, maybe something has changed. S: Should we go back to the original dream? Q: Yes. S: I’m sitting on a bench on the train. Also, my friend and I are located on the seats opposite each other. There are still two of them there. I sit down next to them, hug her, take her hand, and also bow down. With my other hand I hug this man, or whoever he is, our companion. I still feel deep sadness, but we are now in this process together now. Q: Ask them what they represent in your inner world, and what information for you? S: So. Bum. This is some part of me that has been neglected by my attention. She is quite fragile, tender, sensitive, sincere. A friend is a more fulfilling part of me, brighter, more alive, although not without her own problematic nuances. For some reason, I now have pictures of me getting off the train and leaving them there. They are leaving. B: Be an electric train. S: I am an electric train. I am the habit of melancholy, sadness inherent in Stas, the habit of despondency. And despite the fact that he just came out onto the platform and I left, it doesn’t matter, I’m still with him. Liberation did not happen from me. One train has left, another will arrive. They go on schedule, charges of sadness. One passes, then another. The track is rolled. And when he is energetically depleted, then sadness and melancholy begins to break through and fill him. Those. doubleload, on the one hand there may be just fatigue, but on the other hand, at this moment a problematic topic, spiritual despondency, breaks through. At such moments Stas becomes doubly vulnerable. And accordingly, legal capacity is lost, and so on and so forth. Today the episode was quite bright. After work I was tired, I had to stay at home all day with a minimum of opportunities to do something. I was involved in rehabilitation. Against the background of this fatigue, resentment towards my friend began to appear, seemingly unmotivated. The fact is that this former dominant is difficult for Stas to get rid of. It is possible to form another dominant, but it is not yet known who will win. Q: Be asleep again. S: A cat or what? Q: Yes. S: I’m already tired. And Kitty is okay, so cheerful. The tail is a pipe, running white and fluffy. He runs up to me, standing on the platform, rubs his legs, purrs. Q: Ask him, did something happen? S: He is happy, purr-purr... As if he is a messenger of warmth and joy. I took him in my arms, and my chest felt warmer and lighter. Q: Ask him, has the content of the dream been worked out? S: Actually, yes. The transition has occurred, although it is not yet noticeable to me. Two vivid images: the exit from the dungeon to the surface, and the exit from the train to the platform. Here the cat can come up to me in his bright appearance and start purring joyfully. Q: Can you see the Minotaur? How is he now? S: Minotaur? In my opinion, he is busy with his own affairs and has no complaints against me. He looked and continued going about his business. B: Thank everyone, Minotaur, Cat... S: Thank you, Minotaur, thank you, Cat. Thanks to everyone. Q: How are you feeling? S: At the last moment, when the cat ran up, a pleasant feeling arose, relaxation, it became warmer and calmer. Before this there was tension and anxiety... We worked. Thank you. 7. Archetypes in dreams So, we have actively stirred up the imagination using the method of free associations and dialogues with images. Now we are ready to meet the deep forces, the source of dreams - the archetypes. A meeting with an archetype is always an extraordinary event. The archetype also appears as an image, or rather, as an experience, since this image is endowed with enormous transformative energy. Unlike simple dream images, the archetype is experienced at the bodily level as a powerful experience, an energy flow. Touching this energy is transformative. After communicating with an archetype, you will no longer remain the same, but you will change somehow. The world of archetypes is the world of the gods. It is the gods who are behind most of the images in our dreams. Moreover, any dreams. Every dream is archetypal when you open it up. It is the gods who order dreams, bringing us messages from their world. Learning to receive these messages while being transformed is not a worthy task! In the chapter on Mythological Consciousness, we introduced the concept of the Aggregate Customer - a collective of gods, tribal structures, etc., which determine our destiny. We can say that we ourselves determine it by concluding unconscious agreements with each of the gods, but this will simply be an unfounded slogan until we realize these agreements and receive the key to complete them, that is, liberation. By untying each such agreement, we are gradually approaching complete liberation from any conditioning in order to live further and create this world on equal terms with the gods, to be a co-creator of our destiny and this world. And every dream gives us a chance to meet the gods. It was not by chance that we concluded, at one time - in most cases unconsciously - various agreements with the gods. The fulfillment of each contract brings not only suffering and neurosis, but also rich lessons that cannot be learned in any other way. There is a common idea of ​​“good and evil”, “dark and light” gods. But this is a very primitive view, based on narrowness of consciousness and superstitions. All gods form a single system and work for the common goal of evolution. Some of them are creative, others destructive, but both functions are necessary. No god acts dishonestly. Destroying gods are just as willing to share knowledgeand rejoice at our liberation, like the creator gods. The gods of heaven, as well as the gods of the underworld, are excellent healers. They are equally worthy of respect, and they are equally respectful of our sincere desires. We will not enter into a discussion of whether gods exist in “objective reality” or only in our consciousness. Carl Jung, by introducing the concept of psychic space, freed us from the need to enter into disputes on these issues. Gods, the faces of the One, and He Himself, of course, exist in the space of the soul, and what follows is a matter of faith, but not research. Whether they are prayed to by people in the process of the multimillion-year evolution of humanity, whether they descend from heaven, or whether these two processes exist in parallel, remains a Mystery, which everyone discovers for himself by an act of faith or can remain a Mystery. It is important that in any case the gods bring colossal energy and opportunities for our growth. And working with dreams is one of the main roads to this energy and possibilities. In the veins of the majority of people inhabiting Eurasia flows the blood of many peoples who have mixed over tens and hundreds of thousands of years. We live at the crossroads of many cultural traditions, therefore the gods who live in our souls are gods of different pantheons. They get along well with each other, each manifesting itself in a specific context of life. Therefore, the customers of our dreams can be equally: Zeus and Aphrodite, Osiris and Isis, Veles, Dajbog, Koschey, Baba Yaga, Ra and Mokosh, Jesus and Yahweh, Lucifer and Shiva, Krishna and Odin, Proserpina and Pluto... In order to be able to recognize their energies, it is advisable to deepen your knowledge in the field of world mythology. To begin with, this may be an introduction to the mythological dictionary, but you should not stop there. There is a rich literature on mythology, which makes sense to get acquainted with as you deepen your work with dreams. It is also a good idea to have at least a basic understanding of the basic concepts of Jungian psychology. You can also glean a lot of useful information for working with dreams from the books of Jung’s students: Maria Louise von France, James Hillman, Erich Neumann, Erwin Edinger, Jean Shinoda Bohlen and others. In the cases of dream research we have cited, you have already encountered the appearance of gods along the way immersion in the world of dreams. In the following examples we will give more and more vivid manifestations of the gods. In this chapter, we will begin with an analysis of the dream, where the gods appear to confirm the lesson of the Dreamer, and gradually move on to dreams where the appearance of the gods will be accompanied by powerful transformations. You, exploring your dreams according to the proposed scheme, warming up your imagination more and more, will not be mistaken, when you encounter the gods. This is a recognizable energy that carries strong experiences. You may not immediately recognize the name of this or that god who is behind the dream images - this experience comes with practice - but you will undoubtedly feel it. In our practice, we often use a special technique of “archetype focusing.” This is a rather complex technique, we have not seen anything like it in the literature and we consider our capabilities as a kind of siddha that appeared to us several years ago. “Focusing the archetype” helps to greatly enhance the effect of the presence of a particular god. We wrote about how this happens in our books “Gods and Ages. Conversations with the gods like adults." St. Petersburg “All” 2007 and “Gods and Ages -2. Archetypal journeys." This technique is useful in a number of healing and research applications. But when working with dreams, by warming up your imagination, you will achieve the desired degree of manifestation of the archetype. Maxim's dream. Presenter: Tell me the dream Maxim: Some tough guy is pursuing me, accusing me of murdering his daughter and wife, whom I actually did not kill. I was backed into a corner. It looks like some kind of school building. An office where I can drop in and barricade myself. My mother and uncle are there. Mom says the phrase: “There is no death.” Then I decide - why the hell am I hiding here - they will kill me, they will kill me. I go out and sit on the steps of the stairs. There are pursuers, henchmena man - in a pose at the ready with revolvers. I tell the man: “Shoot, but I didn’t touch your guys.” There is no fear, there is tension in anticipation of shots. One of them (who looks like my old friend) sits down next to me (as if to say: “Then I’ll go along with him”). The rest do not immediately (the tension continues for some time) lower their pistols. Q: First, what I heard. The accusation is against you. The pursuit. Trying to hide in school, barricading yourself in the classroom where your mother and uncle are. The phrase "There is no death." Next is a scene on the stairs. What do you associate with accusation? M: Most likely blaming yourself, a feeling of guilt. Feeling of guilt in the death of a woman and her daughter. V: Two female figures. M: Yes. For some reason, I associate this with the fact that some two feminine qualities have died in me (yawns). Or any two qualities in general. What are these qualities? Judging by the fact that after sleep the state was sublime and good, these qualities were the kind that bothered me, they were inhibiting, infantile. Yes. Maybe. There was active group work then. Yes, apparently some two infantile qualities have died out. These qualities may have been socially approved. And for some reason, I associate the figure of the man who is hunting me as a paternal-social figure. And these qualities were from my childhood social environment. And accordingly, I consider myself unworthy to live in that world. Most likely this is the world of my childhood catching up with me. And my pursuers are active militants from the world of my childhood, my social environment at that time. This socio-psychological world must close for me with the disappearance of these qualities. His qualities have died out in me, and he is pursuing me in order to kill me in this world. And push them out into some other socio-psychological world. More specifically, I haven’t caught up yet. V: It’s interesting that you’re hiding from them at school. M: Yes. And, apparently, this is connected with the period of high school, the period when I felt inferior. In class and at school, my classmates and teachers did not like me. The girls didn't notice. I had strange hobbies, I was the only one into hard rock, and everyone else was into disco. There were many moments when I felt like an outcast in this world. And the quality of inferiority remained. Maybe this quality and something associated with it died, and, accordingly, this world squeezed me out of myself, or I was ready to leave it. Q: Your mother? M: Also refers to the same world of school times. Just like my uncle, whom we often went to visit then. And after school we met with him quite rarely. Those. everything speaks for this era, the era of school age. Q: Different representatives of this world treat you differently, some are friendly and some are hostile. So? And the mother’s key phrase sounds interesting: “There is no death.” M: In this context, it sounds like when you die in one world, you are born in another. Maybe I realized this in a dream. Q: And the transition of one of the pursuers to your side? M: This character is connected with a later stage of my life. It was connected with my growing up. We went on hikes together then, and there was a lot more. I remember this as a progressive period, a new stage of life associated with this man, when life opens up with new colors. Maybe this is another confirmation of the mentioned perception of sleep. The only thing that confuses me in this version is that although I went out to my pursuers in a dream, they lowered their pistols and did not kill me. Those. death did not happen in that world. Although I did not resist, I did not run, I surrendered. But the circumstances themselves were not closed. Q: Do you think it matters that in the office in which you were hiding from your pursuers, there are male and female figures? M: Maybe it does. This is similar to a parent's parting words, only instead of a father there was an uncle. This uncle differed from my father in his greater masculine acumen, stamina and masculine character. If my father was more gentle then, I perceived my uncle as a positive father. Treated him very respectfully. He is active, purposeful, energetic, smart.He is a “good father”. I even envied my cousin that she had such a father. V: You can now turn to him and ask what his message to you in this dream is, and what is the difference between his message and his mother’s. M: Yes, he said that he was there to show me an example of masculinity. As a result of the transfer of this masculinity, I went out, calmly looked into the eyes of my enemies and said: “If you want, shoot.” It was he who gave me the courage to do this. Those. in fact, I surrendered to the will of fate, agreed with fate. Q: Is he completely satisfied with your behavior? M: Answers: “Yes, you acted like a real man.” Q: You can tell him your doubts about some incompleteness. M: Uncle? Q: Yes. M: He says that there is no incompleteness here. On the contrary, there is completeness, because you admitted your willingness to trust fate, and therefore it is not at all necessary to kill you. The exit to another plot is carried out in a different way, not necessarily through death. I just took it and left this school. And left this whole company in the past. They have already lowered their pistols, shown that they have no complaints against you, which means that there is no longer any relationship with them. Q: Can you now address your mother from the dream in approximately the same way? Does she have any words for you, comments about the situation? How satisfied is she with your behavior? M: Her words are unexpected. During my childhood, she had more fears and anxieties. Now her words sound like the words of a wise woman, which she has now become. She is much wiser now than when she raised me. Now she says that these words actually mean that she is letting me go. When she says that there is no death, she allows you to get out from under her wing and control your own destiny. Whether I die or not, that’s my business. Those. This is a generally resolving dream. She says that now you are free from me, there is no death. V: It turns out to be a pretty solid picture. M: Yes, maybe that’s why I consider this dream a healing dream. I woke up inspired, realizing that in a dream I had performed a certain act, a masculine act, and had overcome my fear. On the one hand, overcoming fear, on the other hand, agreement with fate. I came out agreeing with fate, God, and with this I even defeated an entire group. Q: Now I want to move on to the archetypal level. Can you look at who is behind the message of this dream, perhaps more specifically the parental figures? Comment: passage into the world of “serious” archetypes, divine archetypes, is possible if you have quite a lot of experience in immersing yourself in the space of dreams, etc. of course, sufficient theoretical acquaintance with mythology with the persons of the gods of various pantheons, with their characters and properties. M: Behind the parental figures are Villa Sida and Veles, guides to a new dimension. Moreover, mature guides, not young and wild, but mature, with the image of a wise old man, an old woman in wisdom, selfhood. Q: Do they confirm our understanding of the message? Also, with experience, communication with archetypes can occur at a wordless level, at the level of deep internal sensations which are then partially (because it is very difficult to convey the full depth and volume of information during such communication) into words. M: Yes, they confirm. The gods confirm that perhaps not complete, but significant liberation from some qualities has occurred. That’s why in the dream I went out onto the steps of the stairs, climbing them, and my pursuers were from below. So I got up. I left the office, which was located under the stairs, and went up. Yes, Velez and Villa Cida confirm that this is the case. Those. this is not a global transition, but, nevertheless, this is a stage, a milestone dream. Q: I would like to address the fact that in the end, a certain tandem was formed from the dream, you and another character who sits next to you. You come out into a single state... M: Although in life we ​​parted ways with this person a long time ago. And at the beginning they were very close friends. He is 15 years older than me. It was a strong friendship with an older man. He's inI liked his youth and enthusiasm, and I liked his experience, some kind of worldly wisdom, strength. We were very fruitful friends for three years. Q: What does this character represent in the dream? M: Ask? Q: YesM: He answers that he is my friend, ready to follow me to new heights, to new qualities of life. Maybe, if getting into a new socio-psychological world is accomplished, and this time will take six months or a year, then this is a prototype of a new friendship already in the new world, with the same qualities as when we were close to the prototype of this image. The nature of the friendship was pure and energetic. These were joint hikes, there were plans, dreams, exciting ideas. Then it really was a breakthrough into a new world. Perhaps this is a symbol that such a breakthrough will happen now. To a new world, and he is the prototype of new relationships in the new world. Q: Does he have any information about the characteristics of the new world? About the direction of development ?M: He says that this is a world of free people. Free, accepting fate, just as we accepted it on this staircase. A world of people who trust God, courageous, strong. That's it! Q: Is there anything else in the dream objects that currently attracts your attention? M: No, it seems like everything. Q: Is there a need to relive this dream, to accomplish something else in it? M: No. There is no need to relive the dream, because it will be lived with dignity. Q: Will there be some final message from the gods? M: They say that everything is moving gradually towards the symbolic plans of this dream, the transition to a new socio-psychological world. The deed is completed. Just as you were sitting on the stairs, sit still, you can wait without tension. A change in the life plot will follow. In the register of dreams, this was truly healing, life-changing. Q: How are you feeling now? M: Calmer, the fussiness is gone. At the end of the conversation - a more concentrated, calm state, there was a transition from sleepy fatigue to a smooth, working state, without excitement and exaltation. Q: Can we finish here? M: Yes. Thank you. Q: Thank the gods. A dream is a prediction. There is a category of so-called prophetic dreams that, one way or another, come true in life. This is a well-known phenomenon that you can read about in a variety of dream literature. We give an example of analyzing such a dream-prediction, exploring how the message of the gods is carried out in life. Regular work with dreams will allow you to navigate this category of dreams in order to receive warnings from the soul in time. Anatoly's dream. Anatoly: I'm driving in someone else's car. I have two passengers, a son, an adult guy of about 25 years old and his mother. I'm driving in the right lane. The road turns smoothly to the left. At that moment, when we are on the radius, a car driving next to me in the left lane, instead of turning, passes straight in front of me. At the same time, touching my car with the right side, it crushes my left front corner. After this, the offender, without stopping, drives straight along the country road, leaving the highway, as planned. I stop with the thought that the accident is definitely not my fault. This consoles me, then I back up and see the tail of the car moving away. It was not easy to drive back, since I had to maneuver among the cars and trees that stood on the side of the road. I decide to follow the intruder, although I no longer see him. I drive decisively; the road goes out to the coast. In one place, near the cliff, it is difficult to pass. I stop, get out of the car and climb higher to look around and find a way through. At this moment, the cliff and the logs piled on its edge collapse in front of us, which completely fills up the road. But I don’t hesitate for long. I walk around the blockage and continue along the road. The woman tried to protest, but her son followed me quite resolutely. I felt grateful to him. Soon we came to the buildings of some public institution, it seems, a hospital. I start asking people about a car with a scratched right side. I meet, perhaps, the head doctor of the hospital, he pays attention to me. And he begins to ask someone about the car he is looking for. It feels like he is the boss here. Then weWe go up to his office. I ask if I can leave him my coordinates so that he can tell me the news. He looks at me intently and starts laughing in my eyes. I feel helpless. He says, referring to me, something like: “This is not my person” and turns away. Previously, he often repeated this phrase only without the “not” about me and others. It’s like a saying to him. I go out into the yard, feeling my helplessness and the futility of trying to find out something. Still, I continue to speak loudly to people. He shouted his request to everyone gathered around: “Did they see the emergency car?” One guy smiles impudently, looks at me and answers: “No.” People around are preparing for the harvest festival. Everyone is happy, in bright and beautiful folk costumes. I see my companions and understand that I need to leave “without a meal.” I woke up, experiencing feelings of confusion and helplessness. A day after this dream, I had a real accident. A real accident is similar to an accident in a dream. The trajectory of the cars is almost exactly repeated. A car is driving to my left, and at the turn it cuts me off. The only thing is that in reality he did not leave, and we dealt with this situation together. And after it I didn’t have a feeling of helplessness, like in a dream. The first reaction to the accident was a feeling of cheerful surprise: “That’s cool, something is happening,” but I didn’t immediately begin to figure out who was right and who was wrong. Host: What associations do you have with your neighbor, why exactly the neighbor’s car? A: My neighbor’s lifestyle is diametrically opposed to mine. He lives financially quite successfully, changes cars, foreign cars, apartments. He has a wife and two children. Some kind of material well-being and at the same time quite intense distrust of the internal processes presented by me. I am an internal person, and he is an external person, let’s put it this way. Nevertheless, we have normal relations, sometimes friendly, sometimes colder. Everyone lives in their own way. Q: What about his car? Do you have any sympathy for her, envy? A: Car? There is no envy, this is still his old Ford, although it is certainly better than my Zhiguli. Once, at his request, I took his pregnant wife to the hospital in this car, then it ended sadly. He was not in the city. Q: Interesting. A: Yes, and here in the dream my passengers are a woman and her son, now an adult. Q: What does it mean for you to get into an accident, not a global one, with victims, but a small one. A: Perhaps this is the introduction of some extraneous forces into my dynamics, and not only was I unable to resist this introduction, but according to the plot of the dream, I was also unable to do anything later when I was looking for the intruder. Q: Why along the country road? did he disappear on the road? What associations? A: A country road is a difficult road, he left the asphalt highway. It is unknown where this road leads, perhaps it is not on the map. Those. It’s easier for him to get lost, which is what happened. Q: What feelings do you have for him? A: For him? But there were no special feelings for him personally. Rather, I have a general impression that the world in the person of some god intervened in my life. Q: Maybe the world in the person of some god intervened? Let's see. A: Maybe. Some god flashed by. Lately, Svarog has often made himself known in various of my processes. Maybe he... Q: What about Anubis? A: Anubis also appeared, but he had a more personal relationship with me. Svarog simply acted as a holder of space. Q: You can ask the driver of the car himself. A: The driver? Q: Yes. Whose interests does he represent? A: Driver, whose interests do you represent? – It’s starting to appear. You know, really Anubis. Yes. An interesting state, a very smooth, deep, concentrated state. Q: Did you have a dream with Anubis before this? A: It was a dream that led to Anubis, and it was about a week before that. Comment: an archetype, a deity, intervened in a dream into a person’s life, sending a prophetic dream. This happens periodically in people’s lives, some more often, some less often. The reasons for such relationships between people and gods are a separate conversation. Q: You can now ask Anubis whatdid he want to show you? A: He’s talking about my isolation from reality. There was a slight discrepancy between the picture and reality. Q: So, in fact, he warned? A: Yes. Now the question arises to me, what did I do to deserve such attention from him, this kind of supervision? I don’t remember communicating with him until recently. On the other hand, about Anubis, I now remembered the famous book by El Tat about male and female archetypes. There, one of the archetypes is named Anubis. He turned out to be quite close to me, as I saw when I read it. This is a finely organized poetic creature who finds it quite difficult to fit into the social world with its rigid laws. He lives by the principle “It’s either pan or bust.” If it fits in, then in full, if it doesn’t fit in, also in full. Q: Ask Anubis, why did you, having been warned, still end up in this situation? What prevented you from hearing it on a subtle level? A: Some gap between the subtle level and the current controlling consciousness. This is due to distrust of the divine presence, of divine guidance. Q: In this dream, whose image does the ego symbolize? A: Ego? The dreamer himself, probably. And now I remember the head doctor at the hospital. At first he tries to help me, but at some point, feeling my distrust and helplessness, he says that this is not my person, he refuses me. Q: What does his refusal mean, what is it associated with, why a hospital? A: Tricky, on the one hand there is a hospital, on the other there is a harvest festival in this territory... The hospital is the theme of healing, what I am suffering from, deliverance from the serious conditions that have oppressed me for years. Q: And the doctor who refused you, stated your unpreparedness for this? A: And he seems to be helping, but he himself sees that I am only formally asking for help, but inside I don’t believe in it. Q: On the other hand, what does the harvest festival mean here? A: This is a very direct indication. Their people celebrate, those who trusted their being and leadership - they have a vibrant life, rich costumes, joy, material well-being. Q: That is. In general, what is the dream about? Some kind of single thread emerged, which was later confirmed in a real event. A: A dream that there was something positive next to me, where the violating driver brought me in the dream. He pulled off the dirt road where I was moving along my usual path and on a country road showed me a passage into an environment where my well-being was possible, where I could be healed and then live happily. But even though I came there, I was not lucky enough. And without a sip, he was forced to leave there. Q: Formulate all this more compactly. Give the interpretation of this dream that suggests itself. “A break with reality?” A: A break with subtle reality, which leads to consequences in dense reality. Q: Say it again, starting with “I...” A: I am in a break with subtle reality. Q: With subtle or gross ? Or do you live more in the subtle reality? A: Well, let’s say, the gap between my ego and the subtle reality. She, subtle reality, is represented in me. The place where you can heal, where you can live in joy and prosperity is in me. And my ego, firstly, drives the car of my life, it still dominates, and, secondly, it steers in the wrong direction. As a result, it swoops in. Q: There is another interesting moment with a cliff. A: Yes, I see a place where it is difficult to pass, I stop and get out of their car. I climb higher to look around, at this moment logs and earth collapse onto the road. If I had gone, we would have been bombarded. Q: So your ego still senses a more global danger?! A: Yes, it seems like that. Q: And so far reality is signaling with subtle signals? A: Yes, it’s quite benign lesson. By the way, I noticed with my car that if it breaks down or something else goes wrong, it’s in a place where it’s convenient to deal with the situation. Although this lesson may be the toughest. S - I am interested in the figure of a young guy, a passenger who so decisively went to help me. Although the essence of his help was that he was simply with me. He himself did not act. Here there is a transition to a deeper level of awarenessand understanding of what is happening, deeper and more extensive, the awareness of the relationships between the images and feelings of a dream and waking life increases. Q: And ask him who he is?! Don’t even enter into his image, but ask: “Who are you?” A: Who are you? Who are you? ... - You know, it turns out interesting. I don’t know if this happens or not, but the answer is a new, emerging ego! It is organized differently. Q: New crystallization center. Let’s add that you are in a period of transition, when a change in the internal ruler should occur. A: And he is already quite clearly manifested. B: Although he is still young, he is nevertheless ready to go with you. A: Yes, he is present with me, doesn't leave me. And thanks to him, the woman comes with me. I really don’t know why I even need a woman here. She protested. Q: Who is she, ask. A: Who are you, madam?... Well, the image of my mother is present, her participation in my space. Q: How necessary is it for you now, or vice versa, this is the factor from - for which the failure occurs. To what extent does it initiate your inconsistency with the subtle world? There is some kind of umbilical cord here that draws energy. A: In life? B: Yes. A: I don’t know, maybe the comparison with the mother is too obvious a statement, maybe it’s somehow different here... Perhaps there is some kind of burden which interferes with movement. Moreover, not only the mother, but also the generic structures are represented here. There is a theme of futility in this. And by the way, when I escaped from the dark space of my kind, climbed to the top without strength, I just met Anubis in my previous work. The problem is that this load cannot be dropped so easily, because... The topic of procreation is present in my life, which means I cannot break the connection with the family. Yes, this introduces a certain dissonance. Q: I remember the image of a loser bachelor, already approaching forty years old, living with his mother, etc., often found in Soviet films. A: “Enjoy your steam”? Q: This too, and others …A: Yes, but there is still some kind of knot here, it’s somehow ambiguous. Now I don’t know the right way to cut this umbilical cord or not. Q: Let’s not decide now whether to cut it or not, this is a topic for a separate session. A: Well, yes. Q: Ask this woman what her role is in this event? A : In this event, first of all, she is a passenger, she sits, and she is taken where she needs to go. Secondly, she whines, complains, protests, doesn’t want to go anywhere to sort things out. Q: That is. some kind of inhibitory force? A: Well, yes, inert... And if I feel gratitude towards the guy in the dream, then there is irritation towards her. True, when I was about to go on a search, I was determined in my intention to go, but there was no confidence in effectiveness, rather there was a feeling of uncertainty. Q: I now have an interpretation of this passenger as a manifestation of anima, but in her very first, maternal its form, which fetters and does not allow a person to move on for the time being. A: And, in fact, it turns out that I am leaving her and to her and returning after adventures in the town. Q: And ask the doctor why he rejected you? A : Doctor, doctor... There, there really is no point in coming to him, being what I am. The image is like this: I entered there, and there was a certain bubble on me that enveloped me, a woman, my way of life. It is impenetrable, stretches, but prevents contact with external figures. Q: That is. the ego has not yet changed, some possession of the anima by the mother complex, and the doctor states a lack of readiness? A: Yes. In a dream, I was amazed that the characters of the place where I came, on the one hand, treated me kindly, on the other, with some malice. As if they can do something if necessary, but not for me. Q: Look. The dream shows, on the one hand, the discrepancy between the subtle and dense realities, on the other, it indicates the reason for this. A: Possession of the anima by the maternal complex? Q: Yes. A: And, at the same time, a new state is maturing, a new center of crystallization. Q: A as a result, a real event occurs that confirms the dream information. A: By the way, in reality I had an accident when I was driving to my friend’s house, which is also interesting in this context. Those. maybe she's the one for mepersonifies the image of an anima of a different level, and a different level of relationships, to which I was not able to get through. I also won’t be able to get to her completely until I’m ready. Q: Remind me how the dream ends? A: The dream ends with me, leaving the hospital, loudly asking everyone about the car that cut me off, if anyone saw it. One of the local characters, a guy, looks into my eyes for a long time, and then with a malicious smile says: “No.” Meaning that they won't do it. And I return to my companions in a feeling of helplessness and confusion. Q: Yes. What does this refusal to look for the culprit of the accident mean, on the one hand the culprit, and on the other - the messenger? A: That while my anima is possessed by the maternal complex, all the possibilities and riches of the new world for me will not become available to me, will not become the center of my current reality. The previous plot has not yet been exhausted. Q: Okay. The interpretation of the dream turned out to be of high quality. A: Yes. I appreciate some of the insights that came during the work. Q: How are you feeling now? A: Not bad, my condition has improved. There was a somewhat more specific understanding of the situation. Q: Well then. Fine. And thanks to Anubis.A: Yes. Special thanks to Anubis for his participation. His attention is dear to me, it gives me some sacred awe. A dream with the Archetype of the Self In many dreams one can easily detect the symbolism of the archetypes described by Jung: Persona, Shadow, Anima - Animus, Self. There is extensive literature on this issue. We give an example of studying such a dream and its further disclosure with access to a whole group of gods. Konstantin's dream. Konstantin: An island, like a coral reef. Beauty. I live there and enjoy it. There is a boat with a homing missile, the only means of defense of this island. The woman, the owner of the boat, is very similar to a certain Lena, who at one time introduced me to many psychologists, mystics and esotericists. There is also an abandoned building on the island. And according to rumors, someone truly terrible lives there. Joking with fate, I run up to this house and shout for this monster to show itself. In response, a terrible roar is heard, goosebumps run down the skin and the blood freezes in the veins. I’m still screaming, and then He appears, accompanied by some woman. He is the very embodiment of fear and horror, but I don’t wake up and run away. I look, although I am afraid. He's terrible. A huge, ugly head on a big, ugly body. This is the owner of the island, the secret underground one. He has a ship and much more. I know that he has the ability to read minds, he likes to take risks on the brink of life and death. Tomorrow he is going to sail from the island on a ship and destroy it with a nuclear missile. I'm signing up for his ship's crew. Someone else is recording with me, who doesn’t know what’s going on, some guy, hypochondriacal, suspicious. He is afraid of everything and follows me everywhere. I made the decision, at the cost of myself and everyone who was on the ship, to destroy including Him, the terrible one. Lena will have to move away from the ship on her boat, and I will call fire on myself. I sacrifice myself by being close to the monster and his weapon. Thus, he will be destroyed and the island will be saved. But my fearful friend remains with me, and I feel sorry for him. I feel sorry for myself, but I feel like a hero. Self-sacrifice, etc. Lena tells me a code word that I will have to say in order to cause her missile to fire on me. She tries to dissuade me, but I justify my decision by the fact that otherwise the whole island will perish. And here I am next to him. We're leaving. I imagine that maybe I can stay alive if I am thrown into the sea by a blast wave. Then I can swim to the island. But I saw a big shark in the water. The chances are still low. I'm in the same room with him, a huge ugly head. I see that he knows all my thoughts, but he is interested. He lives by the principle “on the edge.” He grins tiredly in my direction, and then I say the words of the password to call fire on myself. For several more minutes nothing happens, although I feel like a hero, mixed with despair. Then I wake up. Presenter: Offhand,which of the characters in this dream is most vivid for you? Comment: since the dream is very powerful and voluminous, the presenter, to begin work, identifies the most important characters, which allows you to orient yourself and speed up the process. K: This monster is huge. Q: And the second and third places? K: This woman. Third place - two appear, the guy is a hypochondriac friend and the island itself. Q: If you don’t mind, let’s start with the island. What associations do you have with it? K: The island now seems to me as a kind of closed space of my life, secluded, hermitic, remote from any shores, from connections with the continent. Yes, the island symbolizes a hermit lifestyle. Q: How long have you been leading this lifestyle? K: Yes, for several years Q: Is it comfortable for you? K: Not at all comfortable, but it persists for a number of reasons, this is what maintains homeostasis. This is what relieves me of stress. Any exit into the real world seems to me to be some kind of stress. Therefore, I created a little world for myself, such an island, my own little world. There were enough opportunities for this. Q: Is there a gunboat on guard?! K: Yes, some small boat is on guard. Q: Can the boat go far from the island? K: Within the coastline Q: There is beauty on the island, as you said. What is this about you? K: Beauty is my inner world, a reflection of travel through reflections, through realities, it is such a kind of paradise, but with the price of being fenced off from life. Moreover, such a paradise in which there is a certain frozen beauty, there is a grace from which you quickly get tired, it quickly gets boring, there is no boiling of life, a seething ocean of passions, emotions, stress, events. Q: Is there an ocean around the island? K: An ocean, maybe sea. At least the shores are not visible. Those. maybe some shore is looming on the horizon, a continent. Q: What is this ocean like? K: You know, it’s very beautiful, calm, the sun is reflected in it. Q: That is. is this a continuation of the island paradise? K: Yes, something like that. Q: Is it pacified? K: Yes. Q: Please tell me, on the island, the building in which someone lives is the only one? K: It’s not a building, it’s some kind of that's a bunker. Only the exit is visible, like from a bomb shelter. And there are buildings, I’m looking through them now. There is some kind of bungalow, or a bungalow-style hotel, where, apparently, I live Q: Are there any other residents besides those mentioned? You, your friend, are a woman, and what else? K: You know, I’m not watching. Maybe they are there, but they are not shown. Perhaps, from time to time some people come to this island, excursionists for example, tourists. Q: Is there equipment at the pier? K: Yes, there is. I see a pier leaving the shore. The island looks like a bagel, torn a little in one place. Q: If you don’t mind, let’s move on to your friend? Who is he for you? K: This is my friend, but it seems to me that he symbolizes my suspiciousness and hypochondria. He is so always suspicious, cowardly, something like this is always happening to him. For him, I am forced to be not so much a friend as a father, a doctor, etc. Those. This is a downtrodden and painful inner child. In a dream he is small and frail. I don’t remember, in real life he doesn’t seem to be associated with anyone. Just some guy about seventeen or eighteen years old. There is a feeling and awareness of the deep essence of the image and the projection of its influence, its potency on the rest of the dream space and on the Dreamer himself. Q: And your age in the dream? K: Real, maybe a little younger, years thirty-five.Q: If we take your entire personality as one hundred percent, what percentage will the energy of this hypochondriac take up? K: Thirty percent. Q: Does his energy overwhelm you? K: It’s extremely rare that hysterics happen to him. Usually he just timidly hides behind my back, and hysterics happen to him quite rarely. Q: And what causes hysterics? K: You know, they didn’t happen in the dream. I’m already figuring this out myself. In his sleep, he is simply timid, disheveled, and constantly looks around. He's hiding behind his back, kind of nervous. Q: Why did he also sign up for the ship? K: We sign up for the ship together. He is inseparable from me. I didn’t explain the reason to him. He doesn’t know what might be waiting for him there, he’s just caught up. Q: With this imagecan we finish? K: Yes, perhaps. Q: Let’s talk about the woman from your dream K: I actively communicated with this woman about ten years ago. We went to various trainings and seminars together. Those. she can serve as a symbol of some kind of guide for me, a catalyst for changing life. Q: And as a result, the island arose? K: The island arose later, the island arose a few years after that. Q: But this was a logical continuation of the path begun with the help of this woman ?K: The island was created because of this hypochondriac whom I protect. It is he who I protect from stress, the island arose because of him. It appeared about six years ago. And the woman was there a lot earlier, but somehow she also ended up on this island. And what does it have to do with the island’s defense system?! She has a boat with a homing missile. Q: In this story, I drew attention to the beginning of a certain path and its end, i.e. in a dream - the threat of destruction of the island. And it turns out that this woman is involved both at the beginning and at the end of the story. K: UghV: A somewhat provocative question: if this woman had not met in your life, what would she, your life, have become? K: I was still interested in psychology , some other people would have led me to something else. Maybe everything would have turned out differently. Therefore, what happened did not depend so much on this woman, on the one who became the guide. It just happened. Conductor.V: Is there anything else about her now? K: Yes, it’s interesting that my wife was jealous of her. But there was no reason for jealousy. This woman was ten years older than me, and I didn’t like her as a woman. We had friendly, friendly relations. But I constantly went to visit her, where some kind of party was gathering, then she came to me and we discussed some psychological topics. My wife was jealous of me and made a scene. Which also added stress and psychological trauma. Q: Another source of a hypochondriac? K: Yes. So this woman had an interesting influence. Although there was really no reason... Interesting... Realization of one’s Self in a dream is usually preceded by a rather long and painstaking, sometimes difficult and painful period of preparation in reality and in other dreams and states. Q: Well, let’s move on to Him, if you don’t mind. K: When I had this dream three months ago, I thought that He was a Shadow, but now I definitely see that it is the Self. Such a strange Self. Those. the image of a wise, all-knowing, all-knowing, and for me terrible. The self is scary to me because it can blow up my world. It will be a different world. Which is what she is going to do in her sleep. It’s interesting that when I had this dream, I perceived it as heroic, but now I see that I wanted to encroach on the Self, to sacrifice not the ego at all, but the Self together with the ego, i.e. suicide dream. The self is depicted in the imagination as a monster. I came to the bunker and shouted there. You know how they tease a bear in order to lure it out, they shout into the den. He comes out - a monster. I just remembered that in early childhood, 3-5 years old, I often found myself in lucid dreams, and I did not understand where I was, it was scary. I came up with a clever way to wake up. I then watched a cartoon with an ogre, I think it was about Puss in Boots, and in a dream I shouted into space: “Ogre, eat me!” The cannibal came, and I didn’t really see him, but I felt something huge, terrible approaching, and I woke up. It was a way to awaken from the unknown. In my current dream, He lives underground, but not deep, at the depths of the cry and immediately appears. Those. The ego came close, it was ready to blow up my island, but I decided to set it up. It turns out that the Shadow is a hypochondriac, Anima is a woman, and the Self is a monster... But there is some kind of stretch in this. This is not the same scheme. Q: Actually, as far as I understand, the Self was mostly in the Shadow. K: Yes, of course. Therefore, she apparently did not appear in the form of a wise old man or an elderly woman, i.e. in a plausible appearance, but in the form of a monster, which, nevertheless, arouses burning interest, curiosity, and which I myself evoke with a cry. I'm waiting for his appearance. Q: The appearance of this monster is a huge terrible head,on a small ugly body. Do these proportions tell you anything? K: These proportions? It seems like there is some priority of the mental over the physical. But this seems to me to be a very superficial interpretation. There is something deeper in this...a living woman, that is. and she did not appear in the form of a mudtya in the shadow of an island, but I decided to substitute her, and I woke up! Head! Do you remember in “Ruslan and Lyudmila” there was a head? Q: You didn’t have time to say, I thought about that too. K: Uh-huh. The head is wise, the hero Svyatogor comes to mind. Although the proportions are all normal, the head is like a symbol of wisdom. Yes. You know the head turns out to be a symbol of wisdom. Not intelligence, not intelligence, but wisdom! Moreover, He knows everything, he reads thoughts. Yes, this is wisdom. And the body is kind of small. What would that mean? Q: And ugly! K: It’s ugly not in itself, but precisely in its scale, next to the head. It is somehow completely inappropriate. The head is rather ugly with some kind of blisters and warts. I also remember “The Head of Professor Dowell,” which I read in my youth, a novel by Belyaev. An all-knowing head, which was used for world discoveries by a certain charlatan, so to speak, who was preparing to gain the glory of these discoveries. Q: So what about the body? K: Maybe this symbolizes how I perceive my body. I have perceived it as painful for the last few years. I used to work out my body very closely. We can say that there were super loads, I was happy with my body. And lately there has been a feeling of a painful, falling apart body, to which I still hardly pay attention, except for a small warm-up. But my main activity takes place in some other spheres, not in the physical. Q: Let’s turn to one more manifestation of this character, his roar?! K: The first thing that responded was a trumpet call, the trumpets of the apocalypse! A foreshadowing of the end of the world, and the world in this case is my island. Q: Anything else? K: Some kind of vocal potential that I don’t use. I can go on stage and express myself there. And usually I speak in a quiet, soft voice, although my range is wider, but it is not in demand. Buried underground. Among other things, it is a symbol of an emotional breakthrough. And on this island, with this way of life, any emotional breakthrough is avoided due to isolation and hypochondriacity. It’s better not to disturb the emotional sphere, so that there isn’t some emotion that will blow everything “to smithereens.” Q: Now remembering your dream, I noticed that He has a ship and She has a ship... K: She has - the boat is small, but it has a real ship, a battleship, with nuclear weapons on board, a complex ship, powerful equipment. Moreover, I don’t see him, and then he appears. The island is guarded by a small boat with a simple short-range missile. And the Self, if we take Him as the Self, owns everything you can imagine, the latest developments in the field of technology. Q: General question, what is a ship, a watercraft, in principle for you? K: Well, on a small boat you can sail far, but a large ship is an opportunity to travel both to the continent and to other worlds. This is a serious vehicle, powerful. Something connecting. Q: Gives freedom? K: Gives freedom and is superbly equipped with defensive and offensive means. Q: Freedom and security? K: Freedom, security and at the same time you can attack. The aggressive component is nuclear weapons, i.e. the possibility of complete destruction, leaving no stone unturned. Q: That is. It is precisely this aspect of weapons that is important, the aspect of total destruction? K: Yes. The Self demonstrated the possibility of destroying my entire way of life, total destruction, complete change. She showed all the fragility and unreliability of the little world that I created for myself. The Self showed this, and for this I decided to destroy it in some cunning way, sacrificing myself completely. Q: Is there anything else for Him? K: I now feel deep respect and reverence for Him. I now have no fear, no hostility, no desire to destroy. Q: Two more images that can be considered. The first is the code word.K: Code word,what is this woman telling me? A code, a code word?.. It occurred to me that maybe this was some kind of memory, a memory that could turn on this whole mechanism. Yes, a blocked memory. Q: A mechanism for destroying the Self? K: Yes, and yourself in general. Like a code for alcohol. They put it in, drank it, and died. It’s the same here. Q: The image of a shark? K: This is connected with my hope in a dream, after the destruction of a ship with nuclear weapons, to swim to the island. But on the way to the ship, I saw a shark swimming in those waters. The shark is a predator, some kind of internal aggression. Judging by the fact that she is an inhabitant of the underwater world, to be eaten by her means to be eaten by one’s own aggression, to burn in the fire of one’s own emotions. Shark - represents self-hatred. Then this is the key figure, it is self-hatred that motivates me to destroy the Self. Although in the dream I did not know that this was the Self, the unconscious knows better. Q: Would you like to mention something else about dream images? K: Firstly, I did not take into account the fact that even if my homing missile hits the ship, it will not can cause him special harm, secondly, the nuclear charge that is on the ship should not explode even from a direct hit, it has a different mechanism for triggering the reaction. The ship may suffer minor damage, but there will be no destructive explosion. I didn’t take this into account in the dream. It is now clear that this is a technically impossible task. Those. You can warp the side a little, demolish the deckhouse, but no more. It’s interesting that my Self, which loves the line between life and death, just enjoys taking risks. She seeks to destroy this world and take the ship on a long voyage. She looks at me sympathetically, apparently she understands that I am not trying to cause fire for myself, and so on. In her gaze one can read that this is some kind of vanity, the boy is playing with toys. There is simply no comparable power there. Q: It’s interesting that the dream ends with you together, in the same cabin. K: Yes, the explosion, naturally, never happens, although I say the code word. And I meet the Self face to face and am with it. Q: Can we now start reliving the dream? K: I think so. Reliving the dream. After previous elaboration and awareness, the dream space and the journey itself in it change very much, although they remain, in this case, necessary, since the dream concerns one of the most important archetypal figures that make up the inner world of a person. K: So, I’m wandering around a coral island, where I live. This time the sea is rough, not exactly a storm, but the waves are rolling onto the shore and crashing on the reefs. The wind shakes the bungalow on the beach, almost tearing off the roof and walls. I see a boat moored to the shore. The boat is small, almost toy-like. The racket on him is just a toy now. This woman is near the shore. I'm walking around the island. Some autumn period, I'm wearing a rain jacket. Wind. There is water dust in the air, rolling over me. This symbolizes the beginning of internal emotional fluctuations. As they say, the forces of Neptune began to move. Those. It’s not so cozy there anymore, this island doesn’t seem like paradise. Because it’s stormy, this water is splashing in your face, the wind is blowing. And my home is almost blown away by the wind. An unreliable small island, the sky is overcast, some kind of omen. Q: Neptune? K: Yes. Neptune is clearly behind the element; he is active in my horoscope right now. Q: Does he have any more specific message? Can you ask? K: He says that he came to show the imperfection of my constructions. This slightly raging element is the growing internal dissatisfaction with the way of life that I have created. It must change or disappear. He says, yes, I came to say that it’s time to change. Q: Is he just pointing this out so far? K: Yes, he’s not going to ruin me. He says that he will only show all the inconsistency and inadequacy of this life. So that you will see that this is bullshit, and you will be completely disappointed in this way of life. This paradise will be far from paradise. Enough!Stayed too long! Neptune is friendly, but persistently wants to encourage me to change. He is at one with the Self. Q: Are you and the woman alone? K: No, she remained on the other end of the island. And I am approaching the bunker or bomb shelter where the Self lives. Yes, I know that someone lives there, incomprehensible in size, something beyond my perception. I'm interested. I live on the same island with him, and now I’ve gotten very close to him. A few finishing touches are missing to meet him face to face. I feel that I am ready for this meeting, so I shout: “Come out!” He rises slowly. Now he is rising in the form of the hero Svyatogor. Not ugly, but simply huge, dozens of human sizes. He gets out of there, gets on all fours in front of me, bends down to take a closer look. Maybe in a dream I would be scared, but now I calmly look up at it, it’s the face of a sphinx. Yes, it's a sphinx. I now see him as a sphinx. I bow my head respectfully before him. Like a sphinx, he asks me a riddle that he once asked Oedipus: “Who are you? Who are you, man? I answer: “Something incomprehensible! I am you, and this island, and the big world, and everything that exists.” He is pleased with my answer, although he already knew it, he is all-seeing, all-knowing. He turns into a huge hero again, gets up, he actually barely fits on this island. If it falls, it will cover the entire island. Stands like a statue, raising his hand in a regal gesture. This hand points somewhere into the distance. A squadron of ships appears there, a huge fleet. I ask what it is. The answer is the space of my soul, where each ship is guided by some kind of god. Each ship is led by some god. He invites me to board any of these ships, or move between them, or board his central ship, the battleship, which is in the center of the entire flotilla, and sail from this island on a journey across the seas and oceans. Interesting, there is no hypochondriac boy here . Now I don't see anyone else. It's like he's no longer needed. Maybe he is sitting in a bungalow, shaking there from cold and fear, but obviously I don’t see him. Q: Please ask if we need to find him now, help somehow? K: Yes, he answers that he needs tell the story of how he became so sick, cowardly, pathetic. And if he learns this story, he can be healed, and secondly, he can be left as governor of this island. The hero says that you will need this bay, just as a calm corner, a place where you can return. Or if you consciously want to be a hermit. There will always be the owner of this island, a boy who will grow up and arrange the island as a place for sacrament, prayer, solitude, fasting, meditation. This island will be the place in the inner world where some intimate processes, prayers, meditations, and hermitic activities take place. But for this, a good owner must be left on the island, and this boy is not the owner yet. I return to the bungalow, I see that he is really huddled in the corner in a pitiful position, shaking all over from the cold, from fear. I extend my hand to him and say: “Let’s go.” He is afraid to go, especially since there is a hero there, whom he is very afraid of. Then I return to the hero and ask, “What should I do?” He replies that on one of the ships of the flotilla is sailing the god that this boy needs, who is needed for his upbringing. This is Chiron. The centaur, who is engaged in education, who raised many gods, heroes, passed on wisdom to them. Chiron can live here with this boy for some time, testing and healing him. Indeed, a ship is approaching the pier. Someone comes down from it, not a centaur, but introduces himself as Chiron. He is in armor, a knight. I see that he also has a “subtle body”, and it is this that really looks like a centaur. And so he is also a big man, not as big as the Self, but three times bigger than me. He bowed politely and asked: “Where should I go?” Where is the patient? I’ll take him to the boy. The boy gets up from his corner and goes out.
