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Does a woman need a marriage contract? It began to seem logical to me against the backdrop of hundreds of stories of women who, after divorce, raise children on their own. And this is not about “I’m a mother,” but about the fair distribution of resources and the psychological health of the child. If a woman decides to give birth to a child while unmarried, she relies only on her own strengths and financial capabilities. It’s a completely different story if people decide to give birth to a child married. This means that they will raise children together and the load is distributed 50/50 - walking with the child, buying and preparing food, playing, treating, cleaning, developing emotional intelligence, containing emotions, organizing the socialization process, taking them to kindergarten/school/clubs. There are children with special needs who require even more attention, time, and care. After a divorce, in 95% of cases, children remain with the woman, and the mother finds herself alone with all the responsibilities; in fact, she plays the role of the eight-armed Shiva - mom, dad, nanny, doctor, logistician, housekeeper, cook, animator all rolled into one 24/7, while she is forced to work. In addition, she is told that she needs to convey to the child “a positive image of the father,” and “only a happy mother can raise a happy child.” Therefore, in addition to all of the above, she must develop, engage in hobbies, yoga, meditate, change her image, take care of herself, arrange her personal life. A woman’s life becomes like the hellish running of a squirrel in a wheel. Constant fatigue, lack of time, energy, emotional resources, and adequate sleep inevitably leads to chronic stress and depression. In addition to the pain of separation, there is an acute sense of injustice from the fact that she is now forced to carry out the responsibilities of two people alone, while her ex-husband has a lot of freedom. amount of time in accordance with the status of a free man. Now imagine what a woman in such a state can give to a child? She herself is exhausted, so she can only convey her state of anxiety and stress. Accordingly, the child’s trauma from divorce only gets worse. Of course, there are cases when, after a divorce, a man takes on half the burden, or the maintenance of his former family, which causes respect, but such cases, unfortunately, are very few. Most men consider themselves “good fathers.” ”, if they pay child support and visit the child once a week. (the amount of alimony is a separate interesting topic - often they do not even cover the maintenance of the child, not to mention compensation to the ex-wife). A child is ALWAYS THE RESPONSIBILITY OF TWO. And if the father does not invest his share of effort, time, and energy into raising the child, then it is logical that this should be compensated financially. Additionally, in addition to alimony. The law of Ukraine, like other post-Soviet countries, does not provide for compensation. There is no concept of temporary, emotional and physical resource in it at all. From which we can conclude that the creators of the law have a very vague understanding of the process of raising children. This is sad. And it’s high time to reconsider. I am convinced that laws protecting the rights of women and children are what should exist in any country that claims to be civilized. In the meantime, as we see, marriage remains a way for a woman to protect herself and her child contract.Psychologist Veligurskaya Innaconsultations online around the world
