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The art of earning big money is akin to sports achievements: you need to keep yourself in shape, train and maintain discipline. Therefore, in order to improve your “relationship” with money and gain wealth, you must first change your financial behavior. Discipline, training... in a word, athletes You must follow the established daily routine, and most importantly, train. You need to learn how to handle your money correctly: value and take care of what you earn, correctly set the price for everything you buy, and constantly look for new sources of income. Only constant training and strengthening of your skills will help you move forward and achieve good financial results - and “break through the ceiling” when you hit the wall of low income. Following the following rules will save you from money problems and fill your wallet with them: 1) One day - one step forward Every day, make an investment in your future (even the most microscopic one). People want to get everything quickly and at once, but that doesn’t happen. Start laying the foundation for your financial well-being. To do this, devote at least 15-20 minutes a day to reading books on personal finance. And then soon your life will not be slow to radically change for the better. 2) Self-digging or something more? Before going to bed, take the time to evaluate the results of everything you managed to do over the past day. Ask yourself the following questions: What have I done today that is useful for my family finances? What am I spending an unreasonable amount of money on? What will bring me good results in the future? 3) Smart SavingTeach yourself to save 10-20% from each salary. Do not spend them on any needs, under any circumstances. “A penny saves a ruble” - over time, the amount of your savings will grow, and then you should think about investing them wisely. Invest your money, and do not put it off for a “rainy day”! 4) Order everywhere, order in everything Finally, put your “money” affairs in order. Take a notepad and write down everything that generates income in the “assets” column, and expenses in the “liabilities” column. Replenish the first and get rid of the second. Clean the house. Clear the balcony of old and unnecessary things that you save just in case. Reduce information noise and think only about the important. If unexpected expenses invade your life, then think not about how much it will hinder you, but about how can you compensate for this. 5) Much closer than it seems! If you follow these simple rules, you will soon get rid of your ever-empty wallet (and fill it to the brim with money). ADDITIONALLY: Read my other article “Where NOT to invest? TOP 3 most dangerous places for money.” Read my article “What skills do you need to become rich.” TO CONFIRM THE MATERIAL, WATCH MY NEXT VIDEO: I WILL BE THANKFUL FOR YOUR LIKES AND REPOSTS OF THIS ARTICLE
