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I think many people have encountered such a problem in life, when there is no desire to do something, but really need to. There are many reasons for the reluctance to do something. There are good reasons, for example: not getting enough sleep, hungry, illness. In such a state, of course, it is difficult to concentrate on an important matter. There are reasons that drive negative emotions, such as fears (what if it doesn’t work out). The friends of fears are self-doubt, poor communication, perfectionism, rigidity, inability to delegate one’s responsibilities, lack of experience in this matter. And here, until fears are conquered, it is difficult to hope for a good result. In this case, working with a psychologist is a mandatory component. Another reason for not doing it is laziness. The father of laziness is lack of motivation and interest. Here we need to ask the question bluntly: “Why do I need this?”, “What benefits will this bring me now or in the future?” If the answers to these questions are found, then motivation and the desire to act will appear. If the answer is negative, then throw this “lost business to hell” and forget it like a bad dream. It’s worth looking for another business or other ways to implement it. Behind all these reasons is the most important and insidious enemy - lack of energy. You hear complaints about lack of energy more and more often! I would like to say: “Friends, before you complain, turn on the conscious adult within you. Take care of yourself! Eat, treat your health, go to a psychologist, start doing something that interests you.” Only showing interest in the activity you are doing allows you to draw energy! I want to share with you one exercise when you don’t want to do it, but you have to. I myself discovered it once thanks to the famous psychiatrist S.V. Kovalev. So, close your eyes and think about the thing that you don’t want to do. At the same time, look down without opening your eyes. Sit like this for 1-3 minutes. Then, without opening your eyes, look up and remember or imagine a pleasant picture (nature, sea, etc., what you like or where you were, where you liked). Sit like this for 1-3 minutes. You need to imagine the images as vividly as possible, it is advisable to remember the sounds, the smell that were present there, the feelings that you experienced. Repeat the entire cycle 3 times. After this, it will be much easier to get down to business. I wish you to always be filled with the energy of life and creativity! I help people who find themselves in difficult life situations find a way out of the maze of problems. Let me help your soul become happier! Reasonable prices and a kind heart are guaranteed to you! Reviews about my work: https://vk.com/album89934180_252468778
