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Hello dear readers. I want to share with you a story from my life. Once upon a time, my friend brought me a printout of a strange text. It was called the “INDIVIDUALS BILL OF RIGHTS.” I couldn’t understand why I needed this “Bill”, because everything seemed to be fine with me (so I wanted to think). I put it somewhere with the rest of my papers and tried to forget about it. But from time to time this “Bill” caught my eye, and I began to read into it. Read and compare with yourself and your life. The truth turned out to be disappointing. It turns out that I was completely incapable of putting myself first, even sometimes. I could take care of myself only after everyone’s interests were satisfied. Moreover, these were all not only close people, but also complete strangers to me. So, after a hard day of work, standing on my feet all day, I could not afford to sit on public transport, only because there were always people older than me on it. Somewhere from the depths I heard: “You have to give in to your elders.” And it didn’t matter that I was no longer 12-15 years old. I'm working and I'm tired, and maybe I'm not feeling well. It didn't matter. Even being pregnant in the early stages, I could not afford such behavior, because my tummy was still small, people couldn’t see it, which means they could judge me. It was a crazy cocktail of different attitudes and fears. And this was the case with most items. Having accepted this “Bill” into my life, I felt my right to act based on my own interests and needs. Self-suppression disappeared from my life, I stopped doing what I really didn’t want to do and started doing what I wanted. And if I did it, then I’m sure you can do it too! And you need to be able to do this, because this is your life and your feelings. And someone has to take care of you. And since only you know how you feel, then you are the most suitable person for such care. By realizing the following rights, you can develop confident behavior and become a confident person. BILL OF RIGHTS YOU HAVE THE RIGHT:1. … sometimes put yourself first2. ... ask for help and emotional support3. ... protest against unfair treatment or criticism4. ...have your own opinion or beliefs5. …make mistakes until you find the right path6. …give people the right to solve their own problems7. ...say: “Thanks, NO”, “Sorry, NO”8. …ignore the advice of others and follow your own9. ...to be alone, even if others want your company10. ...to have your own feelings, whatever you want, regardless of whether others understand them11. ...change your decisions or change your course of action12. ...to seek a change in an arrangement that does not suit you13...to judge your own behavior, thoughts, emotions and take responsibility for their consequences.14...to not make excuses or apologize for your behavior15...to decide whether you should take responsibility for other people's problems .16…say: “I don’t know,” “I don’t understand.”17…say: “I don’t care...”, “I don’t care...”, “I’m not interested...” YOU NEVER HAVE TO1. …be 100% perfect2. ...follow everyone3. ...do something nice for people you don’t like4. ...to love people who harm you5. ...apologize for being yourself6. ...to go out of your way for others7. ...feel guilty for your desires8. ...to put up with a situation that is unpleasant for you9. ...sacrifice your inner peace for the sake of anyone10. …staying in a relationship that has become abusive11. ...do more than your time allows12. ...do something you really can't do13. ...comply with unreasonable demands14. ...give something that you don't really want to give15. ...bear the brunt of someone else's wrong behavior16. ...to give up one’s “I” for the sake of anything or anyone.
