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Knowing the dangers of sugar (according to doctors around the world), since the 1950s, the USSR has used glucose and fructose to prepare food for high-ranking officials and their families. List of harmful causes: 1. Can disrupt the structure of DNA 2. Helps reduce immunity 3. Can cause disturbances in mineral metabolism 4. Can lead to irritability, anxiety, impaired attention 5. Causes a significant increase in triglycerides 6. Helps reduce resistance to bacterial and other infections 7. Can cause kidney damage 8. Reduces the level of high-density lipoproteins 9. Leads to a deficiency of the trace element chromium 10. Causes a deficiency of the trace element copper 11. Promotes the occurrence of cancer of the breast, ovaries, intestines, prostate, rectum 12. Increases the level of glucose and insulin 13. Impairs vision 14. Increases the concentration of the neurotransmitter serotonin 15. May cause hypoglycemia (lowering glucose levels) 16. Promotes increased acidity of digested food 17. Impairs the absorption of calcium and magnesium 18. In children, may increase adrenaline levels 19. Leads to impaired absorption of nutrients 20. Accelerates the onset of age-related changes 21. Promotes the development of alcoholism 22. Causes tooth decay 23. Promotes obesity 24. Increases the risk of developing ulcerative colitis 25. Leads to exacerbation of gastric ulcer of the duodenum 26. May lead to the development of arthritis 27. Provokes attacks of bronchial asthma 28 . Contributes to the occurrence of fungal diseases 29. Can cause the formation of stones in the gall bladder 30. Increases the risk of developing coronary heart disease 31. Provokes exacerbation of chronic appendicitis 32. May cause multiple sclerosis 33. Promotes the appearance of hemorrhoids 34. Increases the likelihood of varicose veins 35. May lead to to an increase in glucose and insulin levels in women using hormonal birth control pills 36. Promotes the occurrence of periodontal disease 37. Increases the risk of osteoporosis 38. Increases the acidity of saliva 39. May impair insulin sensitivity 40. Leads to decreased glucose tolerance 41. May reduce hormone production growth 42. Can increase cholesterol levels 43. Promotes an increase in systolic blood pressure 44. Causes drowsiness in children 45. Causes headaches 46. Interferes with protein absorption 47. Causes food allergies 48. Promotes the development of diabetes 49. Can cause toxicosis in pregnant women 50. Provokes eczema in children 51. Predisposes to the development of cardiovascular diseases 52. Causes disruption of protein structure 53. By changing the structure of collagen, leads to the early appearance of wrinkles 54. Predisposes to the development of cataracts 55. Promotes the occurrence of pulmonary enphysema 56. Provokes the development of atherosclerosis 57. Promotes an increase in lipoproteins low density, which leads to damage to blood vessels 58. Leads to the appearance of free radicals in the bloodstream 59. Reduces the functional activity of enzymes
