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Avoiding our feelings and emotional experiences greatly harms us in life. When unforeseen circumstances happen, we are upset that our peace is disturbed, we are angry that the world is forcing us to do something we did not plan, we may be afraid for ourselves, for our loved ones, for what is happening next, and this is normal. A person with his whole being is designed to surround himself with stability, to have control over his life, and therefore to foresee everything. And this is true, a person can really influence a lot in his life. But not over the situation as a whole. There is always some part that cannot be influenced or predicted. And if something happens, we clearly see that control over the situation has been lost. Only it is not lost, it never existed. And this awareness can unsettle you. At this moment, it is very important not to turn away from yourself, your experiences, experiences, and the world. If there are blocks that prevent you from experiencing certain feelings, then accordingly they (the feelings) are blocked and you get stuck, do not experience a stressful situation, and trauma is formed. For example. A close relative dies, for example your beloved grandmother. What's going on in the situation? Covers a whole range of very strong experiences. There are many of them, they are different, they may even be contradictory to each other. And here you, having learned to avoid/block your feelings for certain reasons, tell yourself: you can’t feel - for example, you’re angry that she left you. The grieving process drags on for a year, two, three, and the process becomes pathological. You are dreaming about the situation, the situation is disturbing, you are sleeping poorly and frustrated, but there is still no way out for your emotions. Avoidance included. Avoidance can be for various reasons. It seems that if you let go of these emotions, they will be unbearable, that they will become uncontrollable, that they will remain forever, that something terrible will happen. All these ideas are formed in childhood, transmitted from those closest to them and reinforced in adulthood. In order to begin to change this, you need to stop avoiding the negative feelings that arise in a particular stressful situation. Allow them to simply be in you. This is the only way to recognize them, get to know them, study them and understand how to handle them.
