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Five ways to get through a bad day and turn it into a good one1. Why are you in a bad mood? Find the source of negative emotions. Have you noticed procrastination and are you reproaching yourself for it? Have you eaten too much sweets even though you didn’t intend to? Feeling lonely? Did someone else spoil your mood? Work out your emotions on paper or talk to a friend. Resolve this conflict to open yourself up to the good times the day will bring. If you try to distract yourself from bad thoughts, it will not help in the long run. Write down what is happening in a diary, recognize and accept your feelings - this way you will get out of the situation with the least losses. Don't fight your emotions, accept them as part of your life. There are good days and there are not so good days, and that's okay. Why should you struggle with difficult days? Allow yourself not to feel remorse for difficulties. Remember, you are doing your best. Write down your feelings to better understand them. Every day ask yourself: “How are you feeling?” Show yourself some love.2. Do something productive It only takes five minutes to wash the dishes, vacuum the room, or do little things on the way to a big goal. When you finish something, no matter how small it may seem, praise yourself for it. Small victories will gradually add up and, looking back on the past day, you will see completed tasks and a lot of benefits. Read a book - it will already be a great pastime.3. Take care of yourself Make a list of things that always bring you pleasure. Write down small joys like a warm shower and complete one of the points. Light some candles, watch your favorite movie, do something nice.4. Support yourself You probably have friends who will support you in difficult times. But it is extremely important to be your own best friend. Realize that you are a wonderful person who deserves the best. Support yourself, love yourself, take care of yourself. And don't let others interfere with this.5. Be grateful No matter how bad things are, look for the positive. At the very least, any incident is an experience from which lessons can be learned. Be grateful for your life: you have a roof over your head, food, water... Life goes on! Learn to find the good in the bad.
