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cycle: psychological stories - A worthy man serves the feminine. This is not a boy, but a husband. - It’s curious how everything is arranged. If a man rejects family, love, relationships for the sake of material things, sells himself entirely for the sake of money, then he still remains in the power of the feminine (matter). But instead of cooperation and co-creativity, he betrays himself and descends to a slave, without even realizing it. - The spiritual path through the denial of the feminine also leads to decline. After all, a man’s body is a vessel of feminine nature. I remember the instructive story about one sage from the series “God of Gods Mahadev”. He did not want to accept Parvati as Shiva's wife and continued to pray only to God, but not to the Goddess. Then Parvati (the original energy of Shakti) decided to teach him a lesson. She united with Shiva into a single body (androgyne) and asked to go around him. The sage turned into a bee and flew around only the part that reflected Shiva. Then Parvati, out of mercy for the sage, who ignores the value of matter, deprived him of his body and offered to perform austerities in an incorporeal state (since he does not need matter). Only then did the sage realize his mistake, pray for forgiveness and recognize the equivalence of Shiva and Parvati as the male and female principles of Being (spirit and nature). - Among Hindus, the Goddess Lakshmi is responsible for wealth and prosperity, but not many people know that Vishnu (the Goddess’s husband) is a bisexual God, since the function of preserving and maintaining the world is purely female. This is also why he is able to transform into the beautiful dancer Mohini. Images of Vishnu, Rama and Krishna are always androgynous and indicate a connection with the feminine principle. - I agree with the opinion that the son of a slave cannot be free. If the mother who gave birth to a man is devalued and humiliated, then how can a son become great? He is the same slave, albeit an implicit one. In the Polish film “When the Sun Was God,” the prince’s wife was a concubine who, out of revenge, weaved a conspiracy, killing not only her husband, but also her son. There is also a worthy hero who was able to win the heart of the sorceress and she became his wife. He did not seek to capture or appropriate her power, but patiently established a strong connection with her. - This is a problem in the very structure of the family and society, where the continuity from father to son is broken. If a father does not respect his wife and mother of his children, then why should a son do this to his lover, wife and daughter? If the father of the family is weak and is under the thumb of his wife, then how will the son become a man if he does not have the example of a strong and fair father? - In Andron Konchalovsky’s film “Odysseus,” the king of Ithaca was going to return home after the victory over Troy, but ended up spending 10 years of wandering the seas (symbol of the feminine, unconscious). Most of the obstacles and monsters were associated specifically with the feminine: Scylla, Charybdis, sirens. He was the guest and hostage of the three Goddesses, whom he served with devotion and respect. Despite despair and endless wanderings, Odysseus received invaluable lessons in communicating with the feminine, without which the return home could not bear great fruit. All the disasters that God Poseidon brought upon him knocked down Odysseus’s arrogance and arrogance, made him more sensitive, and chipped away at his roguish nature. It is no coincidence that he appeared in Ithaca not as a winner in shining armor, but as a gray-haired old man. Humility and love for the feminine helped to cope with enemies and reunite with Penelope on a new level. At the end of the film, Odysseus admits that his wife is his main value. That's how it should be. - In the Korean drama Legends of the Blue Sea, the mermaid protects herself from people by erasing her memory or driving her crazy with one touch. But to a man who loves and reciprocates, she will not harm and will give all of herself. The desire to own, use and exploit the feminine always turns into disaster for the greedy and careless. Although women and feminine things often die at the hands of human predators, they gain nothing, but increasingly lose touch with the soul. - The motive of serving the feminine appears in many myths,
