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1. Try completely opposite things. 2. Wake up 20 minutes earlier. 3. Arrive to all meetings and appointments 10 minutes early. 4. Single-tasking. 5. Ask yourself: Am I trying to keep things simple? 6. Ask yourself: will this matter in 5 years? 7. Make purchases only based on the money you have earned or saved. 8. Cook at home more often. 9. When you cook, try to cook more than you will eat. 10. Write it down. 11. Remember that there is much more to life than you think. 12. Take risks, don’t be afraid to make mistakes. 13. Do what you really like! 14. Try to purchase groceries for the week at once. 15. Go shopping when you're full. 16. Enjoy small joys. 17. Drink water. 18. Eat more slowly. 19. Be kind. 20. Write short letters. Usually 1-5 sentences are enough. 21. Reply to emails once a day. 22. Learn new ways to deal with stress and try them. 23. Keep your home and work area in order. 24. Live “here and now.” 25. Spend more time with people who make life easier. 26. Exercise every day. 27. Get rid of clutter. 28. Ask questions. 29. Stop trying to please everyone. 30. Break complex tasks into small ones. 31. Stop trying to do everything perfectly. 32. Stop for a minute and just take a deep breath. 33. Spend 20% of your time thinking about solving a problem and 80% solving it. 34. Focus on a few important things, and cut off everything unnecessary and unimportant. 35. Keep a diary. 36. If you no longer like your activity, find something else. 37. Use a minimalist workspace. 38. Give yourself 15 minutes every Sunday to plan for the upcoming work week. 39. Cancel unnecessary subscriptions. 40. Ask instead of guessing. 41. Make one change at a time. 42. Sometimes allow yourself to just be lazy.
