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From the author: The most important thing in our life is to take care of loved ones and relatives. Everything said and done from an illness comes back like a boomerang. I bring to your attention a parable about a boy who, with a word, offended his loved ones and relatives. Once upon a time there lived one little boy, and he very often offended his loved ones by saying offensive things, but on one of these days, after he had offended a loved one, the boy came to his grandfather and told him everything, who offered him nails and a board. The boy didn’t quite understand his grandfather and asked, “Grandfather, how can this board and nails help me with my illness?” Grandfather began to explain to him: “When you offend someone, drive nails into this board.” The boy obeyed his grandfather and drove nails into the board like He only offended those around him with his words; this boy had almost the entire board covered in nails. And then one day he didn’t have any more strength to drive nails, and then he thought that there was no need to hurt others and drive nails, and he ran to his grandfather, telling him: “Grandfather, I won’t drive nails into the board anymore.” , I realized that by doing this I was hurting people. And my grandfather ordered him to this board, where one part was covered in nails, and the other was smooth and beautiful without nails. And his grandfather asked him to take out the nails and look at the scars that were left on the board after the nails. So maybe it’s worth thinking about what feelings we make you experience at this moment, having offended or insulted a person. Yes, you will be forgiven and you will make peace, but the scars will remain like on this board!!!
