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"Correct" maternal love. What conditions of upbringing contribute to the formation of a psychologically healthy personality? In this article, I invite you to consider the nuances of the relationship between mother and child during infancy. People who have received the “right” parental love” live in this world as easily as a fish in water. As Freud once noted, “a child who feels the unconditional love of his mother will feel invincible.” If the mother's care during infancy was “correct,” then the child develops a sense of security and a basic trust in the world. This means that, having already become an adult, he will trust himself and the world around him more, which means it will be easier to adapt in relationships with other people and in various life circumstances. What is the main thing during this period for raising a self-confident, courageous, decisive, active child who knows how to rely on himself and make the right decisions for himself? I am sure that all mothers make a lot of efforts to raise such a child. Mistakes more often occur not from a lack of effort, but from ignorance. Infancy As recent studies by psychoanalysts show, it is during infancy that the foundations of attitudes towards the world, oneself, and others are laid. Will the child trust the world and himself; will he be able to rely on himself and others in this world; whether he will be closed, cold, distant or open, sociable and inclined to build warm, friendly relationships. In his first year of life, the child is helpless, completely dependent on parental care, his survival and development depends on how well adults take care of him. Therefore, much depends on what kind of relationship develops between mother and child from birth, from the first days of the child’s life. Peculiarities of interaction in infancy In infancy, parental love has a sensual element and is expressed in physical care during bodily contact and care. The main task of the mother during this period is to open her sensitivity to the needs of the child. To maintain such a close emotional and psychological connection with him in order to be able to correctly guess the state and needs of the child and predict the best ways to meet these needs. In psychotherapy this is called empathic feeling. A close physical, emotional, sensory connection is necessary for a child during infancy. It is a life-giving force for his survival and development. The indifference of adults during this period is the most dangerous enemy for a child; it threatens to stop development, sometimes even stop life. The same can happen even in cases where the mother experiences postpartum depression and no one replaces her in the relationship with the child. Even an insufficiently attentive mother or an unsatisfactory, frustrating relationship for the child is better than their absence. Getting to know yourself and the world through interaction with the mother The main communication, the main dialogue between mother and child during this period is built through touch, care, the mother’s voice, its intonation. In all this, the child feels the mother’s attitude towards him, her love, tenderness, care, as well as irritation, fatigue, sadness, dissatisfaction and other emotions. And it is normal that the child knows the fullness of the emotions of a loved one. This is how he learns about the world, gets to know his mother and himself, feels his mother’s attitude towards him and absorbs this attitude into himself. The more attentive and caring the mother is to him, the better the child will treat himself and, as a result, others. Thanks to this connection with the mother, through contact with her, the child begins to feel and understand himself, his body, his boundaries. He also begins to understand and feel about the relationships in the family system and his place in it. What can a child become closed off from? Care and attention must be adequate to the child’s needs, that is, no more and no less than what the child needs at each stage of his growing up. Overprotection and hyperstimulation are harmful to
