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The problem of infertility is relevant, but still remains taboo. The environment is very contradictory regarding this topic, so the woman finds herself alone with her diagnosis and feels her negatively colored exclusivity. But it is somehow necessary to cope with this situation, so each woman, depending on her personal characteristics, uses different methods of coping (overcoming). Many infertile women have an intensified desire to join a community of like-minded women, where they can receive information and other types of support. In offline mode, the work of such communities is difficult, but in online mode it is always relevant, only the format and platforms for posting change. If earlier it was important to communicate on thematic forums, now it is important to maintain blogs that are dedicated to pregnancy planning, infertility, and communication on these topics. Such blogs are a kind of public diaries, the owners of which share their experiences, stories, and events. As part of my dissertation research, I studied 100 accounts dedicated to the topic of infertility: they are publicly available, they are run by women who are at various stages of treatment. A distinctive feature is the fact that despite the frank nature of the posts posted (information about treatment, physical sensations, symptoms, state of mind), most women are not ready to reveal their identity. Instead of photographs, there are most often photographs or drawings of pregnant bellies, pregnancy tests, babies, married couples. Perhaps this is due to the desire to hide your story from your environment. Such information is hidden from relatives in order to avoid discussing their problem during family meetings, judging and labeling. Such information may be hidden from friends either due to a lack of understanding of the essence of the problem (for example, a friend with children) or insufficient support. Someone does not want someone close to them to know that the child was born thanks to the IVF procedure. This can be a manifestation of negative exclusivity when a woman understands that even during pregnancy she is still different from those pregnant women who which all happened naturally. A kind of protection for yourself and your unborn child from possible condemnation. In any case, impersonality is necessary for women who run a thematic blog. Several women have a note that they will reveal their face as soon as they become pregnant or give birth. Perhaps this is due to some assessment of oneself as an “inferior” woman, and with pregnancy and childbirth this label will disappear. The profile header itself may contain information about the experience of infertility, the number of operations performed, diagnoses, failed pregnancies, obtained / frozen embryos ( they are usually indicated by the graphic symbol “snowflake”), how this blog differs from others, what can be obtained in this blog, as well as about various life circumstances. In my dissertation research, I found out whether blogging helps in coping with a stressful situation infertility, what are the short and long term consequences of running such a blog. Start. Continued in the next article: “Do blogs about infertility help? Part 2.” © Quoting/copying of this article (or part of it) is permitted with the obligatory indication of the author and source of citation
