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The term “Anomie” (from the French anomie - lawlessness, lack of norms; ancient Greek ἀ- - negative prefix, νόμος - law) means the state of society with the disorganization of social norms and institutions, uncertainty and instability of the conditions of human action, the discrepancy between the goals proclaimed by society and the availability for the mass of people of legitimate means of achieving them (taken from Wikipedia). In such a situation, the people who suffer the most are those who depend on the sustainable organization and development of society, people who need external support , creating a sense of external boundaries. If there is no stable, unshakable environment in which boundaries are marked for a person, then his identity crumbles, which is accompanied by a loss of sense of self. Hence, “Anomie” can be seen as a loss of personal integration and integrity. If we assume that in the word anomia the root “nom” means “name”, then we can get a different meaning, indicating that a person has lost this name. Adults who believed in the inviolability of the external world are losing themselves, just like children and schoolchildren who were not taught to navigate this world and look for answers within themselves. They find it difficult to establish internal communication and adapt themselves to the new learning format. Then “anomie” concerns not only the lives of adults who choose external supports for development accepted in society, but also the lives of children. The opinion of peers is important for a child, especially when there is no sufficient connection with parents. He is looking for support on the Internet, where they support his excitement, not harmonization. If a person’s internal processes are not differentiated and he is not used to reflecting, then the part of his consciousness, oriented outward, organizing the individual space (external border) changes sharply - the person is no longer may follow the usual path, he feels thrown out and unnecessary to this world. Our consciousness functions only through relationships, when connections are established with other people and objects, nature, ideas. In the case when consciousness reduces its activity, a person feels powerless, lack of will, internal lack of structure, “darkness,” etc., it is possible to get out of this state through empathy, inclusion, involvement, interest, i.e. through deeper contact with reality. For example, there is no point in reading a book you don't like. This text will still not be taken lightly, but if we imagine ourselves as one of the characters, then all the dynamics of the narrative will affect us, and this book will make an impression. It is also pointless to try to remember all the details of the trip. Only bright moments that were able to capture and make an impression emerge in our memory. In Toledo, I was amazed by the elderly Chinese who painted pictures and slowly became imbued with nature, the beauty of the Tagus River, the banks of which are connected by a medieval bridge, and the dizzying views of the ancient city. They infected me with their presence in this place and time, and this is one of the most vivid memories from my trip to Spain. An “anomic” situation implies not only the loss of personal integrity, but also the loss of previous meanings. An example would be a children's riddle: “without windows, without doors, the room is full of people.” We are used to answering that it is a cucumber, but if we play with the context, another meaning may emerge. For example, a gas chamber, and the riddle becomes a secret message in which a different context, with a different meaning, gives a different space, a different interpretation. The gas chamber is a terrifying reality of the past. And at this moment we leave the childhood context, when we were “fooled” with this cucumber, and enter another layer, where we were told about war, about pain, death and distorted human destinies, terrible sacrifices, as well as heroic deeds and Victory in the Great Patriotic War. Meanwhile, the new experience of “comprehension” does not appear from the past, although past experience can “roll over”. New meanings can be created by the “anomy” of the situation, which affects perception».
