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GRATITUDE - feelings of obligation, respect and love for another person (in particular, expressed in appropriate actions) for a benefit done to them. As a moral feeling and duty, gratitude goes back to the most ancient relations of ceremonial exchange of gifts (a gift always implied a “gift” - a reciprocal, rewarding gift), as well as to relations of reciprocity of services. Some modern psychologists consider the ability to gratitude, rooted in infant experience, as one of the primary indicators of a person’s moral sensitivity (responsiveness), as a prerequisite for more complex moral feelings and abilities—trust, compassion, goodwill; a developed ability for gratitude keeps a person from such destructive feelings as greed, jealousy, envy. The Russian word “gratitude” indicates the specification of a special action—a gift as an offering, offering, transfer. Learn to thank yourself first of all, your inner child, thank yourself for all your actions, choices. It is in such a grateful state that we enter a state of peace and quiet with ourselves, self-acceptance and forgiveness. Find many things, people, events, phenomena, situations, etc., for which you can be grateful, and feel gratitude for each of the listed points. To start, you can say “thank you” or “thank you” mentally or out loud if it’s difficult to feel gratitude. You remember something and are grateful for it. Then you remember something else and give thanks for it. And so on. Who should I thank? Look at the situation. You can thank the person (who did something for you). You can thank your Guardian Angel, Higher Powers, God, Life (depending on what you believe in). When you thank a person, thank also the Higher Powers (Life, God) for giving you this person. Look through your entire life and find so many things to be grateful for and radiate that gratitude. In the beginning, you can help yourself by asking “what can I be grateful for?” and find pleasant situations, gifts, compliments, people, funny stories, etc. - any positive. Then you will find some “neutral” things, people, events, etc. that you previously did not consider worthy of gratitude, but now you do. Give thanks for them too. Then you will find the “negative” moments in your life, the unpleasant life lessons, which will now look in a completely different light and will also be worthy of gratitude. You can walk down the street and thank life for everything that comes your way, the same at work or at home - the practice of gratitude is universal. In the end, you will feel grateful for everything, for your entire life, and experience an incredible feeling of happiness, Divine Unconditional Love and Oneness. At this moment the ego will simply disappear, there will be complete acceptance of everything that was, is and will be. Be also prepared for a series of insights and a whole new understanding of life. To achieve this state, more than one approach will be required. But every time, after practicing gratitude, your state will change so much that it will be difficult not to notice the change. See what changes in your life as you practice radiating gratitude..
