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Arthrosis and Arthritis. What is it? What is the difference? There is arthrosis, and there is arthritis. Their names sound very similar, these diseases affect the same organs - the joints, but the very basis of these ailments is still different. What is the difference? What is arthrosis? One of the main characteristics of this disease is damage to the cartilage tissue in the joint. With any arthrosis, there is aching pain in the area of ​​the affected joint, and swelling may appear. With this disease, cartilage ceases to cope with the load that is placed on it, and it begins to deteriorate more than it can be restored. As a result, the cartilage layer between the bones, which ensures the normal sliding of the articular surfaces of the bones, cannot cope with its function, begins to collapse, and any movements are accompanied by pain. What is arthritis? This is a chronic inflammatory process in the joints. Arthritis is caused by serious disturbances in the nutrition of the joint. It is often accompanied by swelling of the diseased area. The difference between arthritis and arthrosis. With arthrosis, pain is felt during movement, but not at night. With arthritis, pain in the evening and at night, poor sleep. Stiffness in the joints after waking up, which does not go away for two to three hours after lifting, says that there is an inflammatory process in the joints. The symptoms of arthritis and arthrosis have a significant difference. Arthrosis does not have “volatility” in its symptoms. “ Simply put, inflammation that occurs in one joint rarely moves to another joint, leaving the previous one alone. With Arthritis, a “volatile” character can be traced. The difference between arthritis and arthrosis is in the nature of the pain. With arthritis, the pain subsides when the person actively moves, with the exception of morning pain. With arthrosis, stiffness in the morning goes away in a short period of time, the joint “crunches” when moving. “Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs used in the treatment of arthritis can eliminate pain only temporarily. Arthritis may stop manifesting itself, but then attack with renewed vigor. With arthrosis, the reasons why articular cartilage begins to deteriorate can be metabolic disorders, excess weight, or decreased blood flow to the joint. And yet, the most common cause is abnormal stress on the joints. Of course, it is necessary to follow the treatment regimen prescribed by the doctor. but it is also necessary to take into account that arthrosis and arthritis are not a death sentence. The essence of joint disease is the accumulation of dead cells in its tissues. Damaged cells are not capable of dividing and interfere with the regeneration process. Dead cells must be removed. But how? In Body-Oriented Therapy, somatic massage techniques are used, which relieves tension in the muscles and joints that bear double the load due to the diseased joint. The muscle joints are balanced, which take on the function of a protector. They need to be helped to release tension and relax .A gentle manual technique of relaxing the connective tissues around the joint, promotes increased blood flow and oxygen supply. The joint “begins to breathe. “The technique of manually stimulating the “awakening” of the attachments of the muscles located on the back, along the spine, has a beneficial effect on the lymphatic system. Lymph works as a drainage system, cleansing the body of toxins and removing large suspended particles from the interstitial space, as well as supplying all cells hormones, proteins and lymphocytes. There is an opportunity to feel better, free from tension, find contact with your body. And of course, this is only part of the way. By turning to psychosomatics, you can find the reasons for the development of adverse changes in the joints.. This will undoubtedly speed up recovery process. Psychological causes of joint disease in the next article.
