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From the author: In this article you will find tips on how you can use a therapeutic fairy tale to solve the problems of children’s whims in food and how you can “destroy” them in the family stereotype that “healthy food is not tasty, and tasty food is not healthy.” Tasty or healthy? That is the question? “Therapeutic fairy tale about healthy nutrition” What a pity that as children grow up, they lose the ability to eat exclusively healthy food with pleasure. Therefore, the task Feeding your child healthy food is becoming very important. You cannot force children to eat! Every child is able to decide for himself what, when and how much to eat. Children know how to listen to their body, and it can accurately determine what, what substances it is currently lacking. Children should especially not be forced to eat when they are sick. By offering a child food with the help of persuasion, and sometimes threats, we can “discourage” their food interest, and then he will stop experiencing the joy of eating. He will perceive this process not as joyful, pleasant and useful, but as violence against himself. Yes, of course, in order to be healthy, a child needs to eat properly, and no one will argue with this. This means that every day he needs to receive from food: proteins, fats and carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals. A deficiency of protein foods in a child’s body leads to serious functional disorders. The body grows and requires protein building materials: meat, fish, eggs, liver, nuts. We teach our children to the cultural traditions of the country, family and clan. And food culture plays a vital role in this regard. Eating habits, both healthy and unhealthy, are established from early childhood. And the task of parents is not only to tell and show children how to hold a fork correctly. They must instill in children a respectful attitude towards food as a source of energy and an integral part of a healthy lifestyle. You should adhere to a diet regimen. But what to do if a child constantly asks for fried potatoes or pasta, pizza or sausages, chocolate or ice cream? Are you indifferent to vegetables and fruits? But he can’t stand greens and such healthy boiled carrots and spits them out? How can you feed your child healthy foods if he can’t stand them? Try to create a set of foods and dishes that your child can accept, and not forcefully stuff them into himself under the strict parental gaze. So, just watch your child’s taste preferences. From all the variety of products, there will certainly be something for your picky gourmet: egg dishes, cereals, dairy products, fruits, vegetables. What are the most common mistakes in catering? The food on our table is often monotonous. Fatty, salty, smoked, spicy foods, a lot of sweets and flour in the diet are also family traditions. Not every adult feels good after eating this kind of food, what can we say about children? Sometimes children are indifferent to vegetables and fruits. But everyone knows that a lack of vitamins leads to inhibition of body growth and decreased immunity. Therefore, if you have a choice between tasty food or healthy food, you should choose healthy food. On the other hand, this is also a stereotype: “Everything healthy is tasteless.” Get busy destroying this statement. Preferably with the whole family, including children. Look for interesting recipes, try, experiment together. Let your kitchen become a creative laboratory, where everything healthy becomes delicious! Experience shows that if a child himself participates in cooking, he eats the “fruits of his labor” with great pleasure. The child’s normal desire to help in such an exciting activity as cooking should be encouraged in every possible way. When we involve a child in working in the kitchen, we are not only preparing him for adult life or getting anotherhands ready to help, but we also implement a lot of other useful aspects. Firstly, the child has been entrusted with an “adult” real job and this becomes a very important moment for him in realizing his importance and need. Secondly, by working in the kitchen, the child learns responsibility and new and necessary skills. Finally, the kitchen is an ideal platform for teaching mathematics and logic. The need to count is how many eggs to put, spoons of sugar or salt, drops of juice, how much to peel boiled cooled potatoes for vinaigrette. Next, food prepared with your own hands always tastes better. The child will have an excellent appetite. Cooking is a creative process. We not only teach a child to cook, but also increase his creative potential. On one of the weekends, be sure to introduce the tradition of preparing all the dishes with your child, or even better, with the whole family. For joint culinary experiences you will need: aprons for children, mothers and fathers, plastic knives. Don't forget to prepare a stable and safe stool or chair so that your child can participate in meal preparation along with you comfortably. And of course, a lot of good mood and even more patience (when you clean the kitchen after lunch). However, you can also clean together, and this will also bring joy to the children. Be prepared for the fact that cooking with your child will take longer than usual, but the pleasure from communicating with him will also be many times greater. Time spent in the kitchen together will be repaid a hundredfold by a trusting, special, emotionally positive relationship with your child. There is not a single product that would be impossible to feed a child if you prepare it somehow differently. Boiled carrots? Ugh, what disgusting! But many children will like the vinaigrette prepared with their mother. Or carrot juice with a straw. The juice also contains more vitamins. Oatmeal? Never! What about muesli? And if you pour milk, juice or decorate the oatmeal with fruits and berries. Yummy! All Englishmen, as you know, start their morning with oatmeal and consider such breakfast a guarantee of health. Invite your child to cook this dish himself. Over time, it will be enough to lay out all the ingredients, and the child will cook everything himself. Or draw on a piece of paper exactly what products are needed, and the child will take them out of the refrigerator or cupboard himself. This is a great opportunity for a child to show the independence he strives for. YUMMY!!! I also recommend fairytale therapy, tell your child an entertaining story, fantasize with your child, tell us what dishes you preferred as a child, your opinion is very significant for your child. Your story will be interesting to him, it will bring you closer. Add positive emotions when communicating with your child, tell everything with humor. Or come up with an interesting fairy tale about healthy food together. Play out some scene from a fairy tale, for example: a dispute between vegetables. Let each of you tell us as much as possible about the usefulness of each vegetable and fruit. Believe me, a therapeutic fairy tale is one of the most effective and simple cures for a child against stubbornness and whims in food. I would like to offer you a fairy tale: “Healthy nutrition for Polina’s efforts, or how the vegetables in the garden argued,” she helped one wonderful girl fall in love with vegetables and fruits. I am printing it with the permission of the girl’s mother. We came up with this fairy tale together with Polina. She showed creative imagination and a great desire to participate in Fairy Tale Therapy and Art Therapy. I am pleased with the positive result obtained. When I print fairy tales for children, I make sure to leave free space on the pages for their creativity and imagination to show. Where they can either add interesting changes to the plot or add new characters. Having a sample of a therapeutic fairy tale, you, dear parents, can also show your creativity, compose other stories, or develop this story. After all, the best fairy tales are thosewhich are written with love for your child. Make up fairy tales with your child. Fairy tales are just a tool, but in caring hands they can work wonders! Well, the most important cure for all childhood illnesses is a happy and friendly family! Let your children be healthy and happy! Bon appetit, healthy, tasty and healthy food for pleasure!!! Therapeutic tale “Healthy nutrition for Polina’s efforts, or how the vegetables in the garden argued” Hello! It's me, Polina! I am 7 years old . I am a first grade student. I love to study, I like my lyceum, my teacher, my classmates. I have a wonderful family: dad, mom, brother and me. I am always in a good mood: rosy, because I have many friends. I want to tell you a story about my friend Vasya, who lives outside the city. Here is the house where Vasya lives, I drew it myself. Near the house there is a wonderful garden and vegetable garden. One day a very interesting and amazing story happened to me, I’ll tell you about everything in order. And so, listen: A cheerful and hospitable person lives in this house, this is my wonderful friend Vasya. He loves to grow fruits and vegetables. He goes by car to the store to buy seeds. He plants seeds in the garden, carefully cares for the plants, waters the beds, and carefully cares for every tree in the garden. The grown vegetables and fruits are taken to the store for sale. Vasya happily treats his friends and family to his harvest. First of all, he treats Polina, that is, me, of course, with the first fragrant strawberries, juicy cherries and cherries, tender raspberries. Vasya often invites my family to visit on weekends. This time we took my friend Lucy with us, I really wanted to introduce her to Vasya. My mom and dad and I prepared a gift for Vasya: new vegetable seeds and fruit tree seedlings. Vasya was very happy about our arrival. We relaxed together on the green lawn, listened to the grasshoppers chirping, admired the ladybugs, listened to the singing of birds. How pleasant it was to lie in a flower meadow, where the bells rang merrily - Ding-dong, ding-dong, and delicate flowers nodded to them in time. multi-colored heads. Then we went to the orchard to pick apples. There were many large, fragrant, ripe apples on each branch. Vasya invited us to the garden so that we could choose vegetables for dinner. When we approached the beds, we heard someone whispering, the whispering became louder every minute. “Oh,” Lucy was surprised, but these are the vegetables talking! “I’m the most important one here,” the carrot was angry. I have vitamin A - this is the most important vitamin. It helps children grow. And those who eat vitamin A see well, almost like an eagle. You can't live without me! - No, us! No, we are in charge! The peas were bouncing. . Green peas also contain vitamin A. And there are more of us, which means we are more important! And in general, we also have vitamin B! “I also have vitamin B. I’m not bragging,” grumbled the red bell pepper. . I generally have a lot of all sorts of vitamins that are needed for my heart to function well and for my teeth and gums to be healthy. “And I have vitamin C,” the potato jumped. “It’s more important than all the others.” Whoever eats vitamin C does not catch a cold! - The tomato pouted and blushed out of resentment: - And I have vitamin A, B and C - that’s how much, I’m Signor Tomato - I’m the most important! - Then they all shouted in unison and almost came to blows. A large white cabbage, quietly dozing in the garden bed, picked up the top green leaf and said: “Stop arguing!” When Polina hears that vegetable soup is magical and that those who eat well, grow quickly and don’t get sick, will be happy and eat you all along with their vitamins! “We heard everything, we heard,” shouted Polina, Lucy, Vasya and Polina’s brother Yegorka! The children carefully put cabbage, carrots, peppers, tomatoes, green peas, onions and parsley into the basket. Everyone worked together: mom, dad and the children prepared a meal with healthy vegetables. What a pleasant and delicious lunch it was!.
