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“Put a cast on a psychotrauma” Hello, dear friends! 🙌 At the request of readers, I continue the conversation about mental trauma. If you have a bruise or fracture, you go to the trauma center; if you have a concussion, you go to a neurologist. It is obvious that the same influences have approximately the same effect on the human physical body. A brick falling on the foot of a president, a digger or a blogger will cause approximately the same damage. But external environmental events have completely different impacts on the individual mental world 🧠. Having gone through a negative experience, some people continue to calmly live an ordinary, normal life. And others break down, acquire severe addictions, and become patients of a psychiatrist. The path of traumatic experience in the soul of each individual person is very individual 💫 Very often, a patient is brought to the psychotherapist’s office by some symptom that, at first glance, has nothing to do with psychotrauma. ❗Addictions, neuroses, psychosomatic diseases, psychotic reactions, obsessions - often the basis, the foundation of such conditions are past negative events. One-time or repeated over time. ▶️ The essence of psychotrauma is toxic, unexperienced, blocked emotions that a person was unable to respond to. For example, the patient lived in a strict family where there was an unspoken ban on any manifestations of emotion. Tears, insults, anger in this family were strictly prohibited and severely punished. The child could not cry or demonstratively slam the door. He couldn't go to his room when his parents were yelling at him. The child’s negative emotions systematically remained unexperienced. Then the situation may follow a completely different scenario. Starting from psychiatric diseases and ending with psychosomatics. Mental trauma begins to “live its own life” in the depths of a person’s personality 👤 After some time, it becomes a symptom that significantly complicates a person’s life. And with a new symptom, as I wrote above, patients come to see a psychotherapist. The psyche most often copes with trauma in the same way as engineers with nuclear waste 🤯. They are buried in concrete sarcophagi, isolated, hidden. A person forgets about the trauma and is not very ready to remember the toxic past ❌ You have to get out the accumulated stress together with a specialist 👥 in a safe environment, immediately changing traumatic experiences, transforming them into safe and even useful ones. ✅ I will tell you how to do this in the next post. Like, ask questions. This is the only way I can understand that this topic is interesting to you 🙌
